10—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1966 For the Farm Wife and Family By Mr». Richard C. Spence, Feod Editor SERVE HAM WITH A FLAIR Dress up your traditional Jtam with special igiazes or nerve it just plain; it’s deli cious no matter how you make it. There are also spec, tacular ways to serve lett over ham. Sweet potatoes aie a nat ural to so with ham .Make them just glazed or dress them up as in these “Spiced Yanis in Pecan Cups.” HAM WITH SPICED YAMS IN PECAN CUPS ham cup sugai' cups sifted flour stick ( 1! t cup) butter or marganne 2 egg yolks 2 teaspoons milk % cup finely chopped pecans Heat ham using directions % 1% % SUPER Self Service SHOES 2750 Columbia Ave. Lancaster Lane. Co.’s Largest Shoe Store All Ist Quality Super Low Prices Hot water... plenty of it! s ‘i Mk9\ With a Texaco Fuel Chief Water Heater! These handsome, glass-lined heaters are full} automatic and occupv a minimum oi floor space They produce hot v, ater faster than it is normally used for sha\ ing, bathing, dishw ash ing, and laundering—and at a fraction of the cost of old fashioned uatei heaters Come in and see them We also carry the complete line of Texaco Fuel Chiet furnaces, boilers oil burners, and Texaco Fuel Chiel Heating Oil the best your money can buy. (Fuel Chief! We Give S&H Green Stamps Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil 105 Fairview St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-2021 on label. Sift sugar and flour together. Using a pastry blend er, cut butter into the sugar flour mixture until the con sistency is of small peas. Add egg yolks and milk and mix well. Add nuts and mix until thoioughly combined. Pi ess into lightly greased muffin tins to form pecan cups about •Is inch thick. Bake 20 min utes in a moderate oven (350 degrees). Cool and fill with hot Spiced Yams. HOT SPICED YAMS 1 pound can of yams f . . , , This spiced fruit is a nice 1/2 CU P undramed crushed accompaniment for ham— pineapple SPICED FRUIT 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 can (29 oz) cling peach ♦J^C , *** , V*J^K 4^*»^^*^****4',4 * i ** i ***** , v'*« 4 *** > * , *«*^*l* f »' , '***» 4 *«* , ** > **** , **' , *«'** < ** , ** , ** M 3 , 4 l 4 , *l***H DAIRYMEN CATTLEMEN Here’* the answer to your MANURE PROBLEMS EASY WAY MANURE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Caves Time—Saves Fertility Just script or wmh nun tin, tedding wiiti ml fsed Into Eui Wit holding look. Wbsn jou'rs rtidr. ths powerful itfUtor «nd self-primloi chopper ImpelM pump »1U put the homotenlsed mlrtun lot* Cut Wtf llauld grid voidsc. Ml «lstr- M um—m Mat, For complete information on the EASY WAY DISPOSAL SYSTEM write to: I CALEB M. WENGER I «£« * R. D. 1, Drumore Center KlB-2U6, QUARRYVILLE, PA. * c* •> 6 tablespoons packed brown sugar 2 teaspoons prepared mus tard Vi teaspoon salt Mash can of yams with crushed pineapple and lemon juice. Add brown sugar, mus tard and salt. Heat slowly, stirring to avoid sticking. Spoon mixture into nut cups. Garnish each with a pecan half. Place around ham. GLAZED SWEETS % cup sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch V.t cup molasses % cup orange juice 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 6 medium or 12 small whole fresh-cooked or canned sweet potatoes Combine sugar and corn staich in heavy skillet Stir in molasses, orange juice and butter Bring to a boil; add potatoes. Simmer 30 minutes, turning occasionally. 12 serv ings. or pear halves teaspoons whole cloves, divided cup molasses V* cup vinegar HAM STROGANOFp Drain syrup from fruit into 2 cups chopped ham saucepan. Add 1 teaspoon of 2 tablespoons buttei or the cloves. Stud peach or pear margarine halves with remaining cloves. Vfe cup chopped omon Bring syrup to a boil; boil Va cup sliced green pepp er rapidly until reduced to Vz 1 4-°z- can sliced mushioon,j cup. .Stir in molasses and vine- 1 can j KW4 oz.) condensed, gar; bring to a boil. Pour over oream of mushroom soim fruit. Cool. Place in refrigera- % cup milk % for several hours or over- % cup dairy sour ci eurn night. Serve with ham or (Continued on Page Vo Other Protein Need When You Fee *> ns USE ONLY Vi 18. SPECIAL TANVIIAC PER HEAD PER DAY WITH GRAIN AND ROUGHAGE GET BIGGER-PROFITS i FOR MORE PROFITS—MAIL COUPON 1 THE TANVIIAC COMPANY, INC I i 4th A Corning Aves , lox 94, Highland | | Park Station, Des Moines 13, lowa. • • Please Send Me Additional Inform- ■ ■ tion about Special Tanvilac. I I have... u ... Caltl* I NAME. ADORES: BIRD-I-V-HAND D :_L /O Ifirst federaß fcp QJavings and an ASSOCIATION OF LANCASTER 25 North Duke St. Phone 393-0601 hQJP Mon. thru Thurs. Fri. Sat. 9to 4:30 ; 9to 6 9to noon C. O. NOLT LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR ACCOUNTS INSURED- TO $lO,OOO poultry. Makes about 4 W ik * '•upS, Use leftover ham m , 0m „ these ways— of SPECIAL TANVILAi Feeders Say . . , "The Most Economical Feeding Plan of All“ No trouble with scour* or c gQing off feed. You’ll be note ,1,. satisfied with oiu fccdmir for jou’ll get healthy stu:i, q ,3 gains at low cost. Braem'i»i th<»’ a FEED LOT PROVEN Twin CULTURE! PRODUCT FOR EUBI FARM FEEDING PURPOSE Phone Lane. 397 0751 -r- 4 " ’