10—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 9, 1966 4-H CLUB NEWS MANHEIM 4-11 STITCHERS NAME QUEENS by Joyce Carpenter, reporter At u meeting Wednesday at the Manheim Central Junior High School, the Manheim 4-H Sewin'g Club elected Carol Bauknight and Martha Fisher as its junior and senior queen candidates, respectively. At the next meeting, to be held July 12. there will be a poster contest for which first and second prizes will be awarded in two different age groups. The posters will be used to publicize a bazaar that will be held July 29, 1 pm., at the Silco Store m Manheim. WHAT’S COOKING CLUB HOLDS LUNCHEON Two members of the. What’s Cooking Club. Carol Muny and Reba Shelly, were select ed to attend and participate in the Lancaster County 4-H demonstration to be held July 8 at 1 p.m. in the Penn Manor High School Presiding at the club meet ing. June 29. at the home of Mrs Willis Bucher, Lititz R 2, was club president Reba Shel ly The club members recited the 4-H pledge and sang sev eral songs The minutes were j-ead by Margaret Grube, sec retary Roll call was answered by each girl staging what food item she had prepared since the last meeting Carol and Eva Murry show ed the group how to make “Butterfly Salad ” All the girls brought muffins they had baked and scoied themselves with the aid of their hand books Special feature of the meet ing was a luncheon consisting of vegetable soup, carrot and raisin salad, cinnamon toast, cup custard and lemonade which was prepared and served to the membeis by Reba Shel ly, Margaret Grube, Sharon Kieidei, Robin Becker. Bar bara Stephan and Carol Murry It was decided at the meet ing to entertain the ladies at the Moravian Home as a com munity project on August 10 IETHRLfURE &MOKETOWN Ph. 397-3530 Club members will entertain their mothers and hold a round-up at the Bucher home August 16 at 7 p.m. Next meeting will be held at the Bucher residence July 13 at 1 p.m. LEOLA PINCUSHIONS NAME QUEEN CANDIDATE . , .. _ . , held at the Penn Manor Jun by Cindy McQuate, reporter ior High School on June 29 The Leola Pincushions 4-H meeting began at 12 noon Club met June 29 at the home f WO new members, Pa of Mrs. Jacob Hoober. tricia Eshleman and Lu Anne The meeting was called to Fralich, responding to roll order by president Marie ca n. Grumbine. and members re- After the business meeting, sponded to roll call with the the girls taking the project name of their favorite sport. —“Adventures in Foods” Sandra Grumbine was elect- divided into four groups. They IMI himced-sided IkllsiAj cattle feedeib FILL-K-FEED V x \ V: FEEDS CATTLE FAST-ALL AT ONCE Jamesway’* big, rugged time-cycled cattle feeder With non-plugging open J-trough and big auger deliver* silage, pre-mixes, grains or processed feed in volume. Feed dumps all at once, prevents crowding. Com* in to day for free literature. J LANDIS BROTHERS, INC 1305 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, Pa. 1 Phone 393-3906 ********************************************* I Harvesting Grain? I * * * * j Take Advantage of Our brain | J * i Bank & Grain Storage Program | * * SPECIAL BENEFITS ? All Grain put in storage will be cleaned, J treated and weighed FREE. $ All Grain will be processed on the basis * of the exact weight brought in. * STANDARD HAULING CHARGES * IN EFFECT t * * J Hauling will be available for the following * * Grains: J * (Barley, Oats, Wheat, Shelled Corn) * % • DRYING BENEFITS * J We are equipped to handle any high * J moisture grains. * * ♦ * We are also interested in buying your excess * * grain on the daily market basis. * * SEE OR CALL US TODAY * IS. H. HIESTAND & CO. I t { 1 SALUNGA Phone 898-2248 * T ■* ♦ Custom Mixing ? * - * *■ Fertilizer Feed Grain Coal J ed to represent the club at the Junior queen contest Following the meeting, mem* bers worked on their projects, and refreshments were served. There were 11 members and three leaders present. The next meeting will be held July 13. KOOKIE KOOKS MEET by Ellyce Jean Engle, reporter The third meeting of the Penn Manor Kookie Kooks was V'# made brownies and « boveragoLlTlTZ-MANHEIM 4*ll with the guidance of the lead* SEWING CLUB MEETS er, Mrs. Dull, and the junior . ._ . _ . leaders, Linda Porter, Doris tt j u j TTIIef/i* Tnen Til© LltltZ a Minn©ilTl 4*H 56W* Harnlsh, and Ellyce Jean lftg club met July g Jn Warwick High School home The next meeting will be economics room. held at 12 noon on Wednes* President Judy Buckwalter day, July 6, at the Penn Man*, j ed the 41 attending member# or Junior High School. (Continued on Page 12) For Extra Yields TOP DRESS NOW FARMERS' FERTILIZERS FARMERS' FERTILIZER WORKS 365 West Bainbridge St. Elizabethtown, Pa. Quality Fertilizer Since 1904 Phone 367-1211 :♦> <♦> £♦>, ♦se.r.sc. >a>v -ix-simm Your capital can remain untouched when you finance with John Deere 4 / 1 Buy with no down payment— full protection terms conveniently scheduled to your income That’s right* Equity in paid-for equipment of any make, and in John Deere Equipment you’re financing, can be all or part of your down pav ment. Ask us about waiving of finance —another John Deere Credit Plan feature. A. B. C. Groff, inc. New Holland 354-8001 SKotzberger's 665-2141 Wenger Implement 1 Co. Buck BU 4-4467 Elm -a>v..»si>y-r»sief .>a>y"»a>y-.-ag.. .*»?. ♦ai.v-.5K. -re-r-ara with Area Code 717 Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 393-3906 Alan Beyer Christiana LY 3-5687 M. S. Yearsley & Sons West Chester 696-2990 'I