10—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 7, 1966 4-H CLUB NEWS DONEGAL 4-H mewing cu n organizes l».> tains lllxlcr, n'lMirtji'r The combined Organization and Health Meeting of the Donegal 4-H Home Econom ics Sewing Club was held on Thursday, April 28, at the Donegal Church Social Hall. The meeting nas called to order hv the club leader. Mrs. Lewis Bixler. The members elected their ofheers as tollows; president. Florence Bixler; vice presi dent. Linda Ney; secretary, Rebecca Kling; assistant sec retary. Lou Ann Hess; treas uier, Lily Ann Wivell; as sistant treasurer, Kathy Ney; song leaders, Carol Hess and Diane Fries: game leaders, Brenda Hess and Yxonne Robinson, and news report ers. Eileen Hess, Glory Win ters. Patty Zmn. and Frances Bixler Club Congress "repre sentatne is Rebecca Klmg After the officers w'ere elected, 'president Florence Bivler was in charge of the meeting The members re peated the Club Pledge Carol Hess led a song. “Tell Me Win ’’ Secretarv, Rebecca Klmg. then called the roll with 19 gnls responding, naming their favorite flower. The next sewing meeting will be held on June 14, at the Done gal Church Social Hall, 1 30 pm. The girls may select their own pattern numbers this >ear Theie w'Ul be a “Show and Tell” to be given b> Lou Ann Hess on sewing Virginia Wnell gave a health talk on “You As A Teenager ” After Miss Wi velTs talk, there was a quiz to deteimnie which girl was the healthiest Brenda Hess was our “Model Teenasrei.” Our Club Leader, Mis Bix lei distributed 4-H Brace lets to all gnls w'ho complet ed first >ear club woik. Sewing Leadeis this year will be Joanne Hess, Rebecca Klmg, and Mis Bivlei. NORTHERN LANG, COUNTY HOLSTEIN CM'li "MEETS bj Karl Stauttcr, reporter The second meeting of the Koithein Lancaster County 4-H Holstein Club was held Satuidav at the Smoketown Elemental). School Sixty inembeis and tour leadeis attended The guest speaker, Di Hai old Landis talked to the gicup about calthood diseas es and showed a film called “The Vetennanan ” The next meeting of the chib has been scheduled tor Mdv 2G It will be held at the Claience Stauttei tann at Ephiata HI. SNOOPY SMI’KI! d-H CUli OItGWIZKS In .Inch Hoi'nei, repoiher The Knkwood Snoopi Sni pei 4-H Clu-h held its fiist meeting at the home ot Mis Jtvce Pjle on April 25 Those attending the 'first meeting' wei e 7ud> Thomp son Baihara Whiteside, Don na Andeison Vickc Letevei, Kathy IMjeis and Judv and Dehoiah Hoiner The Snoopt Snipers also elected the loll'owmg officers Dehoiah Hoiner president, Haibaia Whiteside, vice-pres ident Katin Mveis, secie tai \, ,7ud> Thompson, treas ni ei and Tud\ Horner, news importer and tumor leader The gills selected sewing as their j early pi oject. The adult leadeis of the club ore: 'Mrs. Nancy Lofev er, Mrs. Joyce Pyle, and Mrs. Kathryn Horner. The next meeting will be nt the home ot Mrs. Joyce Pyle on Tuesday, May 3, at 4 p.nr. It will be a 'health meeting and a local beautician will be the guest speaker. 4-H Sewing Club To Elect Officers An election of new officers will be held at the meeting of the Lititz-Manheim 4-H Sewing Corn Growers ... GET HIGHER YIELDS with 20-10-10 CORN PLOW DOWN FERTILIZER (Contains DuPont "NuGreen" Urea Fertilizer) PLOWING DOWN ADDITIONAL NITROGEN • Aids in decomposition of previous crop • Allows for increased plant population • Increases yield Bags or Bulk Pickup Bulk Spreading Service See Us Today Miller Chemical and Fertilizer Corp. Steinmetz Rd., Ephrata, Pa. Ph. 733-6525 J »' ftni ~ -vwwm v t- ' rm-.n-ww-v^ - for Nitrogen we have... i- vKv titutt t Vicrtfh tf \ (H * '1 ' Frey Bros. Why the Frey Economy Gate was Built Dear Gate User; For many years there has been a need for a GOOD steel gate. There have been many different metal gates on the market but none have all the features desired by people who use gates regularly. I have been using gates of many kinds foi many years and after be ing knocked down, stuck by splinters, cut by sharp edges and even had a bull