Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 25, 1966, Image 3
Weekly Poultry Report Eottern Pennsylvania And New Jersey WEEKLY SUMMARY LIVE HENS Prices unchanged to Me lower on light hens. Demand fair to good under lighter processing needs. Offerings short as off farm movement declined in view of higher shell egg markets. Offerings of heavy hens adequate for a fair to good demand. Prices paid at farm, light hens 9 Ms-11, most ly 10-10 V&; heavy hens 18-19, mostly 18-18 M>c. Fogeisviile June 21, 1966 Hens, Light 9 Vi-12, mostly for heavy auction offerings. 10-11 Vi; Hens, Heaw 13 V- -28, Live supplies adequate for mostly 18-22; Pullets 10M>- needs. 29 M>, mostly 23-29. Roasters 17 M: -30, mostly 24-29; Turkeys, Ready-to-cook demand le- Toms 10-23 Vi, mostly 20 mams very good with seveial 23Vi, Tuikeys, Hens 17Vi- P lants operating Saturday. 32 1, 2, mostly 29-32 Vi; Rabbits Estimated slaughter for Fn -20-42, mostly 33-40, Guineas (j a y anc ) Satuiday, 962,000 head, 85; Pigeons (per pair) 70-115; compaied to 980,000 head last Jumbo Squabs 75-80. weekend Total Coops Sold 562 In the 24 houis preceding e el qi market dose today, at farm Easrern snore prices paid for broilers and fry- Exchange ers ranged from 14 8 to 16 4 WEEKLY SUMMARY cents per lb on reported sales totaling 1 2 million head. Lot average broiler and fry- i Potatoes are for cookin’—not for cullin’ \ X |V ETHANE M-45 Controls early and late blights— the most serious threats to quality Md productivity in potatoes. Dithane® M-45 is unlike any other potato fungicide you can My. Its unique, new formulation combines zinc, manganese and di-thiocarbamates into one •owerful blight fighter. This superior fungicide is effective under severe conditions such as humidity caused by the weather or by irrigation. Dithane M-45 protects foliage enaciously, an ability of critical importance if rainy weather should felay your spray program. -Ask your dealer for Dithane M-45. It is tough on blight fungi but e fttle on foliage. Use Dithane M-45 on your potatoes all season and et the best available blight control fungicide on the market today. er prices this week regained the Mi-cent lost last week to average 15.55 cents per lb. Prices paid during the week ranged from a high of 17.0 cents on Monday to successive lows of 14.8 cents per lb. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day. Sales for the week continued strong and steady with totals showing a slight increase over the preceding week at 1.7 mil lion head. Delmorva June 24, 1966 Delmarva broiler and fryer lot average prices remained about steady at 15 21 cents per lb. Demand ranged fair to good • NftWv.Hollond (Continued from Page 2) HOGS June 20, 1966 The 454 head offered sold steady with retail going at 27-28; wholesale (U.S. 1-3), 26- 26.75; heavyweights, 24.75-25.- 75; sows, 18.25-21. No shoats re ported. CALVES June 20, 1966 A trend avei aging $l-150 lower accompanied the sale of 95 head this week. Choice, 34.- 50-36 50; Good and Low Choice 32 50-34; Standard, 30.50-32; Common, 25-30. • Lancaster Auction (Continued from Page 2) 37 00, Good 32.00-35 50, Stand ard 30.00-33 50, Utility 28 00- 31.50, Cull 22 00-29 00. HOGS 104 Barrows and gilts 25e to $lOO Higher US 1, 190-225 lbs 27 75-28 00, US 1-2 190-230 lbs. 2710-27 75, US 2 3 240-260 lbs 26 10-26 85 SHEEP 61 Spi mg Slaugh ter Lambs $ 50-100 Lower. Few Choice S2C 00, Good 23 50- 25 00 • Chicago I Continued from Page 2) SLAUGHTER STEERS Prime 1200-1400 lbs 26 50-27- 00, seven loads at latter puce on Monday High Choice and Prime 1150-1450 lbs 25 50-26- 75, largely 25 75-26 50. Choice 900-1450 lbs 25 00-26 00 Mixed Good and Choice 24 25 25.25, ROHMRa iHfmsßs PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLVANIA 19105 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 25, 1966 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, June 20th to Friday, June 24th Mon. WHITE Ex. Fey. Hywts 38 li Fey. Hywts. 37-37Mj Fey. Med. 30 No 1 Med. 29 Pullets 25'2 Peewees 17 BROWN Ex Fey. Hywts 38 l /2 Fey Hywts. 38 Fey. Med. 29 Pullets 25 l /2 Peewees 17 MIXED Fey. Hywts. 37-37V 2 35V 2 28 Standards Checks TREND Maiket tone reflects dull trading here; othei areas generally note a full steady position on laiga and a icasonable balance on mediums. Copyright 1966 by Urner Barry Publications Good 23 25 24 50, Standaid and Low Good 22 00 23 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS High Choice and Pume 900 1125 lbs 25 25 25 50, with six loads at the lattei pi ice Choice 900-1100 lbs 24 25 25 25, Choice 775-900 lbs 23 75-24 50, Mixed Good and Choice 775-1050 lbs 23 25-24 25, Good 21 50-23 50, Standard and Low Good 20 GO -22 00 COWS Utility and Com mercial 18 00-19 50. High Yield ing Commeicial and Standaid 19 50-20 25, Canner and Cutter 16 50-18 75 BULLS Utility and Com meicial 2150-24 50 FEEDERS Several loads Choice 800-975 lb steei s 24 50- 25 25 “Dad says it's like foaling money, so he got the best 1 .” Get big capacity and top quality with an Allis-Citalmers 303 Hay Baler! The 303’fe wide 60" pickup handles light or heavy windrows—cleans the field! Twin-feed rakes move hay evenly into the baling chamber, comb out wads, to form tight, square bales. Grooves are formed on the bale to minimize twine or wire slippage. See the 303 and the complete line of A-C tools for haying I L. H. Brubaker N. G. Myers & Son Lititz, Pa. Rheems, Pa. Grumelli Farm Service Quarryville, Pa. Chet Long Akron, Pa. L. H. (Brubaker Nissley Farm Service Lancaster, Pa. Washington Boro, Pa. Allen H. Matz Farm Equipment [ New Holland Wed. Tucs. 38'i 37>i 29Ms 28 26K 17 38*2 37 v 2 29 l 2 29 25 l 2 17 38'a 38 29 26‘2 17 38*2 38 29 25’a 17 37 j 2 37M> 35 '2 28 35 l /2 28 • Vintage (Continued from Page 2i tei Lambs $1 00-1 50 Lower. Good 60 90 lb Spung Lambs 24 50-26 00, Choice 60 90 ibs. $26 50 27 50 Robert K. Rohrei Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 3 Frl. Thun. 38*,fe 37'i 29-29*1 28*t>-29 25‘i 17 38V' Z 37 V 2 28 Ms 27-27 Ms 25 25*4 17 38 Vi 38 28 Vi-29 25 Vi 17 38 V 2 38 28’/a 25'a 17 37'/a 37 ‘/ 2 35 ‘,2 28