Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 09, 1966, Image 2

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday, July 9, 1966
At Lancaster Yards
Weekly Review
July 8, 1966
CATTLE 2500 Supply in
cluded an. estimated 70 per
cent Slaughter steers. 15 per
cent Cows and Bulls with
Feeder steers scarce Slaugh
tei steers strong to 25c High
ei. Instances 50c Higher. Cows
steady to weak Bulls mostly
50e Higher Not enough feed
er sales to fully test trends
Couple loads High Choice and
Pnme 1220-1300 lbs 27 50-
27 75. Choice 1000-1350 lbs.
25 85-27 25, Late mainly 25 85-
26 75. with few Choice 900-
1000 lbs 25 50-26, High Good
to Low Choice 25 35 26, Good
24 25-25 50, Standaid to Low
Good 22 50-24 50
COWS Utility and Cdm
nieicial 18 50 20 60, Cutter 17-
85 20 25, Cannei and Low Cut
tei 15 75 18 50
BULLS Choice 25-26,
Good 23 25 25 35, Utility and
Commercial 23-25, Few 1500-
2100 lbs 25 60 26 75, Low Util
ity 20 50 23
Loads Choice 900 lbs 26
CALVES 325 Vealers $2-
4 Highei than last weeks close,
(Continued on Page 3)
Vintage Sales Stables, Inc.
Bulls, steers, butcher cows,
Hogs, lambs and veal calves
Sold on Commission
Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M.
Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale
Every Saturday at 10 A.M.
For marketing information -
l - ' - Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 V '
Box 100 Paradise, Pa.
10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30
foV power econom
* MORE MILEAGE from chain that's hardened
clear through and designed exclusively for barn cleaner
'fa DEPENDABLE Starhne has been building high
quality dairy bam equipment since 1883.
ir COMPARE the features of a Starline Barn
Cleaner witn any other and you 11 know why it's the Buy
of a Lifetime
3)0 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster
K. I). 3, Litit/, Pa.
Phone: Lant. 397-5179 Strasbmg 687-8002 Lititz 62G-776G
CATTLE 697 Slaughter
steers steady to 25c Lower,
Instances 50c Lower. Cows
mostly steady. Bulls mostly
50c Higher.
Choice 1000-1350 lbs. 25 85-
26 75, Few High Choice and
Prime 26 35-27 35, Few Choice
900-1000 lbs. 25 50-26, High
Good to Low Choice 950-1250
lbs. 25 35-25 85, Good 24 25-
25 50. Standard to Low Good
22 50-24 50.
COWS Utility and Com
mercial 18 50 20 60, Cutter 17 -
85-20 25, Canner and Low Cut
ter 16 50-17 75.
BULLS Good 23 25-25 35,
Utility and Commercial 23-25,
Few 1500-2100 lbs 25 60-26 75,
Low Utility 20 50-23
CALVES 118—Supply main
ly Good and Choice Vealers
Vealers stiong to $2 Higher
Good and Choice 32-36 50,
Standard 30.50-32, Utility 29-
3150, Cull 21-27 50, few 65-85
lbs 20-22 -
HOGS 180 Barrows and
gilts 50-75 c Lower Sows fully
steady Barrows and gilts US
1-3 185-245 lbs 25 50-26, few
(Continued on Page 3)
Kenneth E, Hershey, Sales Manager
choose a
BeiMU i
Labor SaweeS
I 1
Auction Only
July 6, 1966
Vintage Auction
July 5, 1966
CATTLE 802 Slaughter
steers 50-75 c Higher. Cows
mostly 50c Lower. Bulls steady
to 50c Lower. Supply included
17 percent Cows.
High Choice and Prime 1100-
1300 lbs 26 35-27.60, Choice
950-1325 lbs. 25 50-26 75, High
Good to Low Choice 25 00-25.-
75, Good 23.85-25 50.
COWS Utility 18 60-19 85,
Cutter 17 25-19.25, Canner and
Low Cutter 16 00-17.25, Shelly
Canner 15 00-16 00.
BULLS Good and Choice
23 25-24.75, Utility and Com
meicial 22 50-25 00
CALVES 500 Vealers $2 -
00-4 00 Higher, most advance
on Cull and Utility Choice 33 -
00-35 50, Good 30 00-33 00, Stan
dard 29 00 31 00, Utility 26 50-
29 50, Cull 25 50-27 50, 60-85 lbs.
