Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 02, 1966, Image 9

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    WILD DUCKS use Weavers’ ponds to raise their
young. Roy and Mrs. Weaver enjoy having them
around, and throw out liberal handfuls of feed for
the feathered brood daily. L. F. Photo
Farm Ponds has to keep after excessive
(Continued from Page 8) growth of waterweeds and fih
~ , mentous algae. Weaver has
Then, if you manage to deal - . ,
effectively with all of these “ ze ‘ hat and weed coitrol
Sodue? vou chemicals takes care of this
£ V e to worry about muskrats P roblem - As Houseknecht ex
ruining the pond itself by bur- ed ’ fertilizer (either a 20-
“ ~ 20-5 or 8-8-2 analysis) applied
rowing holes in the walls so J
the pond won’t hold water. early in the spring encourages
In addition, the operator the growth of microscopic al-
KNOCKS OUT Haymaking Problems
Mows, conditions and windrows in one
simple operation. Because it uses a rev
olutionary new Flick-Bar instead of a reel,
the 816 costs less at the start... costs
less to maintain . .. and works in any
thing from clover to tallest Sudan hybrids
without bunching or tangling. You also
Pflake full use of. good hayma'king hours
with the 27 Baler. You’ll pack, your crop
away at a rate of up to 14 tons per hour.
-With a big 52" wide pickup and 2 1 /z" flare,
you take the entire windrow without driv
ing over any of it. Feeder tine? gently
See the new International Harvester Haymaking Combination at...
' S
L -
C. B. Hoober
Messick Farm Equip.
- 367-1319
Kauffman Bros.
' 285-9151
lakes us about two sea
produce a marketable
'w,” he said, adding that
heard of it being done
time by some, but that
isn’t managed it.
fish are fed twice a day
■ them growing faster,
itched Mrs Weaver mix
- a batch of “home-made”
ior one pond which con
sisted of meat scrap, cotton
seed meal, middlings and wa
ter Sometimes this is fed wet,
and other times simply scat
tered in dry form on the wa
The fish are sold to bait
stores for resale to fishermen
Most of Weaver’s customers
come to the farm and haul the
bait in their own containers,
but in some cases Weaver has
to deliver the order.
The fish are “harvested” by
tossing in metal fish traps tied
to a line. These traps arg two
get balanced-head mower action, full
width conditioning rollers with quiet poly
V-beltdnves and a new three-knuckle PTO
drive assemblythatdelivers smooth power
in the tightest turns. In 7 or 9-foot cutter
bar models.
move the hay into the baling chamber
with no damage to protein-rich leaves.
And just like bigger IH balers, the 27
has a big heavy-duty power train and fa
mous 3-phase knotters that tie bales 17%
International Harvester
Sales and Service
EPHRATA - 733-2283
Cope & Weover Co.
icKptonMert.' If these ex
to a depth of about 18
, they shut off sunlight
ation necessary to the
of waterweeds and fili
>us algae. You can tell
you have a satisfactory
ition of algae and plank
[ouseknecht said, by the
ish-green appearance of
Ides dealing with all the
factors which try to
ie bait-fish producer out
;iness, Weaver has the
hemselves to contend
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 2, 1966—9
basket halves which lock to
gether. He may pull in 50 to
150 minnows with each cast.
The traps are then emptied
into a homemade, portable
grader which sits in the wa
ter where the operator is
working. The screen on the
grader is designed to hold only
market-sized fish, permitting
the under-sized fish to escape.
When do you market fish 7
Weaver said he gets calls for
fish as late in the season as
December and as early as Feb
ruary. "It pretty much follows
the fishing season,” he said,
adding that “with ice fishing
getting so popular, it seems
the fishing season is getting
longer each year ”
The Weavers have also been
raising shiners, a larger bait
fish, but have found they are
consideiably haider to grow
than fatheads
One vital ingredient m a
Weeds Choking Your Pond?
We’ve got just what you need
to clean ’em out fast:
ORTHO Diquat
Use a little Diquat in that choked-up pond of
yours, and in ten' days you’ll have clean clear-
water for. irrigation, swimming or even a fishing*
Diquat kills aquatic weeds like nothing you’ve
ever seen before. You name it; water lettuce!,
water fern, pondweeds, coontail, southern naiad,'
waterhyacinth, elodea. They’ll all wilt, collapse
and die.
Diquat is easily applied Use it as directed.
It is non-hazardous to fish. In fact, it would take
twenty times the maximum recommended dosage
to be at all harmful to fish. After ten days, you’ll
even be able to swim in the water or use it for
spraying or irrigating. That’s all it takes for Di-
quat to dissipate completely.
The best news is the economy,
A little Diquat goes a long
way. See use right away . . .
we’ll be glad to tell you exact-
ly how little you’ll need for
your pond. You’re in for a
happy surprise.
T.M Reg. U.S. Pat Off.: Oitho.
On All Chemicals. Read Cautions
and Directions Before Use.
successful fish business is a
reliable supply of pure water.
Weaver has a spring deliver
ing 15 gallons per minute.
This is piped into the 20x20-
foot, concrete holding pool,
and from there, successively,
to five ponds in a row. Weaver
said this was not the safest
way to handle the water sup
ply since contamination in any
one of the upper ponds would
be passed to all of those be
low it through the continuous
water supply.
Another important ingredi
ent in successfully operating
any pond is a nearby creek.
Weaver doesn’t use his creek
as a water souice for fear of
some contaminant killing the
fish However, he does use it
to handle by-pass water from
the spring when necessary, or
when draining one of the
(Other picture on Page 12)
Phone Lane. 397-3539