—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, June 25, 1966 14 4-H CLUB NEWS NORTH. HOLSTEIN CLUB BOLDS DEMONSTRATION by Earl Stauffer, reporter The fourth meeting of the Northern Lancaster County 4-H Dairy Club was held Thursday evening at the farm Of J, Robert Hess, Strasburg. A fitting and showing dem onstration was given by sev eral older members of the elub. Forty-six members and three leaders were present. The next meeting will be held on July 28 at 7:30 p.m. when the Dauphin County Hol stein Club will be the guests. Place of meeting will be an nounced at a later date. LEOLA PINCUSHIONS 4 H CLUB REORGANIZES by Cynthia McQuate, reporter The reorganizational meet ing of the Leola Pincushions 4-H sewing club was held June 14 at the home of Mrs Hoober with seven members and two leaders attending The newly elected officers are: president, Mane Gi urn bine; vice president, Fay Weaver; secretaiy, Kathy Hoo ber; treasurer, Ruth Oberholt zer; song leader, Bonnie Hess; game leader, Sandra Grum bine; news reporter, Cynthia McQuate. Following the meeting the members played some games and had refreshments. . DRUMORE SEWING CLUB HOLDS REORGANIZATION by Jo Bookar, reporter The Drumore 4-H Sewing Club met at Chestnut Level for its annual reorganization meeting lecently. Elected * were president, Janet Cutler; vice president, Shirley Aaron secretary, Ann Gore; assistant secretaiy, Sher ry McSparran, tieasurer, Mary Douts, assistant tieasurer, Sue Bookar; songleader, Linda Martin; pianist, Linda Hen, county council representative, Ann Goie. game leader, Della Matson, news reporter, Jo Bookar. This yeai’s leaders will be Mrs. Donald McSparran, Mrs Stanley Stauffer, Mrs Rober„ McSparran, Mrs Robert House keeper, and Miss Judy Long enecker. WILDLIFE CLUB MEMBERS GET GUN INSTRUCTION by Annette Long, reporter The Lancaster County 4-H Wildlife Club met Wednesday evening June 15, at the home of Eric and Fay Stoner, 1051 Eden Road, Lancaster Before the meeting the younger members were given instructions on gun handling, followed by target practice for all. The next meeting will he a fishing trip, July 20 CLASHING THIMBLES NAME QUEEN CANDIDATES by Doris Harnish, reporter Lucy Herr was elected sen ior queen at a recent meet ing of the Penn Manor Clash ing Thimbles 4-H Sewing Club Junior queen was Kimberly Winters Other officers elected were; song leaders, Ruth Ann Mc- Michael and Kimberly Win ters, game leaders, Beverly Martin and Kris Winters; news reporter, Dons Martin Following the meeting, the members divided into their re spective sewing groups. PEQUEA CLUB GIVEN SEWING DEMONSTRATIO: by ‘ Carol Eby, reporter to their respective groups— A sewing demonstration was sewing or cooking—to work the main feature of the first- on their projects. year sewing girls at the Elected at the meeting were Pequea Valley 4-H Club. It two posture queens who will was given by three sewing (Continued on Page 15) ' plug-free New Idea Hay Conditioner makes better hay in 1 less day... without plugging! It's a fact! Steel pick-up roll has tapered flutes in herringbone pattern—virtually plug-free. Upper roll, is extra-tough rubber and cord discs compressed onto a steel tube. Makes it self-cleaning and resistant ,to rock damage. ALLEN H. MATZ New Holland Denver Save time! Save on labor! VdnDole tf/fPO' AUTOMATIC BUNK FEEDER GIANT CAPACITY A powerful 9 inch auger is offset within a giant, fully enclosed 12-inch steel hood. This unique design provides a reservoir for silage and feeds the full length of the feeder, greatly increasing the capacity and speed with which feed moves to the livestock. Handles the output of the largest silo unloader with ease. FEEDS ENTIRE HERD AT ONE TIME Feed is augered the full length of the enclosed hood and is then automatically dumped into the feeding bunk, providing equal rations to each head of livestock at the same time. No cattle crowding. No spilled and wasted feeds. When'feed is dumped, the hood closes automatically and repeats as often as needed. SILENT, CLOG-PROOF OPERATION Powerful 9-mch auger never