' t * THESE PESTS CHEW TOBACCO WHiTE GRUB —This insect chews up tender roots as fast as they detelop. Read how low-cost aldrin gives long-lasting control of soil insects that destroy seedlings, cut tobacco yields and quality. A whole army of insects tinea to ns tobacco . timing f e mowing season Wncn oims o*o o bunow into the stem Cutwoims chew on young plants. White giubs attack the toots Aldim stops all maioi soil insects attack ing tobacco. It contwls the insects you see above plus annual grubs and flea beetle lar- Aldrin-treated tobacco (rig/it) is about 8 feet tall. Untreated tobacco Qeft) ls about 5 feet tall. ...UNDERGROUND: rae One aldun application cleans up ivne wouns so thowughly you may not need to treat again foi 2 to 3 yeais. (If yon have a cnt-i swim pwhleni the second oi thhd season , apply dieldi in ) By destroying soil insects hefoi e they do damage, aldim allows tobacco plants to de velop deep, strong, healthy toot systems. Leaves manure faster, develop evenly. Plants axe mote vigorous and discase-icsistant. O result: Aldnn letums its cost many times over m Inghci tobacco profits. How to use aldrin As little as 2 to B pounds of aldrin per acie applied as an oveiall bioadcast tieatment be loie planting w ill gi\ e season-long contiol of all major tobacco pests. As little as 1 to 4 ounces of aldiin per 50 gallons of watei, applied in the setting water duung transplanting, w ill stop loot maggots Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 16, 1966—5 WIREWORM --Burrows into stem of tobacco plants, CUTWORM —Chew s on \oung plants and w'licworms —insure a good stand Where to get aidrin Aldxin is arailablc Ixom \oux local insecti cide dealer under various well-known brand names It comes as liquid, wcttablc pow’dei. granules, and in fertilizer mixes. Look lor the name aldrin on the label or in the ingre- dient statement, Slrell Chemical Company, Agricultmal Chemicals Division, 2299 Vauxhall Road, Union, New Jersey. aldrin A PRODUCT OF SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY