—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 2, 1983 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review July 1, 1966 CATTLE 2960 Supply in cluded near 70 percent Slaugh ter steers, about 20 percent Cows and Bulls with the bal ance Feeder steers. Slaughter steers steady to 25c Higher. Cows 50-1.50 Lower. Bulls 75 to 1.25 Lower. Feeder Steers steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1000- 3350 lbs. 26-27, Load Prime 1202 lbs 27.00 on Monday. Choice 900-1200 lbs. 25.25-26, largely 25.25-25.75, Choice 1200- 1350 lbs 25-26, mostly $25- 25 75, Mixed Good and Choice 24 75-25 50, Good 24 25-25, Standard and Low Good 23- 24 25 cows Utility 19-2150, mostly 19 20 at close, Cutter 18 50-20 50, Canner and Low Cutter 16 25-19 25 BULLS Choice 24-26, Good 23-25, Utility and Com mercial 2175-26, Individual 26 50 FEEDER STEERS Choice (Continued on Page 5) New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Sale Schedule Monday: Horse, Sale ' 10:00 ~A.M.| Tack Sale to Follow Horsey-Sale 7 Monday: Hog Sale .. . . 11:30 A.M.- Monday: Beef Cattle . ... 2:00 P.M. Sale Order'— Bulls, Steers, Cows, Calves Wednesday: Sale of Dairy Cattle 12:30 P.M.* Thursday: Sale of Beef Cattle 12:30 P.M. Sale Order Bulls, Steers, Cows, Calves JOHN H. GINGRICH, Mgr. Ph. New Holland 354-2194 Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows. Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold on Commission Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M, Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager SS«?>isSSSSSSS Need . . . HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN Buy Now and Save! More and more fanners, are buying from ns tor better value and all around satisl action. Delivered any quantity Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 Esbenshade Turkey Farm MARKET Auction Only June 29, 1966 CATTLE 845 Slaughter steers fully steady. Cows 50- 1.50 Lower. Bulls 50-1.00 Lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1000- 1350 lbs. 26-26 85, Choice 900- 1200 lbs. 25.25-26, Choice 1200- 1350 lbs. 25-25 85, Mixed Good and Choice 24.75-25.25, Good 24.25-25, Standard and Low Good 23-24 25 COWS Utility 19-20, few 20.25-20.75, Cutter 18 50-20, Canner and Low Cutter 16 25- 19. BULLS Choice 24-25 50, Good 23-24 10, Utility and Com mercial 21.75-25 50, Individual 26 50 CALVES 202 Vealers $2- 3 Lower. Good 29-31, Choice 31-33 50, Standard 27-29, Util ity 24-26, Cull 20-25. HOGS 222 Barrows and gilts 25-50 Lower. US 1-2 190- 230 lbs. 26.50-27, US 1-3 190- 230 lbs 25.75-26 50 __ SHEEP 99 Spring Slaugh ter lambs $l-1 50 Lower, Good 22 50 23 25, Utility 20 50-22.50. Since 1890 PARADISE, PA. New Holland, Pa, NEWS REPORT Vintage Auction June 28, 1966 CATTLE 561 Slaughter Steers 25-mostly 50 lower; Cows 50-1.50 lower; Bulls SO LDO lower; High Choice and Prime 1000-1350 lb. Slaughter Steers 25.75-27.00; Choice 900- 1200 lbs. 24.75-26.01, 1200-1400 lbs. 24.25-25.60; Mixed Good and Choice 24.25-25.25; .Good 23.60-24.75; Standard to Low Good 22.85-23.85; Utility Cows 18 50-20.00, few 20.50-2150; Cutter 17.50-19.75; Qanner and Low Cutter 16.50-18.00; Choice Bulls 24.25-25.60; Good 23.10- 24 60; Utility and Commercial 99 i n.9<; 9<; CALVES 402 Vealers 50- LOO Lower; Good Vealers 31.