Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 25, 1966, Image 4
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 25, 1966 4 From Where We Stand... Food For WHOSE Freedom? There’s an old saying that Uncle Sam should begin heeding pretty soon “I can handle my enemies; it’s my friends who have me worried”. This nation has a long history of trying -to be friendly with nearly every country in the world. We’ve fed many of them, clothed them, protected them from the local bully, and even wiped their noses and dried their tears when natural disaster overtook them. Some have thanked us by “spitting in our faces”, figuratively, and too often, liter ally. And, oh, the things they say when Uncle’s back is turned! But, these are our “friends”, so we can overlook their behavior. Can we? It seems to us that if we have enough friends like that we sure don’t need any enemies! We were glad to see the tone of the Food-For-Freedom bill which cleared the House recently. For one thing, it spelled out that food- under this pro gram would not be available to any nation giving aid to aur enemies North Vietnam and Cuba, specifically. The bill, now in the Senate, will get the full, well-known, Administra tion pressure treatment. Johnson wanls that section changed. Why? Because our biggest customer under the pro gram, India, would be ineligible to par ticipate if it were not changed Secretary Freeman, in testifying before the Senate Agriculture Commit tee' last week, said the food law should not provide an absolute bar to shipping food to nations who are in turn aiding and abetting our enemies Rather, Free man suggested, guidelines should be laid down for the President to make any final decision regarding questionable sales. ' While we agree with Freeman that it would often be difficult to determine accurately which nations are supplying materials to our enemies, this law is as good a place as any to take a stand It s about time we said to these needy nations, and any others who fit the shoe, “Look, boys, you can’t have it both ways anymore Either you’re with us, or you’re against us.” - No doubt this approach is no£-con sistent with international diplomacy, but we don't seem to have had much success with the standard formulas, per haps it is time we tried the direct, “take it or leave it” approach At least it should flush our enemies out into the open, and help us to know better where we stand. We see no reason for changing the law simply because it might offend a hungry India. They need our help, and we want to give it It therefore behooves them to see that they qualify for the Weather Forecast Hate to say it, but the weatherman calls for the hot stuff to continue for the next five days. Temperatiues will average above the normal range of 85 to 62 degrees for the period, but there is a chance of cooler weather by Tuesday or Wednesday. There’ll be no general drought relief in the next five days, but widely scatt ered showers Sunday and again Wednesday may deliv er about 1/10 inch of mois ture. LANCASTER PARKING Lancaster County’s Own Earm Weekly PO Box Ji.i, - Lima Pa 1*742 Office- JJ r Uam 7:t 1M 37' 13 Lit 11/ Phone DancaeU r I (,-jl “L J-ltlt/ I- Don T immon- lldn'n Robt rt i. < tnipbcli, trU. i ti-ina Dire< tor Subscription pure -I per tear n Lanca-tei I'uunn s 2 < l-eu hoc Establi-htd Xo\ ember 4, 19"" Published e\er\ uatuidai )>\ Laiua-ter Farmins, L-tn/ Pa Second Ola— paid at DItUZ, Pa* 17542 7 Now Is The Time . . . SMITH Chnstmas tiee giowers and others who mav have any pine trees on their piopeity and who want to have them grow into a desirable pyramid shape, will want to do some tummmg and shaping during June and eaily July 'Some of the long termin al leadeis may need to be shortened to get the tiee to grow moie compactly This woik should be done near the end of die pine tiee growing period, which is June for this area To Inspect Lightning Rods cable may not be deep enough Buildings that are equipped to in moist soil and with rods should have consid- theiefoie, the rod system will erable protection providing not have a ground Attention the lods aie attached at all should be given now if the points, and providing the system has not been checked ground rod goes into moist this summer. 3J4-i»47 or soU Burma periods of dry (Continued on Page 8) weather this rod or ground ° program, not that we weaken the pro gram to accommodate their transgres sions. India and others, while not actually shooting at us, are helping to make it possible for our more militant enemies to do so. And they are 'helping to prolong a conflict which is devouring American lives at an ever-increasing rate. We hope the Senators will have the courage and the conviction to resist Administration pressures, and that they will not weaken that section of the Food-For-Freedom bill by making the benefits available to our enemies. Another Drought Year? Hope not, but it’s beginning to shape up that way, isn’t it? Spring rain fall looked real good, but that’s pretty well used up by now, and then some. About midweek, when this was written, we took a look at conditions around parts of northern Lancaster County. Most of the crops we saw look ed thirsty, but because of widely scatter ed showers it seemed worse in some areas than others. Surface soil was dry and powdery, and you had to kick away a lot of it some places to find any dampness It almost seemed as though the little bit of moisture was trying to preserve itself by creeping deeper and deeper into the earth to escape the wrath of the withering wind and sun above. The thirsty roots seemed to be reaching for the receding moisture, but not quite making it, leaving the plants high and very dry Many plants seemed to be “growing” smaller while they waited anxiously for ram. Corn and tobacco seemed the crops most affected. Most of the tobacco hadn’t had any ram on it since it was trans planted, and some curling of corn leaves was seen Probably one more week with out ram will be critical for much of the tobacco, and will be a real setback to the corn crop. Although the weather map shows 'no particular rain in sight for our area,' optimistic farmer we talked with skid, /‘That wind’s been right out of the east for awhile now; if that- keeps up sooner or later it’ll bring us some thing ” Let’s hope he’s right. We promise to do our part to help make it rain soon, at least we’ll do all the things that usually result in ram going on next week, will wash