22 00-26 00
HOGS 222 Barrows and
gilts 25-75 c Lower US 1-3 185-
240 lbs 26 00-26 35, few US 1-2
26 60-27 00, 2-3 180 250 lbs 25-
25-25 75
SHEEP 45 Spring Lambs
steady to weak Utility 40-80
lbs 20 00-22 50, few Good 23 GO
-24 50
Use leftover slices for cold
plates, cold sandwiches, in
gravy for hot sandwiches, or
heated in a barbecue sauce or
brown gravy
Serve leftover meat loaf
cold or icheated with canned
mushioom soup oi tomato soup
pouied ovei
Robert K. RoHrer
Bulldozing - Grading
Potr Sales & Service
Barn Cleaners - Silo
Unloaders - Cattle Feeders
Quarryville, R. D. 1
Hensel 548-2559
Kirkwood Feed & Grain
H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc.
Stevens Feed Mill, Inc.
Stevens, Penna.
CATTLE 1164 Slaughter
steers steady to 50c Higher,
most advance on early sales
Choice and Prime. Utility
Cows fully steady, Canner and
Cutter steady to 50c Higher.
Bulls fully steady. Supply in
cluded 14 percent Cows
High Choice and Prime 1050-
1350 lbs. 26 35-27 50, Choice
950-1325 lbs 25 60-26 85, High
Good to Low Choice 25 25-25 -
85, Good 24 50-25 60, Standard
to Low Good 22 75-24.50.
CATTLE -Compared Fri
day last week receipts 18,-
600 compared with 19,600 last
week and 20,100 a year ago.
Twelve market supply 143,900
compared with 160,400 last
week and 156,800 a year ago.
ro n Slaughter steers and heifers
BULLS Choice 24.50-25 75, weie stea( j y t 0 2 5 lower after
Good 23 50-25, Utility and steers began the holiday short-
Commercial 22 50-25 60, Few enec j week 25-50 higher and
Low Utility 20-23 heifers were steady to 25 high-
CALVES 336 Vealeis $3- er early Cows sold strong to
5 Higher Choice 35-36 50, mostly 25 higher and bulls
Good 32-35, Standard 30 50-34, were steady. In the carlot
Utility 27-30 50, Cull 26-28 50, dressed meat trade steer beef
70 85 lbs 22-26. sold 50 higher, heifer beef
COWS Utility 18 50-20 50,
Five head 20 75-22, Cutter 17.
75-20, Canner and Low Cutter
16 50-18, Shelly Canner 15-
16 75.
SHEEP 25 Not enough advanced 25-50 and cow beef
on sale for a market test was strong to 100 higher,
COWS mostly 50-1 00 higher.
The 109 cows, 7 bulls, and Prime 1200-1375 lbs 26 25-27.-
18 heifers offeied this week 25, largely 26 25 26 75, after
sold steady with fiesh Hoi- early Tuesday, High Choice
steins bunging 275-540, Guern- Prime 1150-1450 lbs 25.25-
seys and other breeds, 150- (Continued on Page 3)
New Holland Sales Stables, Inc.
Monday: Horse Sale .... 10:00 A.M.
Tack Sale to Follow Horse Sale
Monday: Hog Sale 11:30 A.M."
Monday:-Beef Cattle ... 2:00 P.M.
Sale Order Bulls, Steers, Cows, Calves 1 ’
Wednesday: Sale of Dairy Cattle .. 12:30 P.M.
Thursday: Sale of Beef Cattle * 12:30 P.M.
Sale Order Bulls, Steers, Cows, Calves
Ph. New Holland 354-2194
stop in for more information
New Holland Auction
July 7, 1966
Sale Schedule
with a small daily feeding of
Ful-O-Pep Super Greens Pellets
Vitamin-rich Ful-O-Pep Super Greens
step up feed intake . . . bring out the
very best in your hens.
They’ll help promote top production,
good hatchability, and long laying life.
Just sprinkle a few Ful-O-Pep
Super Greens Pellets over youff
regular mash each day.
Harold H. Good
S. H. Hiestand & Co., Inc.
Grubb Supply Co.
275; bulls, 140-185; heifers,
July 4, 1966
Receipts totaling 287 head
sold steady as nding horses
brought 110-400; driving hors
es, 110-250; and killers, 6Mi-7
cents per lb. Pony mares, 20-
(Contmued on Page 3)
Chicago Cattle
Weekly Review
New Holland, Pa.
Terre Hill