- 00-34.00; standard 29.00-32.00; Utility 27.50-30.00; Cull 19 GO -28 00. HOGS 293 160-180 lb 22 25-25.25; 180-200 lb 24 DO -27 50; 200-220 lb. 26 85-27.85; 220-240 lb 26 50-27.85; 240 lb. up 22 00-26 35. SHEEP 118 —Spring Slaugh ter Lambs 50-1 00 Lower, Good Spring Lambs 23.50-24.50; Util ity 20 00-24 00 Guernsey Cows Complete Records Two registered Guernsey cows in the herd of Rutter Bros , York, Pa , have recently completed top official DHIR ac tual production records Rut ter Bros Bonanza’s Patti, a sir 5 year old, produced 12,500 pounds of milk and 599 pounds Of fat in 296 days Brooklawn M B Maryann, a Sr. 3 year old, produced 13,440 pounds of milk and 735 pounds of fat in 3?5 days Both cows weie jfulked 2 times a day A senior three year old reg istered Guernsey cow, Breezy Tnn Farms Chita, owned by jHairy W Blessing, Wnghts ville, has completed an official DHIR actual pioduction record of 11,900 pounds of milk and 633 pounds of butterfat, in 305 days, 2 times a day milking 500 5005 with new Ful-Q-Pep “5QO M Egg Feeds Modern computers have determined that the most profitable egg feed in terms of lowest feed cost per dozen is one which produces a dozen eggs on 4 lbs of feed—equivalent to 500 dozen eggs per ton. ' New Ful-O-Pep “500” Egg Feeds, for floor or cage, are designed to give you 500 dozen eggs per ton on a year-around basis, under good environmental conditions. If you are a good manager, Ful-O-Pep 500 is made for you. What would 500 dozen eggs per ton do for your profit column 7 Ful-O-Pep 500 ANOTHER FINE PRODUCT OF THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY Kirkwood Feed & Grain Kirkwood H. M. Stauffer & Sons, inc. Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Stevens, Penna. June 30, 1966 CATTLE 768 Supply in cludes 20 percent Cows. Slaughter steers 25c ta most ly 50c Higher. Cows and Bulls 50 to 1.00 Lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1000- 1300 lbs. 26-27.35, few 27.50- 27.75, Choice 900-1300 lbs. 25.25-26.25, Mixed Good and Choice 24.75-25.50, Good 24-25, Standard to Low Good 23-24.25. COWS Utility 18.50-20.50, few 21.25-21.50, Cutter 18-19.50. Canner anti Low Cutter 16-18. CATTLE _ Receipts 20,000 _ B - C^ OlCe T T 2 * 4 ;. 1 . 0 ' 26 ' 35 .’ compared with 20,300 last Good 22.85-24 35 Utility and week and 26>000 a year ago . Commercia! 22-25.75. Twelve market supply 1541,800; CALVES 290 —'Vealers $3- com p a red with 163,300 a week * L ° we c r ; C * 01 “ ago and 184,500 a year ago. ftv 23 50 2f a Cull 20 25 ’ U Slaughter Steers ' steady to 1 Cul i, 20 2 °‘ , , mostly 25 lower. Heifers gen- SHEEP 42 Not enough of erally 50 lower C ows 25-1 00 any one class on offer to test lower Wlth utility and Com . market mercial 50-1.00 off. Bulls steady to 50 lower. Carlot dressed beef at Chicago, Steer Receipts totaling 103 cows, and Heifer Beef steady to 50 2 bulls and 15 heifers sold higher, except Standard 50 steady with fresh Holsteins lower. Cow Beef 50-2.00 off. bringing 275-700; Guernseys, (Continued on Page 5) Witiner New Holland Auction cows June 29, 1966 GROCE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. SELINSGROVE, PA. OQZEIM PER TOM S. H. Hiestond & Co., Inc. Grubb Supply Co. Elizabethtown 150-295; other breeds, 150-250. HORSES June 27, 1966 Horses sold steady 'as 323 head changed hands. Riding and driving horses brought 110-300, and 110-250 respective (Continued on Page 15) Chicago Cattle Weekly Review June 30, 1966 Harold H. Good Terre Hill Salunga
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