, Adviser* Vietnam To Recruited U. S. Department of ire in cooperation Agricultural Kxten vices of the land mersities is recruit ps of 40 to 50 agrl adviserS to help in ,od production in se i evinces of South Secretary of Agri- Omlle L. Freeman d this week. lops will be com voung county agents ■i prote'ssional work i elated agricultural the Secretary said, keis are being re :lu ough the Federal Seivice. duteted by the US Depart- or HIR-DHIR test with a lac men, well-tiained nient 0 t Agncultme m co- tation average at least 15% actical side ot farm- operation with the Agency over the bleed a\erage tor in Working with f or International Develop- either milk or butterfat, 305- ;ople, will help in the ment< , x ME> and that sO % of START YOUR PIGS RIGHT .... FEED THEM RIGHT WITH RED ROSE SWINE FEEDS... ana SELL THEM RIGHT! free h > tw t I ' 'V\ A i s*s&' *?&- sv' *s*?o' >v\\ * x t If...rn? '-!# **?• ' lj - ■" 5 ' ‘" v^ M' '| '&|g. t>x For a limited time, each if Jf. * ' >■% .. >#£& %s. V* '* V s '-\ J\' V S> £ ss S; <8 te >4 ''!' tit -itt * s 'vC' ba § of Red Rose p 'g Pre - Pn4 ;"' 1 . < s *Wl'% v w'v v ' Xii- jfcv' fl\ff X* s v" v»E >* .'? it W "*' H* ifXmt-ih Starter Pellets ' pig starter i M ’ ’ Pel,ets and Farrowing Ra . ,i|4 tlon will contain a coupon ttj| * \ tltjfS worth 50c> toward top tif » * ipli.' x V\ quality Utica Kitchen Cut- *' t K -., M ,; t lery. These are profes- ;■', ' nated for lifetime service, p' | Si > 1 - 1 \ 1 NOW YOU CAN GO FROM PIGS TO PORK TO PROFITS —FASTER WITH SWINE FEEDS See These Dealers For Your bolter Binkley & Son Lititz Br «wn & Reo Atglen W„ S„pp| y C „. Elversoii L - T -Geib Estate “anhciin & Son Strasburg M. Heisey Alt. Joy • pe*<*sful 'restoration of Viet- W* • ■ name's# hand-ta full produc- WlUllCrS Trill explained that about 75 per! Gold Star Award cent of that country’s popu- 4f|- V, 9|l lation consists of farm peo- * OF frill I Car pie. “They need and welcome _ . . _ , . , the type s of technical assist- *»ytaond F- and Louise A ante the United States can * ilmep * °* nerB J* P * nn - I)el provide, as well as fertilizer, Pam - WiHow Str eet liav® seeds, and other farm sup- been " am * d Gold Star 0 Guer I n ' p lleg » sey Breeders for 1960 by The American Guernsey Oat- Applicants will be screened t]e club . Thls ig the fourth and selected within the next year that they have won this month. Then they will be coveted award, given 6 months of intensive training in the language, Reciuii ements for this culture, and tropical agncul- aw ' ar d include: that all ture of South Vietnam. Guernseys over eight months of age owned by the tarm Later they will be assigned be registered, that the held to the secured Vietnamese included at least 10 register provinces and will devote at ed Guernsey cows with pro least IS months to working <Ju'ction records made official alongside Vietnam leadeis in during the yeai with at least rebuilding their agriculture 70% of them homebred: that This program is being con- the herd was on official AR kitchen cutlery WITH COUPONS IN RED ROSE SWINE FEEDS Heistand Bros. Elizabethtown A. L. Herr & Bro. Quarryville Dovid B. Hurst Bowmausville Mountville Feed Service Mountville Musser Forms, Inc. Columbia Musser's Mill The Buck ' -V. Swine Feeds Chas. E. Sauder & Sons Terre Hill Ammon E. Shelly Lititz L. M. Snovely Lititz E. P. Spotts, Inc. Haney Brook H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Witmer Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1966—9 • Leukosis (Continued from Page 1) the state’s total farm income from sale of products. The poultry studies are among twenty different farm research projects that have been started by the Depart ment of Agriculture as part of the cons with official rec ord., completed during the jear were classified with an aieiage score tor the group ot S 2 5% or better. The production summary of Winner's herd showed 41 cows with record s averaging 12.332 pounds of milk and 614 pounds of fat, 305-2 K ME and with an aierage classifi. ation for 37 cows ot S'o 4 percent i Witmeis will receive a special ceitificate trom The Ainencan Guernsey Cattle Club in lecognition of their Gold Stai Guernsey Breeder Awaid 'for 1965. Yes we hove . . . PENNGIFT CROWN VETCH The new forage crop dis cussed in the March 12 issue of the Pa. Farmer SMOKETOWN Ph. 397-3539 Dusk To Dawn Mercury Vapor Yardlights 120 Volt-175 Watts 220 Volt-175 Watts Winner of dishwasher during Grand Opening was Mrs. Robert Greider, Columbia R#2. Agway, Inc. Lancaster Supply Center 1027 Dilierville Rood a new scientific program de signed to strengthen the state’s farming industry. The work is being financed by an appropriation from har ness racing revenue as enacted by the legislature with the signature of Governor William W. Scranton. Many of the pro jects are being supported also by matching funds fiom spon sors. Most of the research, in cluding the poultry investiga tions, will be basic in natuie and run for at least thiee yeais, Bull said. Umble Holstein Hits Vi-Ton Butterfot Mark BRATTLEBORO, VT The 1992nd yeaily pi eduction le coid exceeding a half ton of butteifat has been completed by- a registei ed Holstein cow. Swampy Hollow Soveieign Mary, owned by John M Um ble, Sw'amp Hollow Farm, At glen The Pennsylvania Holstein’s official lecoid of production to talled 23,858 lbs of milk and 1,083 lbs of butterfat in 365 days She stalled her lactation at the age of 9 years and was milked two times daily Swamp Hollow Soveieign Maiy was bied in the Umble held She was sired by Gom el oft S H Soveieign Mac. # Leaders' Council (Continued tiom Pag© 1) and to help the leadeis’ pio gram in the county continue to run smoothly The date for the next meet ing of the council was set for May sth The place has not yet been announced. ot $51.81 ot $50.27| Agway Lancaster, Penna. Phone 394-0541 :******************
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