the car, leave rain coats at home, plan to picnic, etc This procedure has never been known to fail. In fact, just writing it here is likely to bring enough lam to wash this editorial right down the Conestoga by the weekend By Max Smith, Lancaster County Agent To Recognize Cow Comfort Anything to make the milking held moie comfoitable dating the hot summer months wdl put milk in the tank and money m the bank The cows should have free access to fiesh watei shade and loose salt at all times, the least effoit lequned to satisfy then appetite will also lesult m greater pio duction During the day the herd may go to pastuie 01 to the diy lot if they have the above items In some cases it may be bettei to confine the cows dm mg the day in a well icntilated bam and turn them out at night Special attention to their comfoi t will result m gieater i etui ns To Shear Pine Trees „ A SPEAKS. A UntUim Rur i«rSclieel Lmeae The Crash Lesson for June 26, 19.66 Boclfrovnd Scripture II Ktngl 24 through 25, II Chronicles 36 je enuoH 38 through 39, 52. Devotional Hooding Jeremiah II 18 through 19 I. A Jew once wrote a letter to the question-and-answer column of the B'nai B’rith-monthly asking; What was the most important event in Jewish history? The editor lephed that it would be hard to select just one, but in his opinion the two most im portant were the Exodus from E gypt, and the Ex ile. By Exile he meant the scat tering of the Jew ish people a mong all .na tions, as we see them today. The beginning of that w as the ci ash of a city, Jerusalem, and the date nas 587 B. C. The prmy, or part of the army of Babylon, came into Palestine and just took o\er the country. The famous golden city of King Sol omon u as reduced to rubble. With the crash of their capital (which is not wholly under Israel’s con trol e\ en today) went the crash of the nation, the royal dynasty, the hopes and dreams they had cher isned for centuries. Thousands of good people asked themselves: How can this be? This was God’s, we are God’s people.” That v. as a theological question and rates a theological _ answer (as many of our ptdblems doj. WAY THEY THOUGHT IT WAS Tv hat the citizen could not understand w as how or why God had let them down. He had prom ised, by various prophets, that the royal dynasty would endure foiever: he had said (by Isaiah) that no weapon formed against Jerusalem' should prosper. They had made a covenant long ago with God. The Lordhaddelivered them out of many past calamities, he was strong enough to save them always no matter what. They could draw only one of FOREMAN RESIGNS Pennsylvanian To Write ‘Bible Speaks’ The Rev, Lawrence W. Alt house, minister of Calvaiy Evan gelical United Brethren Church, Mohnton, Pennsylvania, has been selected to write the newspaper column, The Bible Speaks, start ing July, 1966. He succeeds Dr. Kenneth J. Foreman who has retired after writing the column since 1948. ”Ti s Bible Speaks is based on the International Unitorm Lesson Outlines, produced by the Uniform Lesson Committee of the Di vision of Christian Education, National Council of Churches,’ according to Mrs. Helen Cantley, managing director of NATION AL COUNCIL RELIGIOUS FEATURES. "It is foi use of weekly newspapers and small dailies, and currently runs in nearly 300 newspapers Syndica icn for The Bible is handled by Community Press Ser vice, Frankfort, Kentucky. ’ A native of Reading, Pennsyl vania, Mr. Althouse is a graduate of Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania, with a degree in economics. He is a graduate of United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, and is working on his thesis for S. T. M. degree in religious education, having com pleted course requirements at Union x Theological Seminary, N.Y.C. Read LANCASTER FARMING For' Full Market Reports two conclusions*. Either the Lori was a god who did not keetvhli word, or else he was a weak God, one who meant to do well by hit people but lacked the Intelligent or the power (or both) to dc what he honestly tried to do Could it even bfe (they wondered] that their "god” was not god & all? Perhaps they had been wop shipping an idol all this tima WAY IT REALLY WAS The way it really was, wai this; God is not weak or change able, not boastful nor forgetful The crash of the golden city wai indeed his doing, or done by hit permission. But it was not a case of letting his covenant peoplt down. It was a case of punish* ment. The army of an invader, even a cruel invader, may be, and at that time was, an instru ment of punishment in the hand of God. That God does not change, is quite true, God is a Savior but also a Judge; and sometimes (not always, be sure] his judgements are not handed down on a distant Judgement Day. Judgement Day can be NOW, and a nation may be on trial and the verdict Guilty. It was all the piophets could do to pound this into the peoples’ heads, and most of the people never did open their eyes to the inside truth. ARE YOU PART OF PROBLEM? "What has all this got to da with me?’ is a fair question; "I’m no nation, I m only plain John (or Mary) Smith. - ’ Well, you are a part of a nation, Theie is such a thing as national character, good oi bad. But national char acter is just the summing-up and interaction of private characters. And what creates character? The choices the individual makes every day. Acts of choice become habits of choice, and man's habits of choice are his character. If there were more people like you, would our country be better or worse 9 As Dr. Redhead is fond of saying, are you part of the problem or part of the answer? (Bastd an auHmat capsyrtfhfad by tha Division af Chnsitian Education, National Cauncil af th« Churchas af Christ in (ha U. S. A. Raltasad by Community Prass Sarvica J ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE SUNDAY Rev. Althouse Mr. Althouse is author of Youth Guide on Affluence and and Poverty, printed this spring (1966) by Friendship Press. For many years he has written the lesson quarterly materials for junior and senior high school youth, and also for the teachers’ books, for the Evangelical United Brethren Church. The International Uniform Lesson Outlines was the fust major effort in which Protestant Sunday school forces of Amenca united on April 18, 1872. It pro vided a series of uniform lessons \yhich could be used in de partment of the' entire Sunday school, and in all Protestant Sun day schools, based on the same Scripture text.