4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 2, 1966 From Where We Stand,.. Could A Pond Help Your forming Operation? A farm pond has many uses, al though not all of them can be applied to the same pond at the same time. A recent survey of 200 pond own ers in New York State showed that fishing, swimming, fire protection, and waterfowl production are leading uses, although livestock watering was fre quently the initial reason for construct ing a pond. Of the 400 to 500 ponds on Lan caster County farms, Soil Conservation Service supplied technical assistance on about 200. How many of these were built with cost-share money under the Agricultural Conservation Program we don’t know. The county ASCS office explained that such money is available for farm pond construction for irri gation, livestock watering, and fish pro duction, adding that a request for an Irrigation pond requires a definite dem onstration of need if assistance is to be granted. In ponds.approved for those three uses. ASCS will pay 50 percent of the costs, with maximum payments of $5OO on irrigation ponds; $3OO for livestock watering, provided no other source of water is available on pasture; and $lOO for fish pond construction. Before any payment can be made under this cost share program, however, pond construc tion must be certified as satisfactory by SCS. Although one of the prime benefits of a farm -pond is for fire protection, ASCS has no cost-share plan which in cludes that use. However, any reason able-sized pond, regardless of its pri mary function, can furnish water a .for fire fighting. In many of our rural areas in the county your farm pond may provide the only water at hand when a • Vo-Ag Boys (Continued from Page 1) go id and Earl Hertzog, 20, Wenger, James Huber, and silver, Dairy Products: Earl Edward Krexder ' Stauffer, 8, silver, Raymond County judging winners Burkholder, 14, bionze, Les were - ter Weaver, 7, silver, Poultry: -MANHEIM CHAPTER Linford Weaver, 1, gold; Farm Land Judging: Delbert Kautz, Mechanics: David Merkey, 11, 9, gold. Meats Judging: Robert 51 vei Ulrich, 13, bronze, Salesman ship: Russell Adamire, 7, sil ver GRASSLAND CHAPTER Livestock: Larry High, 33, H M , Meats Judging: Freeman MANOR CHAPTER Stoltzfus, 17 HM Land Judg- Dairy: Richard Thomas, 1, J"®; Le °? aid Go ° d ’ 7 ' go \ d ' gold; Livestock: Kenneth Roh- » airy: Eugene Brendle 22, rer, 7, gold and John Hess, 15. onze > Salesmanship: James silver, Poultry: Gary Mai tin, Musse , r ’ 9. silver Land Judg 'l3, silver, Dave Erb, 12, sil- ,ng: Amos Reiff ’ 4 ’ gold ver, Marlin Groff, 19, silver PEQUEA VALLEY CHAPTER and Lester Wagner, 24, Dairy; Jacob Stoltzfus, 13, bronze, Ornamental Horticul- silver, Livestock: Edwin Roh ture: Bruce Frey, 4, silver ier , 35, HM, Farm Mechanics: SOLANCO CHAPTER Richard Bomberger, 33, HM. Forestry: Roger Wintier, 15, silver, Farm Mechanics: Lee Kinsey, 19, silver, Land Judg ing: Glen Redcay, 13, silver, Robert Haddan, 5, gold, Clay ton Harrington, 1, gold and Fred Kreider, 23, bronze Chapter Procedure Team: 1, gold. gold GARDEN SPOT CHAPTER The Lancaste r-York area Hairy: Larry Breneman, 10, softball team won the State gold, Farm Mechanics: Thom- Championship during FFA Ac as Houser, 10, gold tivities Week. J.AKCASTER farming Temperatures for the five tanca,ter own rarm day period Saturday through PO Box iob - Lint/, Pa ir,43 Wednesday will a.verager Of 1 ices 22 Main st above the normal range of Biut/, Pa 1 1 >42 mid 80’s to low 90’s and Phone, Lancastei ri4-,Ult7 or , , ..” „ 5 ’ an Litit/. 1,20-2101 , , dai, y low s mitlrtr low'-BO’s r>on Timmons, llditoi , to low 70’s. > 1 ' Pot,ei t o c.vmphcU, Aci\ et us,iris It will be warm through- Dnectoi ou t the period, 'moderating tSubfeCi iption puce >2 pei seat in s li<rhtlv during th. c-,. Lancastei Counts, >1 elsew h,ei c ° / Clunng i the first part Estftblish«d \o\ ernbo 4,1 m" of next week. Precipitation Published e\civ Satuiday b\ mav total 1/10 i nn i, i., Lancaster Fannin, Litit/, Pa W>Wl 1/10 UK*, mainly Second (Jass Postage paid at as showers, widely scattered, Lititz Pa i ,•>!'