Form Equipment 180 Amp. Idncoln Welder, New Price $BO.OO. Hiestand, Inc., Rl, Marietta. Ph: 426- 0301. For Sale Used milk cool ers; one 300 gal. Wilson bulk tank, stainless steel, good con dition; one 400 gal. Esco bulk milk tank, MCD No. 1 approv ed; one 300 gal. Jamesway bulk tank, SS., two 40 gal. Girton; one 300 gal. Girton; one 350 gal. Esco, MCD No. 1 approv ed; one 400 gal. Esco. CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Ph. Intercourse 768-8501 For Sale Deep well pump 200’ 2 ’ pipe. Also 5-10-15 hole chicken nests. Ph. 653-3395. For Sale Combines, self propelled and pull type with bins rnd baggers; balers, har vester?, choppers, elevators, blowers, forage wagons, rakes, moweis and rotary mowers. ' KEENER EQUIP. CO. Phone 569-9861 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa. See The New 60 Ton per hour UNI-SYSTEM Chopper New IVs HP. Vacuum pump $298. WILBUR GRAYBILL New Idea - Clay - Mch. Shop Ph. 626-5221 Lititz Livestock For Sole I jA large selection of young Wis ■consiV' Holstein Dairy Cows Mostly close and fresh Deliver ed to jour farm on order. A mere post card or letter will jtynng our field man to your |tarm ior arrangements Free jtaxi service to see cattle for jAmish dairy farmers Teims cash .ei liberal credit Write or ■Phone "I. Greenberg & Son, Box 249, Mount Holly, New Jersey. AC 609-267-1101, “50 yrs. of experience ” For S.-le—4 fiesh Angus cows, all rer.stored Also registeied Angus bull. C Martin Green leaf R D #l. Oxford, Pa Phone Kirkwood 529-2704 MISCELLANEOUS PIPE .Steel used No. 1 shape —2, 3, 4,6, 8 inch Call 739-9040, Maryland Pipe, Box 394, Hagerstown. Md. MULCH HAY .Highest prices paid, any amount. Kaolin Mushroom Farms Avondale, Pa. Ph: 1-215-268-2262. For Sale Mushroom Soil to beautify your lawns and gar dens Any amount Gap New port Mushroom Farm, Phone AC 215-268-8808. Lane. Area Ph 2611. NATURAL FOODS Tasty, Natural, Whole Foods! You should try these to see what a difference pioper care and affectionate handling can make' We raise and prepare foods ot all kinds here-on our faun along lovely Penns Creek. No shoit cuts no chemicals, poisons, synthetics or aitifi cials Everything is done in Jthe best way we know. ,We wish you could come to isee the whole, unique opera tion. People do. from every where. Our store and ‘plant’ are open daily from 8 to 4, Sundays excepted. We ship by mail, too write for our con fusing list! WALNUT ACRES, Penns .Creek, Pa. Household Goods Tappen gas ranges, Norge ap pliances, Quaker oil heaters and bottled gas service. BENJ. SHENK Lampeter, Pa. Phone 397-2488 1966 DOMESTIC sewing ma chine, cabinet model. 5 months old. Over casts & Monograms, Sews on buttons; makes button holes. Blind-hems skirts and dresses. Fancy Stitches. No at tachments needed. Sews with 1 or 2 needles. 5 year guaran tee. UNPAID BALANCE $27.80 or terms of $5 down and $6 per month Call Capital Credit Dept. Lan caster 3924341 or Reading 372- 5763, out of town call collect. Poultry & Supplies Famous CHIX-CINERATORS. Efficient disposal of dead chickens, turkeys or other small animals by cremation. 30 day guarantee or money re funded. Hiestand, Inc. Ph. 426- 9301. Egg washers, new and used. We repair all makes. Hiestand, Inc., Marietta Rl, Ph. 426- 9301. DEKALB STARTED PULLETS Phone DeKalk York Hatchery, York 848-1770 oi DeKalb Dis trict Sales Office, Lancaster 394-5157. Now is the time to have your dairy barn or chicken house air conditioned by Vent-O-Matic. Control venti lation 'without drafts. All in stallation guaranteed. Also other used fans. Also Chore Time' poultry' equipment. Hiestand, Inc., Marietta Rl, Ph. HA 6-9301. BABCOCK B-300's Top on Farms Everywhere will he Tops on YOUR FARM too .... BABCOCK HATCHERY, INC. R. D. 3, Lltif.z, Pa. Phone: 737-626-5872 CUSTOM HAULING OF ALL TYPES PHONE 397-8854 Ph. 397-0035 Richard R. Forry gpnjoyMf Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of ' Poultry and Cage housea Also equipped for oil spraying in Poultry houses. Auction HOLSTEIN DAIRY SALE Saturday, July 9 at 12:00 Noon 44 HOLSTEIN DHIA COWS 44 Herd average 14.154 m -519 f Mostly artificially bred . . . Milking Equipment, Gehl Wag