Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 28, 1966, Image 13

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    • NEPPCO • as to 4-H and PPA groups.
.. „ „ _ jfts purpose is to better ac
.(continued from Page 1) -quaint these various audiences
approval of a.membership .re- with the workings of the egg
port indicating that, for the market and the establishment
first time in several years, -of' price,
significant gains .had been Stains.also told the Board
made both in numbers and his committee was still at
dues paid.. Producer member- work, ota two projects of vital
ship was five percent ahead importance to t all producers—
of the same period last year encouraging ' the New York
while Turkey Division mem- Mercantile Exchange • to up
bersfaip was up twelve percent grade the quality standards
and both Associate and Af- | n its trading rules, and af
filiate classifications showed tempting to achieve nation
g*ins - wide uniformity of egg
C. H. Stains, Chairman of weights and sizes. “Progress
the Council’s Egg Marketing has been made in both areas,”
Committee reported that his he stated, “but it has been
committee had just launched relatively slow.”
an intensive campaign to j n other action, the Board
raise a minimum of $lO,OOO vo t e( j to again share with the
to produce a sound and color American Poultry & Hatchery
motion picture depicting how federation in the joint spon
egg prices are established. sors hip of the NEPPCO-APHF
"Already, Stains reported, “Q U j C kie” Convention which
we have received over $5,000 j, as been held each December
in contributions or pledges.” for the past S e ve n years.
When completed, the film
will be shown on TV farm The Board also unanimous
programs and at poultry meet- ly approved a proposed Hand
ings throughout the North- book on Poultry Science
east and the Nation, as well Projects for distribution to
Tomatoes and Tobacco?
Com® in arid see us about
Transplanter Solution
Your tobacco and tomato plants need special pro-
tection from soil insects at transplanting time.
That’s why we’re recommending ISOTOX Trans-
planter Solution for use now. This is the best pro-
tection you can buy,
For as little as 50 cents an acre and without any
additional equipment on your planter, you can
keep off wireworms, maggots and other soil in-
So, don’t take a chance. If
you’re transplanting, see us
for ISOTOX Transplanter
Solution.' ■ ’
T. Rcff. US. Otf: Ortho, I*xOtox, On All ChfciiUciLlG.
Bead Directions and Cautions Betoie Use.
Distributed by
SMOKETOWN Phone Lane. 397-3539
ISOTOX mixes with water in
the “setting water tank.” It
won’t settle in the water
so your plants get, uniform
c-. - r
protection around every to
bacco and tomato ,ropt and
> stem., ~.
•H vo-ig and science teachers
and guidance counselors in
high schools throughout the
country. The Handbook would
concentrate on 15-20 major
youth project areas explaining
experiments that students
might perform as entries in
school science fairs. The Hand
book is the brainchild of the
Committee on Youth Science
Projects of the Poultry Sci
ence Association. Prof. Daniel
W. Talmadge, Connecticut ex
tension poultryman, is the
chairman. The Board com
mended Prof. Talmadge and
his committee for undertak
ing this worthwhile project.
The Board heard a progress
report on NEPPCO’s Pine-Tree
Study. This long-range study
of the “Poultry Industry of
the Northeast—Trends, Rec
ommendations & Economic
Evaluation,” is nearing com
pletion after nearly a year of
work. Its basic purpose is to
chart the future course of
NEPPCO. A final draft will
be presented to the Board at
its next meeting.
and guest, which is small
Toilet soaps may include frag
rances, coloring, a substance
that softens or smooths the
skin, and an antiseptic.
Economy Meals Can Be
If the family is to enjoy
and benefit from an economy
meal, plan the meal sensibly
It should include foods that
are nutritious and tempting.
While individual preferences
in the family vary, it’s best
not to cater to individual
tastes when budgets are tight
With few exceptions for med
ical diets, try to make one
menu the unwritten law.
Study newspaper food ads
and radio and television an
nouncements to learn what
are the best buys for the
week and then plan your
meals accordingly, preferably
several days or a week in ad
vance Include at least two
inexpensive meals a week.
* >
• Hove You Heard?
(Continued from Page 11)
Chops crops Just Right
John Deere No. 6 Forage Harvester
John Deere No. 6 Forage Harvester
chops crops short —for easier storing
. . . better packing . . . easier feeding
.. . and peak silo capacity. You get six
lengths of cut from 7/16 to 2 inches.
fA 1/4-mch-cut sprocket is available as
A. B. C. Groff, Inc*
New Holland 351-8001
Elm 663-2141
Landis Bros. Inc. Alan Beyer
Lancaster 393-3906 Christiana LY 3-5687
Lancaster Farming, Satur«
Buy only what you need.
When you get home, store per
ishable foods properly and
promptly in the refrigerator
or freezer. Store nonpcrish
ables in suitable storage areas.
DID YOU KNOW that most
raisins are products of Thomp
son Seedless grapes? Thomp
son Seedless is a popular vari
ety for table use. More than
50 percent of the world’s rais
ins and about 90 percent of
United States raisins are made
from Thompson Seedless
grapes. These grapes have just
the right qualities for making
flavorful raisins. Firm and
tender in texture, this variety
is very sweet when fully ri
pened, and has a moderately
tender skin.
For You To Try
Stuffed hamburgers look
like conventional hamburgers,
but they hide tomato slices,
rheese, and parsley between
two ground beef patties. A
the fastest thing on roots!
The true sudongross hybrid
Trudan . grows surprisingly ordinary audangrasa, Trudan
fast... reports of one and is very palatable, produces
thrss Inches a day ars not well as a pasture crop. hay.
uncommon. Its recovery after ailage, or green chop. Its
grazing is almost unbeliev- yield potential is tremendous
able; It sometimes grows at wherever ordinary c . '•>; v *ss
almost twice the rate of is grown, " a
A. H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC., Landisville, Penna.
c Hoffman Seed&
Serving farmers with finest quality seeds £
Wenger Implement Co.
BU 4-4467
M. S. Yeorsley & Sons
West Chester 696-2990
seasoning, such as thyme,
makes the meat extra deli
cious. A spread of garlic but
ter on the buns before toast
ing completes a delightful
blend of flavors.
Bioil hamburgers in the
oven or outdoors. Either way,
they’re extra special.
With stuffed hamburgers,
serve macaroni salad, raw veg
etable relishes, fresh fruit,
and milk or a milk beverage.
Cooked until they are so
tender the meat falls from
the bones, beef short ribs are
a tasty meat dish An eco
nomical cut from the ends of
standing rib roasts, short ribs
have all the full meat flavor
of the more expensive cuts
and the same kind of high
quality protein. To insure the
most tender short ribs, slow
cooking is best Brown the
meat and simmer in a 'little
liquid until tender
Phone 898-2261
special equipment.) The economical
No. 6 may he equipped with 5-1/2-foot
pickup ... 5- or 6-foot mower bar. . .
"2-row unit . . . heavy-duty or low-cost
1-row unit. See us now. Check our
customerized Credit Plan.
Short Ribs of Beef
for Thrifty Meal