—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 18, 1966 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review June 17, 1966 . CATTLE 3014 Slaughter fleers steady to 25c Higher, Cows and Bulls steady to 50c Lower. Feeder steers steady. Supply included an estimated 65 percent Slaughter steers, 20 percent Cows and Bulls, with the Balance mainly Feed er steers SLAUGHTER STEERS Two loads Mostly Prime 1128- 1172 lbs 27 75-27.85, High Choice and Prime 1025-1300 1 )s 26 60-27 50, Choice 900- 1200 lbs 25 75-27 00, Largely 25 75-26 60, Late, Choice 1200- 1350 lbs 25 50-27 00, Mostly 25 50-26 60, on Wednesday Mixed Good and Choice 25 GO -26 00, Good 24 50-25 75, Stand c i d and Low Good 23 00-24 75 COWS utility- 20 50-22- 00, few $22 10-22 50, Cutter 19 00-21 00, Canner and Low Cutter 18 00-19 50 BULLS Choice 25 00 26- 00, Good 24 00 25 25, Utility c- nd Commercial 23 00-25 25, (Continued on Page 3) •> <t * •:< «• * I I More farmers each month prefer to buy their • HAY • STRAW • EAR CORN V from us for better value and all around satisfac- % tion. At farm or delivered, any quantity as your * requirements may be. $ Area Code 717 687-7631 Esbenshade Turkey Farm C—> ❖ New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Sale Schedule Monday: Borse Sale . 10:00 A.M. Tack Sale to Follow Horse Sale Monday: Hog Sale . . 11:30 A.M. Monday: Beef Cattle 2:00 P.M. Sale Order Bulls, Steers, Cows, Calves Wednesday; Sale of Dairy Cattle 12:30 P.M. Thursday: Sale of Beef Cattle 12:30 P.M. Sale Order Bulls, Steers, Cows, Calves JOHN H. GINGRICH, Mgr. Ph. New Holland 354-2194 Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows. Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold on Commission Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager MARKET Auction Only June 15, 1966 CATTLE 631 Slaughter steers steady to mostly 25c Lower, Instances 50c Lower. Cows about steady. Bulls mostly steady, Instances 50c Higher on Utility and Com mercial over 1400 lbs. SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1025- 1300 lbs 26 60-27.25, Choice 900-1200 lbs 25.75-26 60, 1200- 1350 lbs. 25 50-26 60, Mixed Good and Choice 25 00-25.75, Good 24 50-25 50, Standard and Low Good 23 00-24.75 COWS Utility 20 50-22 00, few 22 10-22 35, Cutter 19 00- 21 00, Canner and Low Cutter 18 00-19 50 BULLS Choice 25 00-26- 00, Good 24 00-25 25, Utility and Commercial $23 00-25 25. Several 1400-1900 lbs 23 35- 26 50, few Individual $2710- 27 60 CALVES 266 Vealeis $lOO-2 00 Lower, Instances $3 00 Lower Choice 37 00 40 - 00, Good 34 00 37 00, Standaid (Continued on Page 3) SINCE 1890 PARADISE, PA. New Holland, Pa. NEWS Vintage Auction June 14, 1966 CATTLE 499 Supply in cluded 20 percent Cows. Slaughter steers mostly steady, except Standard to Low-Good steady to 25c Higher, with Choice 1250-1400 lbs. steady to 25c Lower. Cows 50-75 c Low er. Bulls about steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS' High Choice and Prime 1100- 1350 lbs 26 75-27 60, Choice 950-1250 lbs. 26 00-27 00, 1250- 1400 lbs 25 75-27.00, High Good to Low-Choice 25.50-26.- 25, Good 24.75-26.00, Standard to Low Good 23 35-25.25. COWS Utility 20.75-22- 00, few 2210-22.85, Cutter 19- 50-21 25, Canner and Low Cut ter 18 00-19 75 BULLS Choice 25 25-26- 35, Utility and Commercial 1400-2000 lbs 24.60-25 60, Good 24 00-25 25 CALVES 378 Vealers steady to $2 00 Lower, mostly $1 00-2 00 Lower Good 35 00- 38 00, Choice 38 00-41 50, Stand ard 33 00-36 00, Utility 30 50- 34 00, Cull 22 00-32 00 HOGS 307 Barrows and gilts 50-100 Lower US 1-2 190-225 lbs 26 00-26 75, US 1-3 190-250 lbs 25 25-26 00, US 2-3 240-260 lbs 23 75-24 50 FREE Vapona Insect Strip with every gallon of Cygon 2-E purchased during June and July. Wholesale and retail We sell for less! Zimmerman's Animal Health Supply Veterinaiy products and farm supplies 1 mi. N.W. of Lincoln R. D. #4 Lititz Ph. 733 4466 Dow weed and grass killers and this new leaf lifter Control weeds and grass in corn for $1 an acre Here's how Dowpon* grass killer controls foxtail or pigeon grass and also other annual seedling grasses. Mix it with Esteron* 99 or Formula 40* weed killers to control pigweed, lambsquarfers, wild mustard and other broadleaf weeds. Then mount a leaf lifter on your cultivator and spray away. Field tests showed weeds and grass controlled ... a 10% increase in corn yields . . . and no carry-over of chemical in the soil to interfere with future crops. We have everything you need, stop in today. * Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company LEBANON CHEMICAL CORP. Rt. 422 East, Lebanon, P*. Phone (AC) 717 ■ 273-1687 REPORT New Holland Auction June 16, 1966 CATTLE 1169 Supply in cluded 17 percent Cows. Slaughter steers steady to 25c Lower. Cows 25-50 Lower; In stances 75c Off. Bulls steady to 50c Lower, SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1000- 1350 lbs. 26.25-27.75, Choice 900-1300 lbs. 25.00-26 25, Most ly 25.25-26.00 Mixed Good and Choice 24 50-25 50, Good 24.00- 25.00, Standard and Low Good 23.00-24 25. COWS Utility 19 60-21.75, few $22 00-22 85, Cutter 18.75- 2125, Canner and Low Cutter 17.35-19 10 BULLS Choice 24 75-26- 60, Utility and Commercial 22.75-25 50, Good 23 60-25.10, Several 1400-1950 lbs 25 50 26 50 FEEDER STEERS' Choice 600 lbs. $2B 00, Mixed Good and Choice 550-800 lbs 23 50- 26 00 CALVES 300 Vealers $2 - 00-3.00 Lower, Good 34 00-36- 50, Choice Scarce, Standard $32 00-34 50, Utility 30 50-33 00, Cull 26 00-30 50. SHEEP 37 Not enough of any one Class on offer for a market test. Few Good and Choice 60-90 lb. Spring Lambs $25.00-26.50. Receipts totaling 101 cows, 5 bulls, and 1 heifer sold steady with fresh Holsteins bringing 275-550; Bulls, 180- 250. Horse receipts totaled 33$ head. Riding horses, 115-400; (Continued on Page 13) Chicago Cattle ' Weekly Review CATTLE Receipts 23,900 compared with 24,600 last week and 22,100 a year ago. Twelve market receipts 174,800 com pared with 181,800 the pre vious week and 164,200 a year ago Compared with last Fri day, slaughter steers weighing under 1150 lbs steady to 50 lower while those weighing 1150 lbs. and up 50 to 100 low er Slaughter heifers steady to 50 lower, mostly 25-50 lower late in the period Cows steady to 50 higher with the advance on Utility and Commercial. (Continued on Page 3) SELINSGEOVE, PA. COWS June 15, 1966 HORSES June 13, 1966
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