Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 21, 1966, Image 4
4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 21, 1966 From Where We Stand... Price Of Fresh Air Going Up Like everything else these days, even the price of fresh air is respond ing to inflationary pressures. There are at least -two reasons for this: there is probably less supply of it, and greater demand for it. City and suburban folk are spend ing more money on recreation than ever before, and are now more frequently discovering the simple pleasures of the great out-doors. Camping has become a booming industry, as witnessed by in creasing sales of equipment, and the use of highways and state and national parks. We have mentioned many times the opportunities for farmers to gather a bit of the “green fallout” from the recreation explosion. Some are beginn ing to move in that direction (see County Farmer Invests* in Recreation Boom, page 1 this issue). We have not recommended taking good Class I and II farmland out of pro duction in the county, 'but there are many farms, or parts of farms, which could profitably be used for campsites, etc. And if there is money to be made in this pursuit, we’d certainly rather see Lancaster County farmers making it than some outside operators. One commercial franchiser in the midwest offers a deal to people convert ing part of their land to recreational uses. He says that many farm families have turned relatively unproductive land into high income ‘producing areas. He says further that last year eight per cent of the nation’s population partici pated in toe form of camping, and that the federal government is encour aging individuals to provide campsites as demand for these facilities exceeds the state and national government’s ability to provide them. Campsites are only one way in which, you can cash in on the boom. Farm vacations, especially in this area where the “Pennsylvania Dutch” image is attracting tourists in great numbers, is another. Like any enterprise, catering to the tourist traffic will require some investment, and will need to be well managed to be profitable. But the op portunity for income is there; it may be worth your looking into. Apr. Milk Price Provided Record Returns by Everett Newswanger, Staff Reporter The aver age of indi vidual hand ler uniform prices for April under Federal Or dei No 4 is $5 36, exceed ing the April 1965 market p reducer price by 43 cents and providing the high est per hundredweight return yet recorded for April milk priced by the Order. The f.ob Delaware Valley produc er milk price the same month a year earlier was $4 93; the March price this year was $5 53 An 8-cent-per-point but terfat adjustment is applicable to individual paying prices to producers for' April milk de liveries Largely responsible for the average uniform price in creases this April over last was the 46-cent gain in the Class I milk price, to $5 86 for the month. Suspension ac- Smokey Bear To Be "Bugged" Smokey Bear, the celebrated sym bol of Forest Fire Prevention whose fame 'extends to the farthest TV set, comic strip, and sweatshirt in the land, and who is reportedly the second high est paid federal executive in Washing ton, is about to get bugged but good. Smokey’s success has been so spec tacular actually reducing the number of forest fires over the years despite in creased use of the woods by people that' now the attempt will be made to personify another symbol. A BUG. - Although this new symbol has been used by USDA since 1963 to indicate all foreign agricultural pests, it par don us, she will now receive a name. This coquettish little critter, shown as a hitchhiking bug, will be called “Pes tina”. Pestina appears on agricultural quarantine notices distributed by air lines, steamship companies, and travel agents, says USDA, and is now being shown on public service television an nouncements. Pestina will represent countless plant and animal pests and diseases that can be brought into the United States from abroad. According to Under Secre tary of Agriculture John A. Schnittker, agricultural inspectors stationed at points of entry to the U.S. have been stopping incoming plant pests on the average of once every 16 minutes around the clock. Schnittker called for continued co operative effort by government and the travel and transportation industry to prevent the accidental introduction of destructive pests that might add to our present multi-billion-dollar yearly dam age to food, forest, and ornamental re sources by plant and animal pests. While we feel it is undoubtedly worth the effort to reduce this problem by such means as an attractive, readily recognized symbol, Pestina will not, we fear, ever capture the public’s heart as Smokey Bear has done. Pestina may be just the beginning of a “symbol trend”, but there will always be just one Smokey Bear. tion by the USDA set theproducers was 12 percent. April 1-9 Class I price at Producer milk was received $6 00, and April 10-30 at at 63 Order No. 4 plants in $5 80 Producers also received April, compared with 77 the a substantially higher price same month of 1965. Produc for milk going into Class II ers under the Order totaled milk products, with the April 4,820, a decrease of 530 from price of $3 59 representing a April 1965 and 41 less than 37-cent advance from a year were reported for March this earlier Utilization of produc- year. The average quantity er milk m higher value Class of milk delivered daily per I milk products accounted for Order No 4 dairyman rose to 771 percent of the supply 1,150 pounds, a record level this April, compared with 761 90 pounds over last April, percent in 1965. From March to April, the daily average shipment per producer advanced 31 pounds. The March to April season al decline in the producer milk price was 17 cents, prompted by downward ad justments of 14 cents in the Class I milk price, and near ly 11 cents in the Class II puce and a slightly reduced Class I percentage From March to April 1965, when the Class I price normally de creases 60 cents, the average uniform milk price dropped 52 cents April producer milk, total ing 166 3 million pounds for the month, was 2 3 percent less than April 1965 receipts, but,- on a daily basis, 1 9 per cent above March deliveries this year The April 1965 pro ducer milk