Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 23, 1966, Image 1

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VOL. 11 NO. 21
Solanco Parliamentarians Score
Upset, Winning Area FFA Title
The eight-man parliamen
tary procedure team tram
the Solanco FFA Chapter
worked its way from second
best in the county last week
to first place m the Lancas
ter-York area this week by
defeating the other thiee
chapters competing tor the
title Thursday night at Penn
Manor High School.
In last week’s meet, So
lan'co had finished in the run
nerup spot to the perennial
champs. Grassland But in
doing so, they won the right
to compete in the area con
test this week, and being
number two, they apparently
tried hard enough to success,
fully overcome the best tram
both cunties in what T. M
Ma'in, area adviser, describ-
ed as “an extremely close
Chapter are, left to right (front row): Preston LeFever; William Prey; David
DeLong, Earl Wenger; (back row), Gary Craiig; James Huber; Edward Kreider;
and Richard Smith. The Solanco team will represent the Lancaster-York area in
the southeastern Pennsylvania contest to be held next week. L. F. Photo
Farm Calendar
April 25 S pm, Fulton
Grange No 66 at Oakiyn
April 26 1 30 pm, County
FFA salesmanship contest
at Garden Spot High
—7 30 pin . Penn Manor
4-H Cluib meets at Letoit
Elementary Sch
—3 p m Extension Serv
ice planning meeting toi
19 6 6 southeast district 4-H
balby beet show and sale,
at Livestock Exchange
Room, Lancaster Stock
—9 am , Region II FFA
speaking & Pari Procedure
meet at Millersville State
April 27—9:30 am, County
(Continued on Page 4)
coi test all the way through ”
The Solanco team will now
represent the area when the
Region II contest rolls
around next week. Region II
consists of the 12 counties in
southeastern Pennsylvania
It they are successful in that
event, they will go on to the
state meet in late June
Members of the victorious
Solanco team included Pres
ton LeFever, president, "Wil
pam Prey, vice-president; Da
vid DeLong, secretaiy, Earl
Wengei, treasurer; Gary
Craig, sentinel, James Hu
ber, chaplain, Edward Krei
der repoiter, and Richard
Smith adviser
Judging the area event
were Charles P Lebo, area
adviser Dauphin and Schuyl
(Continued on Page 8)
Grange Votes Donation
To F&H; Favors Change
In U.S. Constitution
Lancaster County Pomona
Grange #7l held its spring
meeting in the Fulton Gi ange
Hall. Oaki% n, last Satuiday,
with Mastei, Charles G Hc-
Spairan presiding A dona
tion was ioted to the Lan
castei Countj Faim and
Home Centei which is to be
built this >ear
The Giange went on iec
oi d lavonng lestoiation ot
tedeial funds toi use of re
search piogranis on farm
products at state unnersities
and other federally subsidized
schools in the nation They
favored a state law which
would permit county commis
sioners to appropriate what,
ever funds are necessary to
(Continued on Page 7)
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 23, 1966
Congressmen Urge
Freeman To Retain
Milk Handier Pool
The fh e members of Phil
adelphia’s delegation m Con
gress have written a joint
letter to Secietary of Agri
culture Orville L Freeman
asking him “to bring to an
end the disruptive threat ot
change which is unsettling
milk marketing in Philadel
phia and the Delaware Val
ley mil'k marketing aiea.’
and the Delawaie Valley milk
maiketing area ’’
The Congressmen forcefully
urged retention ot federal
milk marketing order #4 in
its present form Hearings
looking to a change in the
order were held by the De
partment of Agriculture last
Fall and 'a decision has been
pending since then
(Continued on Page 9)
Land Judging
Won By County
FFA Members
Lancaster County members
of Future Farmers of Amei i
ca chapteis swept the Lan
castei-Yoik aiea Land Use
and Management contest
Wednesday, which was held
this yeai at the Isaac Geib
tarm Manheim R 3
County youths captuied
the fiist 13 places in the
e\ ent. led b\ Ronald Kime of
Waiwitk Chapter and Rob
ert Fishei. Grassland, who
tied with scores of 346%.
In third place was Robert
Eby, Warwick, with 346
points; fourth, Clayton Har
rington, Solanoo; fifth, Fred
Kreider, Solanco.
(.Continued on Page 7)
Governor Hears Agr. Committee
Reports; Promises Prompt Action
At his second annual con
ference on agriculture, Tues
day, Governor William W
Scranton renewed his commit
ment to the growth and bet
terment of Pennsylvania agri
culture In accepting the re
port of the committee on agri
culture, which he established
one year ago, he thanked the
members for their dedicated
efforts and instiucted Secre
tary of Agncultuie Leland H
Bull “to begin an immediate,
detailed study of eveiything
you recommend so that spe
cifics may be implemented
without delay.”
Approximately 225 persons
inteiested m the state’s agii
cultmal economy were pres
ent at the Scottish Rites Ca
thedral, Harrisburg, to hear
reports on six detailed studies
made duung the past year.
One report of particular sig
nificance was presented by
Amos H Funk Millersville
Rl, on “Competition for Ru
ral Resources.” He pointed
R.L FFA Group
Visits In County
A gioup of Future Faim
eis ot Amenca from a Rhode
Island chapter \isited Lan
caster County tor two da>s
this week Repiesenting the
GPonaganset Chapter from
Noith Scituate R I. weie
.5 2 FFA youths including
one girl membei of the chap
The gioup tame heie at
the invitation of the New
(Continued on Page 4)
Before you go to bed
this Saturday night, April
23, get ready to lose that
annual hour’s sleep. Day
light saving time will go
into effect whether or not
you set your clock ahead
that’s AHEAD one hour.
in the Lanoaster-York area are, left to right, Merlin
E. Snader, Grassland Chapter; Richard Thomas, Manor
Chapter. They will be among six FFA members from
the area to compete for the Region II crown next
week. L. F. Photo
$2 Per Year
out that Pennsylvania is los
ing 15,000 acres of prime
farmland each year to the
forces of urbanization high
ways, recreation, homes, etc.
“Current inventory shows we
have a bit more than three
million acres of cropland and
pastures in Class I and Class
II land This cannot be great
ly i educed if more food is to
be pioduced,” Funk said
(Continued on Page 8)
Amos H. Funk
Merlin Snader
Takes Area FFA
Public Speaking
In the Fntuie Fanner,
Lancastei-York area, public
speaking contest which was
held Thursday night at Penn
IManoi High School, it was
again a matter of “come,
trom-h ehi n d performance”
which won the day, as it was
in the procedures contest.
Merlin E Snader. a diminu
tive ninth-grader from the
Grassland Chaipter, talked his
way ft cm third best speaker
in the county to first place
(Continued on Page 14)