Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 25, 1966, Image 12
2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 25, 1966 1 * OPERATION .SKYHOOK Helicopter hovers over roof of Red Rose feed mill at York, slowly lower ing bin hopper into position. The copter took part in positioning six bins as part of a $68,000 construction program to increase finished feed storage capacity at the York plant. See Our Want Ads For Bargains CLOSED MONDAY July 4 in Observance Of Independence Day EBY’S MILL, INC. LITITZ HEMPFIELD MILL EAST PETERSBURG HOLLAND STONE a Cuxurtf you can a/ford) Inside, outside, you’ll find the rich quarried look of HOLLAND STONE adds a touch of real da* canes to your building designs. And yet, HOLLAND STONE is one of the moat economical build ing materials today. Its unique versatility in rise and ■hapc lenda a structural freedom to builders, meeting new ideas, as well aa coet problems. Conies in a wide choice of naturally warm, Hwtiiwtws colors, plus Colonial while. wew Holland CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. v aWNOUANS KMMVUMMS Feed Mill Uses Helicopter To . Install Bins An area feed firm recently installed six, 1500-Ib. bins on a rooftop in about five hours. Done the conventional way, hauling each section up for as sembly and welding, the job could have required as long as five weeks according to Robert Burger, John W. Eshelman & Son engineer. So Burger sent for a sky hook. Through the construction' firm installing the bins, the Eshelman mill enlisted the ser vices of the Carson Helicopter Service, Perkasie, to lift and place the bin hoppers in posi tion inside the plant roof. The six bins installed at the York plant are part of a $68,- 000 program to increase finish ed feed storage capacity. With the lifting aid of the helicopters, it became possible to weld the bins on the ground, eliminating the movement of many steel sections to the roof top position. The Eshelman company, esta blished in 1842, operates six mills covering 21 states. Their internataional sales cover 32 countries. • "N#w Form" Whtat (Continued from Page 1) and adequate equipment and facilities for the successful production of q wheat crop on the farm; and who during the last live years has had at least two years’ experience in producing wheat; and who as an operator expects to receive 50 percent or more of the cur rent year’s income from the total production on the farm (not including the anticipated income from wheat produced on a “new farm” allotment.) Other factors arc involved, and it is suggested that interested producers discuss the details with officials at the ASCS county office. ‘ REFRIGERATORS & FREEZERS WE INSTALL AND SERVICE WHAT WE SELL AGWAY FREEZERS Upright - Right Hand Models 15 cu. ft. • 18 cu. ft. 23 cu. ft. 30 cu. ft. 16 cu. ft. Frost Free Chests - 11 cu. ft 15 cu. ft 19 cu. ft 23 cu. ft, 28 cu. ft, AGWAY REFRIGERATORS 9 cu. ft. 12 cu. ft. 13 cu. ft. 15 cu. ft. Frost Free 15 cu. ft. Coppertone - Frost Free COMBINATION REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER 22 cu. ft. DUPLEX Combination $459.00 22 cu. ft. DUPLEX Combination Coppertone OTHER COMBINATION REF.-FREEZERS 15 cu. ft. manual defrost $224.18 15 cu. ft. FROST FREE 284.50 16 cu. ft. FROST FREE 330.25 16 cu. ft. DELUXE FR. FREE 353.93 Coppertone 15 cu. ft. FROST FREE $291.45 16 cu. ft. FROST FREE 337.71 dur Guarantees Freezers and Refrigerators - Cabinet and components are guaranteed for one year. Entire sealed refrigeration system including compress or is warranted for five years. Also, freezers are warranted against food spoil age for five years, up to $250 Agway Beeline Supply Center 1027 Dillervllle Rd., Lancaster, Pa. (Former Farm Bureau Store) USDA studies Indicate that food purchased per Capita at the retail level has decreased 200 pounds since' 1909. What is purchased today is much more nearly what is actually consumed. Due to preprocess* ing, less food waste is taken home and there is a saving in storage. Caloric intake has decreased too. Nutritionists estimate that the per capita consump tion of calories is 400 fewer than SO years ago. More meat is eaten today while per capi ta consumption of starches has gone down. Foresters this year are planting trees ior the news print of the 2026 A.D. edi tions of Lancaster Fanning. Agway < « a \ Installation & Service A complete installation and maintenance service is avail able on a 24 hour EMER GENCY program. 5202.95 232.60 ...... 242.45 331.21 266.48 $170.76 184.54 205.90 240.95 264.00 $159.05 176.45 249.60 296.05 297.53 459.00