supply was 170.2 million pounds; daily deliver ies this March averaged 544 million pounds. A year earli er, the March to April sea sonal upturn m receipts from Lancaster Farming Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekly P. O. Box 266 - Lititz, Pa. 17543 Offices; 22 E. Main St. Litxtz, Pa. 17543 Phone - Lancaster 394-3047 or Lititz 626-2191 Don Timmons, Editor Robert G. Campbell, Adver f ising Director Subscription pncte $2 per ye«r in Lancaster County; $3 elsewhere. Established November 4, 1955. Published every Satur day by Lancaster Farming, Lit itz, Pa Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Ph, 17543. Affluent Society Lesson for May 22,1966 BocltgrtundScriphira II Kings M 23 29, AmosS U -15,21 24 * 1 7,7. Davatianal Reading Isaiah 5 1 7* The United Stales as a nation Is like a man who has worked hard and saved money carefully all his life, and suddenly one morning wakes up to find him self rich. He has so much money that he doesn’t have to be thrifty any more. He belongs to the "Haves”, not the "Have-nots”, It is a bewildering experience foe. which he has had no' preparation. Someone wille\ en have to invent a Dr. Foreman w ord to describe the kind of society (that is, what kind of country or nation) he lives in. Indeed someone has in vented or dug up from the less used pages of the dictionary, just the word to describe the kind of society we are: an affluent society. That means, put in less fancy words, a society that has more money than it knows what to do with. NOBODY LOVES POVERTY The emergence of a nation as rich as ours is a rare thing in human history. Xations tend to take all the credit for their own affluence, but this is pure conceit. It was conceit when the nation of Israel through a combination of circumstances found herself wealthy. It is conceit for us to for get the factors (oil and copper, for two) that'have contributed so much 'to our v.ealth, factors we enjoyed and used but did not create. But that is another story. The point here is that nobody and no nation w ants to be poor. Indeed, don’t most of us feel that if we only had money all our troubles would vanish away? Yet newspaper readers know that crimes such as drug taking, sex crimes, theft and murder, are committed often by the young people from the community’s "best” homes. Instead of doing away with troubles, families are finding out every day thatmoney, so far from solving our prob- Now Is The Time ... By Max Smith, Lancaster County Agent To Use Care With Atrazine The control of grass in corn with the herbicide, atrazine, may be attained with proper application and sufficient moisture in the soil. However, we’d like to point out the need for extreme care in using the proper amounts per acre Many corn fields will go to small gram this fall or next spring, and others will be followed with tobacco, these crops are easily damaged by the atrazine re sidue; growers are urged to use the mini mum amounts where grasses are a problem. To Wilt Grass Silage Crops Livestock producers who are planning to make all or part of their first cutting of grass-legume forage into silage are reminded SMITH of the need for some wilting; the direct cut method contains too much moisture and usually results in lower qualitj feed Wilting will help take the place of a preservative with hay crop silages. To Fertilize Alfalfa Stands To Look Twice Many chemicals are includ- One of the good times to ed in the farm spray pro apply fertilizer to an estab- gram, custom sprayers and lished stand of alfalfa is im- dealers have many' different mediately after the removal materials to handle' each clay of the first cutting. Due to and to -keep separate. We the controversal merits of ap- urge feveiy spray operator to plying any nitrogen to a be sure i that he is applying healthy stand of alfalfa, the the proper, at the use of a phosphorus-potash" recommended rate and time, fertilizer is still recommend- Unlabelled containers are ed. A well-fertilized crop very dangerous and' cpuld should respond, quicker for rifin a crop. Extreme‘-'care later cuttings and yield great- and safety is necessary at all er tonnage. times. Take time to be safe. timi, oftsn 'Only iiUi oas-moel probltm to_ tho»« wshsvV.' : >And •till ws act foollih enough to want to be rich. Even we who read and claim to believe the BlSls forget iti many warninge againit affluence. DANGER.FOR "HAVES"' For the fact is that in the Bible there are many more warnings against wealth than against pov erty. The prophets were always condemning the rich, ae Amos did. Jesus warned against riches in his Sermon on the Mount and in many parables. The only char acter In Jesus’ stories who ended in hell was a rich man. James utters a special warning to those who contribute to the poverty of the poor by overcharging them or otherwise swinging the scales of justice in favor of the afflaent. Prophets in the nation of Israel, at a time when that little nation thought it had '’arrived” kept warning more insistently than ever that what makes a nation great is not wealth but character. CHARACTER CALLED FOR When a society becomes af fluent, it is on the brink of be coming soft and rotten. Solid Christian character is just as needed in an affluent society as in a poverty-stricken one. But what traits of character are spec ially called for? What kinds of men, in short, are needed to stop the process of decay? One kind of man certainly is needed, in pros perity and poverty no less, men of reliable character, men who will not forsake the hard for the easy way. But remember: wealth is one of the severest tests of human character. For example, a man may be known for his self-discipline. He does not in dulge in social drinking. Retakes no alcoholic drinks in public or in private. But why is he a total abstainer? Perhaps only because he can’t afford liquor at present prices. But if being poor is your only reason for being good, then you aren’t very good after ail! B«s*d *n *utlm*« e*|»ynght*d by th* Division •( Christian Education National Council «r Hi* Churchtt *f Christ m th* USA Rtioasad by Community Pr«» Strvic*) ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE SUNDAY The successful publication of inexpensive, populai news papers in the U. S. began with the appearance of the New York Sun on September 3, 1833.