Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 25, 1966, Image 9
CHARLES E. COWAN, Lancaster, third from right, who as secretary of the Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association, recently presented wrist watch awards to five DHIA supervisors with 25 years service or more. From left to right they are: Thomas Fox, 30 years; Alfred Shingledecker, 35 years; Charles Henry, 28 years; Cowan; Donald Hindman, 34 years; and Robert Scott, 35 years. Weeds Choking Your Pond? WeVe got just what you need to clean ’em out fast: ORTHO Diquat Use a little Diquat in that pond of youhs, and in ten days you’ll have clean clear water for irrigation, swimming or everi a fishing 2d hole. Diquat kills aquatic weeds like nothing you’ve ever seen before. You name it: wafer lettuce, water fern, pondweeds, coontail, southern naiad, waterhyacinth, elodea. They’ll all wilt, collapse and die. Diquat is easily applied Use it as directed It is non-hazardous to fish. In fact, it would take twenty times the maximum recommended dosage to be at all harmful to fish. After ten days, you’ll even be able to swim in the water or use it for spraying or irrigating. That’s all it takes for Di- quat to dissipate completely. The best news is the economy, A little Diquat goes a long way. See use right away we’ll be glad to tell, you exact- ly how little you’ll need for your pond. You’re in for a happy surprise. TM. Reg. us. Pat Off: Ortho, On All Chemicals, Read Cautions and Directions Before Use. DISTRIBUTED BY p. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN Phone Lane. 397-3539 f Lancaster Farming Classified Ads Get Results MvRE M^NEY WITH WAYHE PERSONALIZED SERVICE PROGRAMS You can read about all sorts of new ideas to lower your costs of production in the laying house But bow to know what ideas will work for you , how to adapt them to your particular farm that is a problem. That's where Wayne Personalized Service Programs can mean so much to you. Trained and experienced Wayne service men have the know-how to give you practical help in solving your poultry problems. Come in and put this team of trained personnel, research, and modern feed manu facturing techniques at work to keep feed costs down . . . bring flock efficiency up. = SS dutchmak feed R. D. 2, Columbia MILLS, INC. „ „„„„ R. D. 1, Stevens MILLPORT ROLLER MILLS WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Lititz R. D. 4, Manheim FOWL’S FEED SERVICE MILLERSVILLE R. D. 1, Quarryville SUPPLY CO R. D. 2, Peach Bottom aurr,j]t U- Millersville "Kfnr PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise C. E. SAUDER & SONS R. D. 1, East Earl HERSHEY BROS. Reinholds H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Witmer Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 25, 1966—9 JOHN M. HEISEY, area Wayne feed dealer, is shown at a recent dairy feeding school which the company held in Lancaster. Heisey, center, is flanked by R. W. D. Hiestand, left, and Dr. William Byer, both, members of the feed firm. w mm. i&l HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn and Bellaire Elizabethtown Local Dealer Attends Wayne Feed School John M Heisey, represent ing the Heisey Farm Service of Lawn and Bellaire, was one of 30 persons attendting a re cent dealer school on Wayne dairy feeding at The Host Mo tel, Lancaster. The two-day school was de signed to tram dealers to bet ter serve their customers through improved feeding and herd management program's. Speakers at the school were: Dr. William Byer, manager, dairy department, M W. Geary, RW.D. Hiestand, and C.M. Sackett, all representa tives for Wayne Feeds, and R. B. James, Wayne’s seaboard division manager This school was one of the first m a series designed to im prove dealer service to cus tomers SOCIETY OF FARM WOMEN GROUP NO. 3 MEETS Lancaster County Society of Farm Women #3 met June 18, at the home of Mrs Gil bert Paul, Stevens R 1 Piesident Mrs William Eby conducted the meeting, and Mis Paul was in charge of de votions The group accepted an invitation extended by Moyei’s of Ephiata to the plant on Wednesday, June 29. The following were appoint ed to the program committee for 1967 Mrs Donald Giay bill, Mrs Elam Shelly, Mis. Esther Petticoffer, Mrs Lloyd Martin, Mrs Earl Miller, Mis. Robeit Hollmger The following were appoint ed to seive on the committee foi the refreshment stand for the Ephrata Fair Mrs Inm Burkholder, Mrs. Ivan Eber ly, Mrs Clarence Stauffer, Mrs Gilbert Paul, Mrs Willie Stober, Mrs Harvey Gehman, Mrs Earl Latshaw, and Mis. Harold Stober. The program was a demon* stration by Mrs W Scott Tagg of Hatfield on Cooking Over Coals She prepared pota'oes in a variety of styles, shish kabobs, fish, blueberry pan cakes, corn, and a one-di-h meal in aluminum foil. The next meeting will be the family picnic which will be held on Sunday, July 17, in Walter’s Park at Stevens Rl with dinner served at