Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 25, 1966, Image 7
264.0 EGGS PER PULLET HOUSED IN 36S DAYS - 318.6 EGGS PER PULLET HOUSED IN 485 DAYS Actual Records Show PROFIT-POWER Of DeKalb Pullets Mr. and Mrs. Herbert- Hess know the value of keeping accurate records also the value of keeping DEKALB Layers. 2962 DEKALB STARTED PULLETS 20 weeks old were housed on December 22, 1964. These DEKALB birds laid 264.0 eggs per pullet housed in 365 days. Average lay was 72.4%, liveability 95.27% and average liveability per month 99.60%. DeKalb York Hatchery YORK, PA. Sales & Service Lester B. Good, Ph. Area Code 717-733-7671 Kenneth L. Roth, Ph. Area Code 717-367-7194 Elmer S. Click, Ph. Area Code 717-768-3962 " v ™~r *.~m-< Za.-. ;t ' 1 S'' V 4^ ftl Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 1 S. Hess, R. D. 2, Quorryville, Pa. These DEKALB Hatcheries are Ready to Serve You! * > 1% ‘ v s A 4'V <% /> A \ / <j. -H > N2j ' s •* Sw ~ X- V ’ A ' r*** % ' i .J '"-V, \ , 4, S Melhorn DeKalb r: & V* s ii, * /A . V * ***v •v\+ A v j'r\ •<* v / V v .f < In 485 days these DEKALB birds laid 318.6 eggs per hen housed. Average lay 66.5%, liveability 92.80% and average liveability per month 99.55%. Mr. and Mrs. Hess say: "We had very good egg quality and excellent liveability with our DeKalb birds." YES IT PAYS TO KEEP DEKALB! Hatchery MT. JOY, PA. Sales & Service 1 ''** » V' Vs\ >' * »♦ * ; * S <H ♦ V \Xs V V** * >%- < *\ *' ->V v / * S' /' v" »)ic. 'p * J