14—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 30. 1966 For the Farm Wife and Family By Mn. Richard C. Spence, Food Editor VEGETABLE SPECIALS fAUUOTS DKiiiciors cups ciirrots sliced 3_. -rui) water l" can (10'/i oz ) cream of celery soup. condensed y. teaspoon salt a s teaspoon pepper C oggb. hard-cooked, cut into eighth* (i slices toast 3 slwes bacon, cooked, cuuubled Cook carrots m water un til tendei. Dram carrots re serving % cup liquid. Com bine carrots, soup, reserved canot liquid, salt, and pep per in a saucepan Add eggs; blend gentlv to avoid break ing up eggs Heat until mix ture is bubbling hot Sene 01 er to-ast Garnish with ba con. Series 6 FRENCH-FRIED HEHH-ONTON RINGS 2 to 3 large Bermuda or Spanish onions 1 cup flom 1 teaspoon baking powder % teaspoon salt i', teaspoon thime y, teaspoon maiioram cnp milk 1 egg shghtlv beaten Peel onions and slice % inch thick Sepaiate into lings Chill in cold water about 1 houi Diam and diy thoi oughlv Sift dry ingredi ents togethei Combine milk and egg and stn into flour to make the battei. Dip on- NUT TREES - NUT TREES HURRY - - PLANT TWO - PLANT TWO STILL TIME ENG. WALNUTS, hardy, giafted, heavy 10-12 ft. each Slo.oo 12-15 ft. each $25.00 Select Seedlings $l.OO to 55.50 CHINESE CHESTNUT 10-12 ft. ea. $12.00 BL4CK WALNUTS, grafted, easy cracking 8-10 ft. ea. $lO.OO BUTTERNUTS, grafted 8-10 ft. ea. S 8.00 FILBERTS 12-15 ft. ea. $15.00 PERSIMMONS, fine vars. 4-3 ft. up ea. $3.23 to $lO.OO HURRY, Open an> da\. Sats. 8 4 P.M. closed noon Get vour share befoie too late. NUT TREE NURSERY Off 322, v 4 mi. above Guthrieville 4V> miles Northwest of Downingtown Phone 711-269 3296 Holland Stone Ready-Mixed Concrete ew Holland Concrete Product New Hollond, Pa. ion rings into batter. Lower several batter-dipped rings into hot deep fat (365 de grees) and fry until golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper. Crisp in moderate oven (3i50 degrees) 5 min utes Salt to taste. Serve hot. 6 sellings. ♦ • Greeu beans star with tur kev in this salad — TURKEY WITH SEASHELL MACARONI SADAD 7 ounce package shell macaroni, cooked, drain ed and cooled 2 packages (10% oz. each) frozen cut green beans, cooked % cup chopped celery % cup sliced radishes %i cup chopped onions %i cup mayonnaise 4 teaspoons prepared mus tard Z teaspoon salt SUPER Self Service SHOES 2750 Columbia Ave. Lancaster Lane. Co.’s Largest Shoe Store All Ist Quality Super Low Prices Concrete I Blocks I Metal I Windows I I rete I si 354-2114 I H y A teaspoon pepper milk, stirringuntil vmooth, Combine macaroni and and cook until bubbly and vegetables In a large bowl, thickened, stirring frequent- Olend together mayonnaise, ly. Stir In ham. Melt remain* mustard, salt, and pepper, lug -butter .In trypan; add Add to onions and cook until trans mixture, Blend well. Chill, parent but not browned. Serve In lettuce cups with 'Crush corn flakes slightly; cold sliced turkey. Sprinkle mix lightly In pan with top of salad with paprika, .cooked onions and cheese. Makes 6 cups or 12 servings. Arrange asparagus pieces In „ * * * G individual baking dishes. HAM AXD ASPARAGUS I ' ndle creamed ham over ns- AU CRATIN' ipnragus. Sprinkle evenly cup butter or margarine ' vitb * orn „ nakes mixt " r 7 e : tablespoons flour ® ake mode ™ te °' en teaspoon dry mustard degrees) until thoroughlj Dash of white pepper * eated - ' abou ! t lo m'inutes teaspoon salt Makes 6 Irvings cup milk cups diced cooked ham cup finely chopped on ions Vi 2 1 cups corn flakes cup grated cheddar cheese Ws. 'cups cooked, drained as paragus pieces Melt 2 tablespoons of the butter in saucepan. Add flour, mustard, pepper and srlt; stir until blended. Add SPINACH PUDOIXG (2 10-oz. packages frozen, •chopped spinach, cooked and drained 12 cuips cottage cheese, drained teaspoon salt Vi cup grated Parmesan cheese 2 eggs Parmesan cheese TIME-SAVING SERVICES FOR TIME-SAVING FARMERS Of our most convenient and -popular- services, two of our greatest time-.savars"fpr todayls very modern farm familLes.aAlL and DRIVE-IN sdi^ices^., ajl The first enables yolr to~bank thrpugmyg^Ti'^l?- 3 rest mailbox ... any day, any houffTfie'secdnd takes but minutes "while driving by ... without step ping out of your car 1 BANK HOURS: Main Office, MiUersville and Manheim Twp. Branch: Mon. thru Thurs. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lititz Branch: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Fri. 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All Drive In Windows and Walk Up Window Open Until 6 P.M. Monday through Friday except Manheim Twp. Branch open ’til 8 p.m. Fri. FREE PARKING at places listed below. Bring parking ticket to Sank for validation. Any Buhrman Parking Lot Grant Street Parking Lot 48 W. Grant St, Kendig Parking Lot 36 S. Queen SL Watt & Shand Parking Garage Swan Parking Lot Vine & Queen Sts. Stoner Parking Lot Corner Vine & Queen St». NATIONAL BANK LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA “Serving Lancaster from Center Square since 1889” MILLERSVILLE BRANCH LITITZ SPRINGS BRANCH Broad and Main Sts., Lititz MANHEIM TWP. BRANCH 1415 Lititz Pike, Lane. ■' * } L t i, . Maximum Insurance 810,000 per depositor 3 3 A Trustee for the Lane., Co. | Foundation * ‘ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Mix together spinach, cot- Hager’s tage cheese,nit, nmeiu cheese and egg* until well iblended. Pour into casserole. Bake 30 minutes. Serve with iParmesan cheese. 6 serving*. ASPAHAOI'S AU ORATIN’ SANDWICH >2 tablespoons chill sauce 1 tablespoon prepared mus tard 2 cups cottage cheese G slices rye toast, buttered 1 9-oz. package frozen as paragus spears, cooked % cup crushed saltiue •crackers 3 tablespoons butter, nett- ed % cup shredded Cheddar cheese Mix together chili wucu and mustard; spread on but tered toast. On each slice Ot toast, spoon % cup o( cot tage cheese and -top witjk 4 asparagus spears. Browu. cracker crumbs in melted (butter and sprinkle 4 tea spoons over each sandwich 1 . (Finally, top each with (.Continued on-Pfcga 1«5) 302 N. George St. I > * i B*s