come through a gate after me, I decided to build the BEST GATE THAT COULD BE BUILT, one that would hold stock, not sag, not bieak down, and not have any wide panels to catch wind, or any sharp edges, to cut any one or their stock. The FREY ECONOMY GATE has been accepted by many people in the livestock and horse business. I am aware there is no such thing as a perfect gate and there will never be, but I believe that you will agree with our many customers who have used the FREY ECONOMY GATE, that the FREY ECONOMY GATE is the best gate on the market. . There are lighter weight and lower cost gates on the market, but when considering all facts and points, FREY ECONOMY GATES give you the most for your money. Due to customer demand we now have a complete line of all-steel, all welded livestock handling equipment. If you need something special send us plans and specifications and we will be glad to bid on it. • NEPPCO (Continued from Page 1) Junction with the seml-annu nl meeting of the Council’s board of directors. Joining with Scott In dielp ing NBPPOO ceidbnate thirty five years of service to north eastern poultrymen will be Senators Case of New Jer sey, (Smith and Muskie of Maine, Uausche and Young of Ohio, Williams and Boggs of Club at the home of Mrs. David Buckwalter, Lititz R 3, May 7 at 1:30 p.m. All girls between the ages of nine and 19 are eligible to join the group. Further infor mation may be obtained by calling Mrs. Buckwalter 626- 5532. FRED FREY Delaware,' Dodd- of- Connecti cut, and Pell of Rhode Island, as well as some thirty mem bers of the Congress. All the legislators who at tend will he given an op portunity to see end hear about the progress NEPPCO h'as made over Its thirty-five year history. Each will also receive a specially-packaged dozen of the Northeast’s finest eggs. NEPPCO was founded on May 15, 1931, at a meeting of “some 4i5 poultry Industry leaders who gathered in the -old Prince George Hotel in *New York City. Originally a council of state poultry asso ciations, it now numbers among its members many hundreds of poultrymen in the 14 northeastern states from Maine, through Ohio and Virginia. FREY ECONOMY GATES GIVE YOU MORE • DESIGN—By a cattleman for the stockman and horseman. • STRENGTH—Light weight tubular steel, all welded construction. • SAFETY—There are no sharp edges to cut you or your stock. • HANDLING EASE—Because they offer very little wind resistance anyone can open or close a FREY ECONOMY GATE in any wind with NO EFFORT. • VALUE—When all facts are considered and compared to other gates you will find that FREY ECONOMY GATES give you more value than any other type of gate bar none. • QUALITY—FREY ECONOMY GATES were designed to be the gates available anywhere and they will NEVER SAG. • ALL NEW STEEL HEAD GATE—2 models to choose, one for side exit and one for straight-thru exit. • ALL-STEEL ALL-WELDED FARM AND RANCH GATES— -8 models to choose from. • SALT AND MINERAL FEEDERS—with face fly applicator • ALL METAL PICK UP STOCK RACK • STOCK TILT TABLES • ELECTRIC GATES—imported from England • FREE STALL A GATE FOR EVERY NEED • Chicago ■ (Continued from Page 2) instances 1.00 higher on utili ty and Commercial. Bulls 50! 1.00 higher. In the carlot dress ed meat trade, steer bee£ steady to 75 higher. Heifers beef 50-1,00 higher and covr beef steady to 50 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS _ Prime 1200-1450 lbs. 29.25-29.75 seven loads at latter price’ High Choice and Prime loso’. 1400 lbs. 28.25-29.25, Choice 900-1400 lbs. 26.25-28.50, Mixed Good and Choice 25.50-26.73 Good 24.50-26.00, Standard and Low Good 22.50-24.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Prime 1000-1140 lbs. 27.25-27.- 50, one load at latter price. High Choice and Prime 900- 1100 lbs. 26.75-27.25, Choice 800-1075 lbs. 25.50-26.75, Load Choice 1200 lbs. 26.00. Mixed Good and Choice 24.75-25.75, Good 23.00-25 00, Standard and Low Good 21.00-23.25. R. D. 2 QUARRYVILLE PENNSYLVANIA Phone: (717) 786-2235