g jjfrpon —‘ to remove tastes and odors; calgon for corrosion control; and chlorine, which is added at the beginning and at the end of the process to purify the water. It takes about two hours and 20 minutes to convert dirty water to pure water, accord ing to engineer helper James H. Runyon, who guided our A. H. Hoffman Seeds, Inc. Landisville, Pa. Before you plant any Hybrid Seed Com ... talk to us ISOTOX Seed Treater (F) Good hybrid seed corn is expensive, so it doesn’t make sense to plant it without protecting it from insects and soil disease. That’s why we’re telling our customers to use ISOTOX 25 Seed Treater (F). You mix it with the seed right in the planter box, and your corn seed goes into the soil with all-round protection. That’s because ISOTOX is an insecticide and a fungicide. It works on insects like wireworms, seed corn maggots and seed corn beetles, and keeps off dry rot and damp-off. T M KeS U S Pat* Otf Bead Dnections and Caution's Betoie Use P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN tour of the Grace Mine water system. Industrial Water Much of the Arm’s indus trial water comes from a 60- mllllon-gallon-capaclty 'm 111 pond fed by Back Creek. A diversion dam on Back Creek was comple'ed last year. By siphoning water from the pond, the main flow of the creek is diverted around the plant and mine at the rate of GOO gallons per minute through submerged pipes into the large central mill pond; the overflow from the pond continues Back Creek. By diverting the wa ter around Us facilities in this way, the company elim inates any future possibility i DISTRIBUTED BY ISOTOX is made for hy brids, and it’s made so the right amount sticks on every seed. It runs just about 16c an acre to use this seed treater so why take a chance on losing any expensive seed, or having to replant later. See us for ISOTOX Seed Treater (F) now. Oi tho, Isotox, On All Chemicals. SOLD BY Phone Lane. 397-3539 Phone 898-2261 about 25 of Bock Creek flooding the mine. Water uncovered in the course of the "mining opera tion from underground streams is pumped out’ at 800-1000 gallons per minute. This Joins with the indus trial waste water, from which the solids have been remov ed, and is recirculated to the mill and pellet plants. HANDLING WASTE WATER Wastes are divided into two categories at Grace Mine, and each is handled separ ately. These are domestic and industrial wastes Domestic Domestic waste is carried through soil pipes to a spe cial flume (channel) where the flow is measiued, then into an aferation tank. From the tank it flows into an aero accelerator for clearing; then the effluent travels to a “dos ing tank”; to slow, sand fil ter beds; to a chlorine con tact chamber—and finally, RECIRCULATING SUMP after solids 'are removed from industrial waste water, the water is recirculated through this sump and returned to the plant for use. Ground water pumped from the Grace Mine also passes through this sump. Any overflow runs into the mill pond for future use. L. F. Photo Now Available At Our New Bulk Warehouse Location Granular Grades Available Now Vertogreen Vertagreen Truck Spreader Service and Trailer Type Spreaders Available For Your Use Armour Bulk Warehouse Location Pius Pesticides % Organic Plant Food Co. Groff town Rd. (near waterworks) Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone: 392-4963 Use Armour’s VERTAGREEN and See Why Farmers Say: “VERTAGREEN IS WORTH MORE BECAUSE IT DOES MOKE” the water is discharged In purified form Ito the; mill pond, and then to Back Creek at an average rate of 50 gallons per •minute. Industrial Industrial wastes Involve a far greater volume, but less complicated treatment. The main contaminant In the industrial waste water is “tailings,” the fine stone res idues from the milling and pelleting processes. This ma terial Is washed through a collecting sump, and distribut ed through two, 200 j foot- Ipng clarifiers. In the process, most of the solids settle out. The clear effluent is chan neled to a second sump and is recirculated for use in the plant and mill. Water from the mine also comes Into the lecirculating sump and be comes usable. The solids, mentioned above, make up 10-15 per cent of the industrial waste water. They collect in two. ARMOUR Bulk Granular Fertilizer VERTAGREEN PEBBLE 16-8-8 6-12-12 See Your Armour Dealer ARMOUR AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY P. O. BOX 3478, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Phone: 301 - 789-3000 ♦> < and Pebble Pebble Pebble Armour Bagged Goods Warehouse Plus Pesticides % J. U. Baker Warehouse 1133 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone: 393-9949 Urge, round nettling op thickening tanks, Long ro tating “rakes" continually sweep the solids toward the center of the tank. From there, they drop through a hole, and ari> transported to the tailings sump; and then the material (now 2 3-30 per cent solids) is washed through three miles of pipe t 0 the tailings dam where it is discharged into a huge earthen holding basin. Water In this basin dis charges by seepage and through an underdrawn, at the rate of 500 gallons per minute, into Hay Creek which flows eventually into the Schuylkill River, Hunj on said. These complex facilities were a lot to see in a tew short hours, but under Rm yon’s expert guidance were able to get an over impression of how a company handles us (Continued on Page 7) ‘•'if'.* 4 10-10-10 10-20-20 0-25-25