Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey WEEKLY SUMMARY I.IVK HK.VS Prices generally unchanged on light hens. Demand very good. Offerings light & sub stantially short of full re quirements. Demand fair on heavy hens. Offerings ade quate. Prices paid at farms tor light diens: 10-11 %c, mostly 10 %-ll %c, Heavy hens: 19’£-21, mostly 19%- 20c Fogelsville April 2G, 10GG Hens Light 10-11; Hens, Heavy 12-23, mostlv 17-23; Pullets 27%-42. mostly, 32- 36; Roasters 22-39%, mostly 28-3i3; Ducks 29-32; Turkeys, Hens 28-34 %, mostly 31- 34%; Rabbits 16-56, mostly 48-*54; Guineas 72%-82%, mostly 80-S'2%, Pigeons (per pair) 30-95, mostly 80; Jum bo Sciuabs 65-87%, mostly 87%. Total Coops Sold: 511. Now Is The Time To Order ' * r /r n«■ , • T New Holland 354-2112 Ivan M. Martin, Inc. Terre HiU 445 . 3455 Blue Be.ll, P». Gap 442-4148 Com Growers . .. GET HIGHER YIELDS with 20-10-10 CORN PLOW DOWN FERTILIZER (Contains DuPont "NuGreen" Urea Fertilizer) PLOWING DOWN ADDITIONAL NITROGEN • Aids in decomposition of previous crop • Allows for increased plant population • Increases yield Bags or Bulk Pickup Bulk Spreading Service Miller Chemical and Fertilizer Corp. Steinmetz Rd., Ephroto, Pa. PH. 733-6525 Eastern Shore Exchange WEEKLY SUMMARY Broiler * and fryer live prices on the Eastern Shore Exchange this week averaged 13.94 cents per lb , practical ly unchanged from last week’s average. Prices paid ranged from a low ot 15 0 cents on Monday to a high of 3 6 8 cents per lb on Wednesday. Sales continued at a high level as totals reached 1.G67,- 800 head for the week. Delmarva April 2!>, 19G6 Delmana broiler and tryer live. ' lot average prices de clined approximately ,1-cent. Demand good for moderate auction offerings. Live sup plies adequate for needs. Readj-to-cook demand very good with several plants op erating Saturday Processors continued to cope with labor shoitages Pnoi commitments light for next week, with See Us Today *'l (i&msr ■ -i XwiTUtjiypi UfUE*. f JEfifriujtCß % j many processor* taking "wait and «ee” attitude. Delivered price* slightly stronger and competitive. Estimated slaughter for to day and Saturday. 1,016.000 head, compared to 805.000 head last weekend. In the 21 hours preceding market close on Friday, pric es repotted paid at farms ranged 15.5 to 10 0 cents per lb on sales totaling 9'»5,4ti0 head. • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) lb.: draft horses 140-300, Mules, pairs, 230-450, singly, 125-160. Pony mares, 20-80; geldings, 20-90. HOGS April 25, 1966 The 822 head sold averaged 25 cents lower. Retail, 24-25 25; wholesale (US 1-3), 23 75-24- 25. heavyweights, 22 50-23 75, sows, 18-19 No shoats were offered. CALVES April 25, 1966 Prices on 83 head averaged lowei in the absence of Prime animals Choice, 38-40; Good and Low Choice, 32-37 50; Stan dard, 29-31; Common, 22-28 • Lancaster Auction (Continued from Page 2) 245 lbs 23 00-23 *5, 245-275 lbs 21 75-22 50 SHEEP 3,3 —VVooled lambs fulh steady WOOLBD LAMPS Good and Choice 83-97 lbs 27 50- 29 00, One Lot 60 lbs $32. SOIL SAMPLES ANALYZED Each sample sent to the testing laboiatory at Penn State University is carefullt analjzed for pH and lime re qunements, foi phosphorus, potassium and organic mat ter content Upon special re quest some aie analyzed for eah'tum and magnesium con tent After being tested, le sults are studied, and lime and fertilizer recommenda tions are mailed to Pennsyl vania residents This prompt and accurate soil testing progiam is avail able to all Pennsylvanians A small fee is chaiged for the sen ice Contact >our county agent to obtain a soil test kit More Farmers 1 PLANT EARLY AND THICK. Plant DeKalb 2 APPLY MORE FERTILIZER. | SHm I 3 CONTROL WEBS. | s=or% i 4 CONTROL INSECTS. | 5 PLANT ALL DEKALB! I “DEKALB" is a Registered Brand Nam* J» Smoketown, Pa. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1986—8 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. Fiom Monday. April 25th to Friday. April 29th Mon. WHITE Ex Fey. Hywts. 41 Fey. Hywts. 40 Fey. Med. 38 No. 1 Med. 37% Pullets 31 Peewees 24 BROWN Ex. Fey. Hywts 40 Fey. Hywts. 40 Fey. Med. 37% Pullets Peewees MIXED Fey. Hywts, Standards Checks 40 38-39 32 Vi-33 TREND Buyers extremely cautious, and overall positlta still unsettled. Copyright 1966 by Urner Barry Publications • Vintage (Continued trom Page 2) SHEEP 76—Spring Lambs and Slaughter Eves tully steady Choice and Prime 30- 65 lb Spnng Lambs $33 GO -39 00, Utility and Good Slaughter Ewes $8 00-13 00 HOGS April 3.1. 1906 Puces aieiaged lover as 171 head veie sold. 180-200 lbs, 20 35-23 50. 200-220 lbs, 23 10-24 50 220-240 lbs. 22 75-24 25, 240 lbs and up, 19 00-22 36. Sows, 17 75-19.00 • Chicago (Continued from Page 2) 50, on Monday four loads reached 30 00, High Choice and Pi ime 1050-1400 lbs 27 - 00-29 50, late 27 00-28 50, Choice 900-1375 lbs 25 25-28- 00, late 25 25 27 25, Good and Choice 24 75-26 50, late 24 75- 25 75 Good 23 75-25 50, late 23 - 75-25 00 and Standard and Low Good 22 00-2450, late 22 00-24- 00. Ph. 397-3539 Tue*. Wed. 38'a 37 37 37' 2 36 36 36' 2 35 34 34%-35% 34' 2 34 31 31 31 23 23 23 38*2 37% 38' 't 37 37 37% 36% 31 24 364 35 34 23 23 37% 36 36 37 ’i 36 32 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS High Choice and Pnme 925- 1075 lbs 25 75-27 00, late 25.75- 26 75 and Choice 800-1050 lbs. 24 25-26 50, late 24 25-26 00. Good and Choice 23 50-25.25, late 23 50-24 50 with Good 22.- 00-24 00 and Standard and Goor’ 20 00-23 00, late 20 00-22.- 25 COWS Utility and Com xneicial 18 50-20 50, Canner and Cuttei 17 50-20 50 BULLS Utility and Co-*> meicial 20 50-24 00, late 20.00- 23 00 the best in seed and friendly service SEE Your Hoffman Seed Man or Call A. H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC. 898-2261 Landisville, Pa. fjhffmm KEEDSJ FrL Thurs. 36 36 31 31 35 35 for