14 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 2, 1966 4-H CLUB NEWS RTRASBURG COOKING CLUB ORGANIZES by Marilyn Krantz, reporter The Strasburg 4-H Cooking Club held its organizational meeting on Thursday, June 30, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "Robert Hess. Seventeen mem |>ers were present. , The following officers were president, Donna Hess; president, Carol Groff; secretary, Cindy Hess; treas urer, Joyce Groff; song lead er, Sharon Groff; game lead ers, Donna Welk and Betty Umble; and news reporter, vjlarilyn Krantz. The chosen projects for the club are “Adventures in Cook ing” and “Food When Com pany Comes.” The candidates chosen by the club for the Long Park Field Day Queen are Carol Groff, senior contestant and Marilyn Krantz, junior contestant. The adult club leaders are Mrs. J Robert Hess, Mrs Rich ard Hess and Mrs. Robert C. Groff. The next meeting will he held July 12. 4-H Sewing Club Demonstrates Work by Carol Rohrer, reporter Members of the Lititz-Man heim 4-H Sewing Club met re cently in the Warwick High School Home Economics rooms. Shirley Buckwalter, vice president, was in charge -of the meeting and led the group in saying the 4-H pledge. The minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved. 801 l call was taken with 40 members present. Debbie Wenger led the group in sing ing “If You’re Happy.” Three demonstrations were presented. Janice Keeny and Pam Becker showed the prop er way to lay out a pattern Shirley Buckwalter and Carol Rohrer demonstrated how to cut out a pattern. Diane Palmer showed how to stay stitch. Following the business meet ing, the girls worked on then projects. Junior leaders help ing this year are Diane and Daune Palmer, Pam Becker, Dairymen! CONTROL FLIES with CIODRIN and VAPONA Combination Spray Approved for use on dairy cattle. Alfalfa FERTILIZER 0-20-20 3-12-12 0-15-30 Available in Bulk, Bags or Spread ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. GROFFTOWN RD. next to Waterworks Ph. 392-4963 or 392-0374 the club divided into their sew- They can make anything of ing groups. Connie *Stehman their choice and will be mod- Shirley and Judy Buckwalter gave a demonstration to the eling their outfits at Dress Re- Carol Rohrer and Janice first year girls on dai!y cnre VieW - Keeny of hands and nalls - ' The cooking girls will take The' next meeting will be ppoll _. A 4 „ f cak *- ™ ad ? fran » tbe ' r « ci P e held June 28 at 9 a.m. at the fJJSS? JSSSJa their 4 H book - to Roundu P Warwick. High School Home SEWING PROJECTS Economics rooms PENN MANOR CLASHING THIMBLES SEWING CLUB was held at the Intercourse Members of the Lexington Fire Hall, Monday afternoon. Hilltop 4-H Stitchers learned by Doris Harnish, reporter The projects the sewing th « rudiments of sewing at The work session of the group is working on include , second meeting held Penn Manor Clashing Thim- project one, which is a choice bles 4-H Club was held Wed- of a triangular scarf, slippers, nesday, June 15 at the Penn poncho or an apron. Project Manor Junior High School, two is a full skirt; three, a During the business ipeeting sleeveless dress; four, a school the leaders announced that the dress and five, a wool skirt, meetings will be held from 9 The sixth level is the most I Harvesting Grain? I J I I Take Advantage of Our Grain I j ★ i Bank & Grain Storage Program I * * ♦ • ♦ » ♦ x x- * x- X- X t • X- X- X- X ♦ X- X- X * • X- X- X- X x> X- X- X- X- X- X- X- SPECIAL BENEFITS % All Grain put in storage will be cleaned, J treated and weighed FREE. J All Grain will be processed on the basis $ of the exact weight brought in. * STANDARD HAULING CHARGES | IN EFFECT X Hauling will be available for the following * Grains: £ (Barley, Oats, Wheat, Shelled Corn) * DRYING BENEFITS * We are equipped to handle any high * moisture grains. * ° ■¥ • • • * are also interested in buying your excess * grain on the daily market basis. { SEE OR CALL US TODAY * CO. I We |S. H. HIESTAND & SALUNGA * * ♦ Fertilizer Feed Grain Coal J ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★it Frey Bros. Why the Frey Economy Gate was Built Dear Gate User: For many years there has been a need for a GOOD steel gate. There have been many different metal gates on the market but none have all the featuics desired by people who use gates regularly. I have been using gates of many kinds for many years and after be ing knocked down, stuck by splinters, cut by - - sharp edges and even had a bull come through a gate after me, I decided to build the BEST GATE THAT COULD BE BUILT, one that would hold stock, not sag, not break down, and not have any wide panels to catch wind, or any sharp edges, to cut any one or their stock. The FREY ECONOMY GATE has been accepted by many people in the livestock and horse business. I am aware there is no such thing as a perfect gate and there will never be, but I believe that jou will agree with our many customers who have used the FREY ECONOMY GATE, that the FREY ECONOMY GATE is the best gate on the market. There are lighter weight and lower cost gates on the market, but when considering all facts and points, FREY ECONOMY GATES give you the most for your money. , Due to- customer demand we now have a complete of all-steel, all welded; livestock handling equipment. If you need something special send us plans and specifications and we will be glad to bid on it. a.m. to 12 noon initead of 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. After the butineis meeting by Carol Eby, reporter Hilltop SHtchirs TTie second work meeting Start New Projects of the Pequea Valley 4-H Club * Phone 898-2248 Custom Mixing FRED FREY sophisticated and can only be tackled by girls who have com* pleted five years of club work. FREY ECONOMY GATES GIVE YOU MORE • DESIGN—By a cattleman for the stockman and horseman. • STRENGTH—Light weight tubular steel, all welded construction. • SAFETY—There are no sharp, edges to cut you or your stock. • HANDLING EASE—Because they offer very little wind resistance anyone can open or close a FREY ECONOMY GATE in any wind with NO EFFORT. • VALUE—When all facts are considered and compared to other gates you will find that FREY ECONOMY GATES give you more value than any other type of gate bar none. • QUALITY—FREY ECONOMY GATES were designed to be the gates available anywhere and they will NEVER SAG. • ALL NEW STEEL HEAD GATE—2 models to choose, one for side exit and one for straight-thru exit. • ALL-STEEL ALL-WELDED FARM AND RANCH GATES— -8 models to choose from. • SALT AND MINERAL FEEDERS—with face fly applicator • ALL METAL PICK-UP. STOCK RACK • STOCK TILT TABLES • - ELECTRIC < GATES—imported - from England ,• FREE STALL A GATE FOR EVERY NEED June 23 at the home -of-t Mrs, Thomas Smith, Lltitz El. Marta, Smith presided as president. During roll call the girls responded by giving the name of their favorite singing group. A wedding card for Miss Joanne Warner was sign ed by all the girls. Mrs. Smith gave a demon stration on good grooming of nails. After the demonstration the older girls started their projects by cutting out their patterns. The first year girls learned how to recognize dif ferent fabrics and how to sew on a straight line. R. D. 2 QUARRYVILLE PENNSYLVANIA Phone: (717) 786-2335
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