! through eaily part-of next i, « week. fire breaks out. It would seem that this reassurance should be worth a great deal to a farm family. ★ ★ ★ ★ Fourth Of July The traditional Fourth of July our fathers and their fathers knew has largely gone from the land. Fireworks, save for organized, licensed displays, have been widely outlawed on grounds of safety. With them have gone the orations, once commonly held in town souares and fairgrounds in which lead ers in government and enterprises paid their tributes to those who founded the nation, and who gave us the powers of mind and spirit which made possible the maintenance of our freedoms and the creation of material abundance. These orators, needless to say, were often naive and flamboyant. But still, there are a profound merit in what they said and meant no matter how inept the choice of words might have been. They did paint a picture of the American ideal, the American philosophy, the American tradition. And even those who stayed but briefly to hear them felt stirrings of pride in our heritage. All this is gone or generally so. The Fourth has become just one more holiday, just one more reason for folks to take to the road. And something vital, something that was at the heart of things, has gone out of American life. It needs to be restored if we are to save this nation from lethargy and cynicism within, as well as from our enemies without. And it can be ... if on this and every Fourth, we give a quiet moment to reflecting on the values our forebears bought for us with blood and treasure. We must determine to do all we can to defend those values and pass them on, untarnished, to our children and our children’s children. CLOISTER CHAPTER Livestock: Tom Zartman, 8, WARWICK CHAPTER Dairy: Paul Brubaker, 15, silver, Land Judging: Ronald Kline, 20, silver, Dairy Prod ucts: Howett Seiverlmg, 5, gold. ELIZABETHTOWN CHAPTER Salesmanship: John Kurtz, 5, Weather Forecast Electricity important To Modern Agriculture Electricity is potentially a major source of energy for ag riculture, according to E W.' Walpole, extension agricultur al engineer at the University of Delaware Nationally, irrigation repre sents the largest single use made of electrical powei in agriculture today. However, an inci easing number of faimers are taking advantage of elec tncal energy to replace the dwindling labor supply In par ticular, material handling is being electrified on faims with such equipment as silo unload ers, gutter cleaners, feed grinders and electrical auto matic feeders Heating equipment is anoth er expanding use of electricity on the farm Heating units, including everything from wa ter bowl heaters to complete home heating systems, are fre quently in use on American farms today The ease of con- SMITH trol, the cleanliness and the To Acclimate Dairy Heifers fends are urged to resatrct the low installation cost are the First-calf heifers that are to proper stage of growth before mam advantages of farm elec- be ad ded to the milking herd grazing or harvesting With tncal heating systems, he s h o uld fee given some training sudan grass delay usihi until sald „ , prior to freshening; we sug- the .growth is 16 to la’ inches T Jht re advantages gest that they be hand i e d high, in the case of the sudan toJl6 u ® e of ele ctncally pow- alongv wl th the milking herd sorghum hybrids the growth ered equipment, Walpole a bout one month before they should be 30 inched hi°h LT.O stoT a „Tr e ."sn‘y lre J shen A «” - b f” The “ *•*“ -of grot* ™ adapted to automatic controls gett T- g acc “ stom i ed to the necessary to avoid the danger adapted io automatic controls. da ily routine will make it pos- of prussic acid noisoHno in A Wide range Of sizes allows _ lhl p for th „ heifer tn he mere Hao : ~ P° lsorin S ni maximum efficiency as does * 1 * f neiiei to be more the 'plant cells; younser and mcuimuiii emuency as aoes at ease at freshening time and more tender omwth nf --nth the interchangeability of units to vield „ reater nf naer eiowth ot -joth of The costs of electricity are o t amounts of these crops have been found competitive with other forms - 'to be higher m pruss.c acid of production energy, and To Recognize Proper Growth cont ® n ‘ ; Second growth (after maintenance costs afre also " Groweis of Sudan ■ trass' nr ”Jf th |™ wth ) should also be low Thera .. no air polh.-' any of the VndTnSor f hum h”; 1o Teaoh these ha.ghts tion and the noise before using level is low. 5 ' ♦ , * • c • Lancaster Forming Classified Ads Get Results , Bivim"lhiriftn" Lesson for July 3,1966 ■■■ .1 your people' to obey." . , .. . r , No, What 'God did fay waa, fcelifr#unJScriplur# E*cdci 20 I 2 !