touches the metal hood*, eliminating metal-to-metal friction and providing the right clearance to prevent binding and clogging even when mate rials have high moisture content. Horsepower requirements are greatly reduced too. LET us GIVE YOU COMPLETE "DETAILS OP THE AMAZING VAN-DALE S-17 BUNK FEEDER i CALEB M. WENGER R. D. 1 Drumore Outer KI 8-2116 Quarryvillei Pa. leaders, Mrs. Charles Hoobfcr, Mrs. Ronald Stoltzfus and Mrs.' Amos Mull, Jr. The Monday meeting was conducted by President Jane Hoober at the Intercourse Fire Hall. Following the business meeting games were played af ter which the girls departed S-17 810 J Flll-N-FEED SYSTEM I FEEDS FAST-ALL AT ONCE I Tfrtweytf* automated. Fill* qulckl/...feedt unlformly...repe»tt. No feed ieparation. Just press a button. Prom then on the Jamesway feed* er is completely time-cycled automated. It fills the J* trough completely-then the hinged side swings open t» drop all feed into bunk. This puts the same amount of feed in front of all cattle and eliminates crowding. It re* cycles automatically. We also sell low-cost Fill-N-Feed progressive feeder. Stop in today. J. Samuel Sherer R. D. 2, Mt. Joy, Pa. EARLY SUMMER Reg. Holstein Sale FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1966 Location on the J. Mowery Frey Sr, Farm, 5 miles south of Lancaster, 1 mile East of Willow Street, Pa,, just off Rt. 222 on Hans Herr Drive, Lan caster County. " 75 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS Certified, Ace. Vacc. 30 day tested. Cows and Heifers mostly fresh or springing. A number for August (gome top grades selling) Sale includes: 8 OSBORNDALE IVANHOE DTRS. (2 are show prospects) DTR. OF SEILING BLACK MAGIC 5 YR. 19,122 M. - 723 F. DTR. OF ROELAND REFLECTION SOVE REIGN, SHE IS “GOOD PLUS” WITH 2 RECORDS OVER 18,000 MILK, BRED TO A SHOW SON OF ROSAFE PONTIAC JUPITER. Pequea Mercedes Elaine, springing 2 yr. old by Patrick from a dtr. of Ivanhoe (her 5 records average 528 fat.) Pequea Black Gold Bonnie, fresh 2 year old by Blosso melle Black Gold, her dam has 2 records over 700; 4.0% ’ DTR. OF GLENAFTON R.A. MONITOR FROM A 20,721, 689 FAT. DTR. OF SNOWBALL ROCKET. Prom Robert Kauffman, E’town, PENN SPRINGS MASTER DOLLY 2 YEAR OLD DTR. OF ELM-BECCA COLANTHA MASTER (HIS DAM IS 4th GENERATION OF 4% COWS WITH “EX” MAMMORY) HER DAM PENN SPRINGS REGAL DAISY MAE (G.P. 84) WITH 5 RECORDS AVERAGE 819 PAT, NEXT DAM 120,000 MILK 5500 F. LIFETIME. ELM BECCA COLANTHA MAXINE, 2 YR. OLD DTR. OF PINEY HILL MAXIMILIAN (EX) HER DAM ELM-BECCA COLAN THA LADY T CL. “V.G.” THE sth GENERATION OF 4% COWS and Excellent mammory, founded by Colantha Lady Monogram (EX. 93) RUSSINWOOD ROBEL LEADER, 2 YR. OLD, HER DAM 16,781 M„ 639 F. 2 YR. OLD DTR. OF CAR NATION ROYAL MASTER (EX. 95) HER DAM DTR. OF PABST JESS WAYNE W/RECORD OF 13,000 M - 550 FAT. Prom J. Mowery Frey & Son of Lancaster, Osborndale Ivanhoe dtr. fresh, with 660 lbs. of F. at 2 yrs. and classified “V.G." (86) as a 2 yr. old. Fultonway Ivanhoe Wylwyn dtr. fresh, from a Lucifer dtr. with 3 records from 700 to over 800 lbs.; of P. A gr. dtr. of Pabst Regal from a Wis. Leader dam w/record of 17,818 M - 622 F. at 2 years. Her % sister from a dtr.-of Carnation Realization (V.G.) w/record of 14,790 M. - 561 F. 3 dtrs. of ‘Terseus”, 1 dam w/598 ft; gr. dam 19,825 M„ 798 P. 3 Cochran General dtrs., 600 lb. Fat. dams (1 an Ivanhoe) “Flashy Boy” dtr, from a 570 F. record 2 year old of Reflection Mallary Audacious dtr. from' 496 F. 3 yr. old record dam. A select group of heifers (bred by A. S. Puelicher, Lincoln, Virginia) due to freshen July and August. Plenty of type. Load of fresh and close springers (including some top grades) from Canada ’Most of these animals were selected by John J. Stoltzfus, Elyerson, Pa. Be sure to see this quality selection. Catalogs upon request. Write: Carl Biller, 1101 Beaver Valley Pike, Lancaster, Pa. Lunch, sale under cover. Sole at 12:30 D.S.T. by: CARL DILLER and , JOHN J. STOLTZFUS Aucts. and Pedigrees Biller and Kreiier Ph. 653-0301
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