Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 02, 1966, Image 13
4-H Club News PINCUSHIONS CLUB ELECTS QUEEN The club leaders showed the by Cynthia McQuate, reporter first year girls how to use the The second meeting of the sewing machine. Cindy Me- Leola Pincushions 4-H Club Quate and Marie Grumbine was held on June 22 at the gave a demonstration on good home of Mrs. Jacob Hoober. posture. Refreshments were The meeting was called to or- served, der by the president, Marie ■ Grumbine. The secretary’s re- • port was read by the assistant ‘SNOOPY SNIPERS’ secretary, Cindy McQuat'e, SELECT PROJECTS which was flowed by the by Judy „ reporter rCP by RUt The. ‘Snoopy Snipers’ 4-H Oberholtzer. Club held their weekly meet • Hie club decided to entering Monday at the home of .the Queen Contest. Marie Mrs. Joyce - Pyle. Grumbine, daughter of Mr. and A business meeting was •Mrs. Ray Grumbine, Leola, Was held and the girls were told elected senior queen. The club .to have their dues in by the CUSTOM SPRAYING HIGH PRESSURE WASHING and DISINFECTING in all types of poultry houses. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. Phone 392-7227 <«•"<♦> <♦> •:♦> <♦> -as* <♦> <♦> ■»> <♦> •: WE RE Cohvtlk3- ctfacLyetr tutotautdecL .. . SEE HOW WE’RE EQUIPPED ■? - IKv’i i J fj. <' V 4*. ' 1 >J- - 5 ' < v C a: lU .1 L , S .yttiu i u , /'.i tV V' •. ■■ ►' ,*V. ' will select a Junior queen at the next meeting. Sandra Grumbine, game lead er, lead the club in several games. TO SERVE YOU ’ *> « Men - i c >* J ( ijj NEW HOLLAND •• c 5 • >{s «. *•«' a, Z *> .-a*. ~ -s- ~*-x£ FORD TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT DEALER! £ WITH TOP VALUES FOR YOUR farming needs IMPLEMENTS —A big line of modern matching equipment— lift type, pull type and front mounted—to help you farm better, easier and at lower cost. SERVICE —Skilled personnel with facilities and equipment to provide prompt, efficient attention to your needs. We are pleased to announce that Alien Matz has assumed the Ford dealership in New Holland, formerly, held by Sauder Bros. You are welcome at our store at 505 East Main St. From Sauder Bros. A “Thank you” to all our faithful customers for their past patronage. ■ ■ ' n ■ k £ i < * next meeting. A work period Lancaster Fanning, followed the meeting. «SS/S STLrz Bull Announce New ects. They could select one of Milk Quality Program the following: poncho, TV T «i j « « slippers, apron, tote bag, or . , L ® land H . Bl | l - slata sccre ' wind scarf tary of a S r multure. has an ' The members were helped nou .™ cd a statewide milk with their projects by their control program to be adult leaders. conducted by h.s department. Inspectors from the Division of Milk Sanitation, Bureau of Foods pnd Chemistry, will check supplies at all of the 750 dealer plants in the state and on producing farms to de tect any trace of abnormal milk. Fulton Grange Confers Degrees Fulton Grange #66 held a special meeting at their hall in Oakryn, Pa., June 20 when- First and Second Degrees were conferred on nine candidates. The Lecturer, Miss Agnes Spence, announced photo and art contests which will be held October 10. The Home Eco nomics Committee will hold a coleus contest in the fall. A regular meeting was held June 27 when Third and Fourth Degrees were given six and j|rs Clifford Hollo candidates. The Grange will way j r Mrs. Charles Tindall furnish a savings bond for the Sr > Earl Smokeri M rs. Marian Harvest Queen contest at the Anknm, Mrs Charles McSpar- Southern Lancaster Co Com- ran and Theodore Beck mumty Fair in September The next meeting Wlll be Membership awards were July n and the annual picmc presented by the Master Gyles Wlll be held at the Grange Brown, to Mrs Stanley Stauf- Ead j u j 25 fer Jr, Miss Agnes Spence, In NEW HOLLAND 505 East Main St. Matz , , r y-’ ' Secretary Bull said immedi ate steps, will be taken to cor rect any such conditions. For the present the program will rely on voluntary cooperation of producers and distributors Most of the larger milk dis tributors for the past several years have been conducting their own screening opeia- ‘‘ i': ! j,l i Itv ■'i . . 1 . Ti* t C.. DENVER i i* X I' r .0 ’1 - V ,C i * *'■^l .'-V-'-,, NV * ‘• ft 1 *' r I Saturday, July 2, 1966 tions, and invariably these have satisfied requirements of the new program, Bull staled. He anticipates full compli ance by July 1, 1967, when all fluid milk from any origia that is shipped across state lines will be placed under regula tions of a national abnormal milk program. Action by the Department of Agriculture conformed to rec ommendations made recently by the new Pennsylvania Mas titis Council. The council’s proposals were drawn up by a special committee named by Dr. Roy F. Davenport, Phila delphia, president. SUPER Self Service SHOES 2750 Columbia Ave. Lancaster Lane. Co.’s Largest Shoe Store All Ist Quality Super Low Prices Robert K. Rohrei Bulldozing - Grading Patz Soles & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 Hot water... plenty of it! IflQ With a Texaco Fuel Chief Water Heater! These handsome, glass-lined heaters are full> automatic and occupy a minimum of floor space. They produce hot v. ater faster is normally used for shaving, bathing, dishwash ing, and laundering—and at a fraction of the cost of old fashioned water heaters Come in and see them. We also carry the complete line of Texaco Fuel Chief furnaces, boilers, oil burners, and Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil the best your money,can buy. (TuelChjefl r~ A * * ,We ,Give S,&H Green Stamps Oil (Garber ’ 'if 7 1 ' * : * r I £"£ r £~ ' r; ■ ' : *" fMsfF»B:view St. r? • PJb. 653-24,21, 1 13 Co.