• «r t j .uL«. 5 c*t~co 24 19 24, Hot#* 11 14 John U I 15, . * * m „ J OUT God, W«IC> Heir«*s \ \ a * brought you out of Egypt, out ml Dmf.« n «ißiWinfl ismohsiti 6«. 12 f3a. the house of bondage/Therefore: " Became il’a the law t You ,h * H h * Ve no other B® d “ « ‘rh* Bible s.v.Vo “• (.before me." Before God ever came hit "Thou thnlt’s” and n.it2 »' ’■ ’ But 0C y ex '"Thou shall net’s," he first acted pec !, ** ‘, , on Israel’s behalf, freeing them „ flr^ ,on * tl e ! e ’. f we are told, from the slavery of the Pharaoh, carry much weight any more. o n i y w h en he had first done that There is a rising tide of human did 7 he fma n y aav: -Therefore. emand ’°. r , t “ e this is what I require of you . . on Therefore, " Thou shall” rc a iK l< ? r * is the real basis for \q the installs- j aws> rules, and commandments. •n of a new There are certain expectations 1 ?:„ , , that govern the relationship be \\hat will be parent and child, between ie basis of *“18 husband and wife .between citizen lew m , o . ral ;‘ y ;and community, between Creator -•esumably: that and creature. - which is " natu- Rev, Althousc ral.” The as- THERE IS PURPOSE be ’ /,? U ’ S How does this change our natural, it s got to be good. perspective in regard to moral T hl .f w as J h f. reasoning of a f aw? F lt means God i 5 notan “““ recently wrote a letter- overbeari tyrant who enjoys to-the-editor of The New York making - toe the ma W> Times. He proposed an end to all His cO B are not the barriers, both legal and moral, resu it Q [ a "divine irritability” prohibiting pre-marital sexual re- that just doesn’t "like” or "fol iations. It is unnatural to ask erate i certain thlngs . Behind his our youth to wait,” hesaid."What requests there ls e not personal two people do together in their w £ im or ri but £ urpose . else”s P affai a r C ” n ° Though we »ot always a a ,, lr ‘ , . ... understand that purpose, we will P r °P° sal that respond to him asthe Father who created us, as the gracious Savior ficial who S^se'oovTer we* re forming drugs be sold; openly to TT ,^ rT ,hprinJ > what tip has |J>»nisLnrt narcotic addicts, thus ending the what he has don^hnd Illegal traffic- in*drugs and "elim- ar *d anticipa mg wnat he inaling the immo'ral element.” The do, we espond, not out of basis: "If they want to Use drugs, du H but in, loving that’s their business.” f nd grateful obedience. HiS right _ to command us with the divine CART BEFORE HORSE "therefore” is founded upon who 4 Apart from these radical pro- * s: our Father, tests against the "old” morality, , ’f?" 1 * n 7? ,n “ , wv';» hl * l >•» *• iL a «/, _ i #r Chn»iti«n Education, National Council there_ are, also churth.i .t chmi m th. u. s. a. by it considerably less vigp-r ous communityPr*»s«rvic«} protests in our own home's, our own neighborhoods, our own ,coprmHnities> Qne cannot help but ATTEND THE CHURCH conclude that the protests against np VOTTT? rHOtrif the old rules are in reality a pro- JIUUK L-rIUICE test against all rules. SUNDAY Now Is The Time . .. By Max Smith, Lancaster County Agent Read LANCASTER FARMING For Full Market Reports This Ii hardly a n«w state of affairs In human hiitory. It Is, the same dilemma that has faced man down through the centuries. For one thing, we tend to put the cart before the hone. We per sist In thinking of law as the master, when in reality it Is meant to be the servant. WHY OF'THEREFORE' God did not come to Moses, tapping him on the shoulder and saying; "Hello there; my name is God and I have here a list of lea rules that I want you and To Prepare For August Seeding Alfalfa growers who are plann.r.g ‘ an early August seeding should be gettiiHi tjien* ground ready at least a month ahead e" time. For seeding during hot weather it is very important to have a firm, fine seedbed, rather than one recently plowed and i open, loose condition A complete soil test will reveal the amount of lime and f*r tihzer needed and these elements should be rorked into the ground ahead of seeding A well prepared seedbed is very important, tre hand seeding method is strongly recommended for best results '
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