Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 02, 1966, Image 16
Id—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 2, 1966 Area 4-Year-Old Holstein Sets National Record A new level of production performance for junior four year-olds milked twice daily under official testing super vision has -been established by an area registeied Holstein cow For the second time, Sinking Springs Ivan Blight (VG) has established a first place national recoid Her current success is a 365- day lactation of 31.820 pounds of milk and 1.216 pounds of butterfat, started at foui years, five months of age She is now owned by Sinking Springs Fauns, Inc of York, Pennsyl vania her breeder was the late Louis J. Appell, foimer owner of the Sinking Spungs herd “Bught" earned national ac claim in 1964 when she com pleted a junior thiec yeai old, fii st place i ecord ot 25 600 pounds of milk and 93.1 pounds of butterfat This still stands as a first place national maik for that age gioup J. Paul Martin Martin Named To Top 20 Club J Paul Mai tin, 808 Bioad St Akion District Repiesen tative foi Allis Chalmeis, Har usburg Bianch in Lebanon, Lancastei and Chestei Coun ties, has been awarded the honois of the “Top 20 Club” toi the third time Member ship to the club is based on sales and business manage ment and is awaided annually to 20 men in North Amenea Mai tin was piesented toi membeiship ceiemomes by Ralph English, Sales Manager oi the Harusbuig Blanch The citation was given by Robeit Engle, chan man ot Planning and Maiketing W G Scholl, piesident, piesented the ceitifi cate ot membeiship Lififz 4-H'ers Receive Awards Man AJice Giavbill Lititz R 2. and James E Kelteung, Lititz R 3 weie piesented with SlOO scholai ships Tuesdav b' the Kiwanis Club ol Lane is toi The winneis weie selected tiom among five applicants each ol whom wiote an essas on What 4H Club Has Meant to Me Contestants weie ■judged on the basis ot then 4-11 Club lecoicls and need, accoiding to John C Long Si chan man of the club’s agncul tine committee -Miss Giaybill is a sopho inoie at the Pennsylvania State Univeisitc of Indiana and Kelteung will be a freshman at The Pennsylvania State Uni veisity. Tn unit riov« nf her iiiiot butterfat among registered of 31,M2 pounds of milk In to produce over 30,000 pound! tnctniion “Bricht” hud 27 000 Holsteins milked twice daily 364 days. of milk in a single lactation nnnnri* ’of milk nnd 1050 1° the junior four-ycnr-okl dl- "Bright” was sired by Os- under official test supervision. Sounds of butterfat which was vision. borndale Ivanhoe (J3X-GM). Her new national record was a first nince milk ’and second Thc new record holder’s and Is out of the homebred completed under DHIR testing, Diace butterfat record in her current milk record displaces dam Sinking Springs Col Star conducted in cooperation with home state Nationally the ten- the forme r class leader who (VG). According to Holstein- Pennsylvania State University. month production rank* sec* hoi worn the crown linco 1958 Friesian Association of Amer ond for milk and fifth for with a long-standing lactation lea, “Bright” Is the 351st cow