on, Chopper, etc. WARREN C. ELSTON Sale at Odessa, Del. HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC., Sales Managers JOE RUDNICK, Auctioneer Monthly Maryland Feeder Pig Sales 1:30 2nd Monday Caroline Sales, Denton 4th Thursday (4th Fri. - Nov.) Rudnick & Sons, Galena Vaccinated - health inspected - graded pigs sold by pound to highest bidder. Maryland Swine Producers Fairgrounds, Timonium Local Classified Advertising Rates Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1) Issue (3) Issues 14 or Less $1 00 $2 40 15 105 2 52 16 112 2 69 17 119 2 86 18 126 3 03 19 133 3 20 20 140 3 36 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, % Lancaster Farm' mg)- 50c additional Ads running 3 or more con secutive times with no change billed at 20% discount with $1 00 minimum DEADLINE Wednesday noon of each week’s publica tion. LANCASTER FARMING P O Box 266 Lititz, Pa. Ph Lancaster 394-3047 or Lititz 626-2191 Poultry & Supplies GARBER G-200 Leghorn Layers a champion for INCOME combined with EGG QUALITY Day Old Chicks and Started Pullets FLORIN FARMS, INC. R. D. I, Mount Joy 653-9891 Layers Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-2455 MOUNT JOY R. 1. PA. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 2, 1966 • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) ly; killers 7 to 7M: cents per lb Pony mares, 20-70; geldings 20-90. No mules offeied. HOGS June 27, 1966 The 660 head offered sold steady to 25c higher. Retail 27.25-28; wholesale (US 1-3) 26.50-27.25; heavyweights, 25- 26; sows, 18 25-20. No shoats reported. CALVES June 27, 1966 Calves sold steady with 110 head offered. Choice and prime 34 50-36; Good and Low Choice 32-34; Standard, 30-3150; Com mon 20-27 50. Mail Box Market For Sale Purebred York shire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass champion ship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm, R. D. 1, Strasburg, Pa. Phone AC 717 786-2562. For Sale 2 row Oliver po tato digger, good condition. $l5O. Harry H. Good, Manheim R 4, Phone 665-5642. For Sale Beautiful toy Pom eranian puppies, AKC Reg Also stud service Mrs Julius Belser, Elizabethtown R 3, Ph. 367-2267 ft *4 PRECISION I fcf V FERTILIZER I Cl I DISTRIBUTOR P* " AND SEEDER Now available in 3 models Tow type ground driven as illustrated, 3-point hitch and Tow type, P T.O. driven. Hopper capacity up to 1000 pounds. Do your own *'Bulk-Spread<ng” now and have these plus features too! H. BRUBAKER L R. D. 3, Lititz, Pa. 350 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster Phone;. Lane. 397-5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-776# REAL ESTATE For Sale: Dairy and beef-cat tle farms, country homes, and town properties in beautiful Bradford County, Pa. “ThiS is cattle country.” Harold P French, RE Broker, Troy, Pa. 16947. PHARES G. OBERHOLTZER DAIRY DISPERSAL SALE TUE., JULY 5, 1966. , 1 MILE NORTH OF REIN HOLDS along the road leading from Route 897 at BLAINS PORT TO GALEN HALL, LANCASTER CO, PA DUE to ill health I am re quired to sell my dairy herd consisting of 23 hi grade Hoi. milk cows with records, testing up to 4% All home raised out of ATLANTIC breeding—stock with size and type All vacci nated, health charts furnished sale day. Milk cows in various stages of production many bred to freshen AUG. AND SEPT Also 5 bred Hoi heifers, and 6 open Hoi heifers. 2 DAVID BRADLEY milking units and pump, 18 milk cans, Stewart clipper and other dairy equipment IF in need of dairy cows do not miss this sale. SALE at 1 PM, D.S T. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCI DENTS. H H. LEID, AUCT. MUSSER M 327 LEGHORNS A Strain Cross developed m Lancaster County, Pa, for commercial egg farmers who require a bird to meet pre- 1 sent day stiff competition. . Bred to resist the stress of local environment. Our Leg- . horns have not been in fluenced to any extent by outside strains for the last 25 years. • Heavy Production • Large Egg Size • High Interior Egg Quality • Priced Right Sound Interesting? Write for Details & Chick Prices. MUSSER LEGHORN FARMS R. D. 1, Mt. Joy, Pa. “Serving Egg Pioducers Since 1916” 15
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