Form Equipment* 180 Amp. IJucoJn Welder, w e w Price $BO.OO. Hiestand, jnc., Rl, Marietta. Ph: 420 9301. ' for Sale Used milk cool ers; one 300 gal. Wilson bulk tank, stainless steel, good con dition one 400 gal. Esco bulk piilk tank, MCD No. 1 approv ed; one 300 gal. Jamesway bulk tank, S S., 200 gal. Girton, S.S. «ood condition. CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Pb Intercourse 768-8501 For Sole Cob-Breaker and Attrition mill. A. Mellinger & Son, Akron, Pa., Phone 859- 1666. For Sole Clay Honey wagon, slightly used. Also water wheel David B. Zook, R. D. £l, Paradise, Pa. Balert, Ford, New Holland, John Deere, Oliver, Case, Al lis Chalmers and Internation al, i&mi hand wheel rakes, 4 bar rakes, elevators,- trac tors, oaders, spreaders, har vester' blowers anjd choppers. KEENER EQUIP. CO. Phone 569-9861 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa. M'.W IDEA HAY TOOLS Mowei« lakes and 'condition er Snecials on stocked tann gates 10’ to 16’ WILBUR GRAYBILL New Idea - Clay - Mch. Shop Lititz Ph. 626-5221 ' John Deeie 43043 Tractoi and John Deere 40T Tractor Case 411 Tiactor New Hol land oIG Harvester John Deeie 3 Bottom 555 H Plow h/H S Bottoms A. B C Gioti Inc, New Holland, Pa Ph 304-8001. Livestock For Sale A laige selection of young Viisconmn Holstein Dairy Cows Mostly close and fresh. Delne'ed to your farm on ouler a mere post 'card or letter will bring our field own to your farm for ar rangements Free taxi serv -106 to s>ee cattle for Amish dam inimeis Terms cash or hbeial ciedit Write or Phone 1 Gieenbeig & Son, Box 249, Mount Holly, New Jersey, AC 601-207-1101, “50 yrs. of ex- Peuem e ” For Sole Foi Sale Mixed Hay.- C. Mai tin Greenleaf, R.D. #l, uvtoid p a phone 1529-2704 ■kllkUOCKi. Auctions IHtRV AUCTION SALE Sat Apia 9 , at n a . Ho] stein Cows & Heifeis, Sisteied & Grades, DHIA t.,,. 1 " bSs ' so 'l (fat .. . Milk Equip rpvtt ELlj BROS , owners mG CREEK FARMS K m 81 Pres ton. Md. RLD\ick & SONS, Migrs. Ol Galena, Md. tv Y° ntl Uy Maryland Feedei P>B Sales 1:30 2nd’Monday 4ti, r^,°' lne Gales, Denton jftmsday (4th Fri. - Nov.) r„i ( ' mtk & Sons, Galena efl aied ■ — health mspect- D0,, n 7 Brade<l -pigs sold by jj a , . t 0 Ugliest bidder. p„ I> and Swine Producers, ‘“bounds, Timonium MISCELLANEOUS PIPE Steel used No. 1 shape 2. 3, 4. '6, 8 inch. -Call 75M040, Maryland -Pipe, Box 394, Hagerstown. Md. For Sale Mushroom soil for your lawns, gardens, parks, and golf courses. Trailer loads delivered. Gap Newport Mush room Farms, Inc., Avondale, Pa. Ph. AC 215-268-8808. For Sale Certified black Raspberry plants, Cumberland, Bristol, and New Logan, $lO 00 per 100, $9O. per 1000 at farm. Levi S. Ober, R. D. 1, Eliza bethtown, Phone 367-3118. WANTED Mulch Hay any amount Top prices paid. Phone Area 215- 268-2262. Poultry & Supplies Famous CHIX-CINERATORS. Efficient disposal of dead chickens, turkeys or. other small animals by cremation. 30 day guarantee or money re funded. Hiestand, Inc. Ph. 426- 9301. WANTED Due to our expansion program, we are in need' of breeder flocks. Financing available for new constiuction. WEAVER FARMS, INC. Annville, Pa. Egg washers, new and used. We repair all makes. Hiestand, Inc., Marietta Rl, Ph. 426- 9301. DEKALB STARTED PULLETS Phone DeKalk York Hatchery, York 848-1770 ox DeKalb Dis trict Sales Office, Lancaster 394-5157. Buckeye Poultry teeder re p'air .parts available through Brooklawn Farm, 118 Krei der Ave , Lancaster, Phone 569-1580. Now is the time to have your dairy barn or chicken house air conditioned fay Vent-O-Matic. Control venti lation without drafts. All in stallation guaranteed. Also other used fans. Also Chore Time poultiy equipment. Hiestand, Inc., Marietta Rl, Ph. HA 6-9301. Musser’s 327’s Shell Out Lots of Large White Eggs BABCOCK B-300's Top on Farms Everywhere will be Tops on YOUR FARM too • • • * BABCOCK HATCHERY, INC. K. D. s, LltK.z, Pa. Phone: 7!7-6i6-5872 Help Wonted Experienced cook, other help employed. Live in or out. $5O. weekly take home pay. Two. adults in family. Reply P. 0. Box 606, Lancaster, Pa. Household Goods Tappen gas ranges, Norge ap pliances, Quaker oil beaters and bottled gas service. BENJ. SHENK Lampeter, Pa. Phone 397-2486 1965 DOMESTIC sewing ma chine, cabinet model. 5 months old. Over casts & Monograms, Sews on buttons; makes button holes. Blind-hems skirts and dresses. Fancy Stitches. No at tachments needed. Sews with 1 or 2 needles. 5 year guaran tee. UNPAID BALANCE $27.60 or terms of $5 down and $6 per month Call Capital Credit Dept. Lan caster 392-4341 or Reading 372- 5763, out of town call collect. Poultry & Supplies For Sale—Gftod Qu'ality range shelters, 9 ft x 10 ft. Indian River Poultry Farms, Re search Dept, 2501 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 5 G 9-04i5 6. SHAVER Layers Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone <553-2455 MOUNT JOY R. I. PA. GARBER G-200 Leghorn Layers a champion for INCOME combined with EGG QUALITY Day Old Chicks and Started Pullets FLORIN FARMS, INC R. D. 1, Mount Joy 653-9891 Ph. 397-9035 Richard R. Forry gpnay** 1 # Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of Poultry and Cage houses Also equipped for oil spraying in Poultry houses. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1966 Mail Box Morket For Sale Used wagon bed, 16 ft., no sideboards. Amos K. Click, R.D. #3, Quarry vllle, Pa. For Sale—Herd of Angus, 16 icows, 8 registered, 3 bred belters, 14 young stock, all ages. Phone Hensel 548-2762. Wanted Bmkir low-down 2 Wheel trailer. Phone 687-6377 ■For Sale—Farniall A tractor with iplow, cultivators, mount ed mower and corn planter. IPh'one 786-2534. For Sale Propane glass lined gas water heater, 30 gallon, 'used 1 year, like new McDeering PTO corn binder, 's9's Range shelter $lO John A. Hoover, East Earl Rl, 1 mi. NE. of Goodville. For Bale Building 12x14 round roof $5O. Iron elec, (fence /posts 15c each. Berry crates with metal corners, 24 box size 50c each. Call after 6 P.M. 6'6'5-5'679. For Sale ■— International 2 bottom Fast Hitch Super Chief trip bottom plow, like new. Phone 626-8257. For Sale Purebred York shire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass champion ship bloodlines. Willow Glen Faim, R. D. 1, Strasburg, Pa Phone AC 717 786-2562, For ’Sale 40 8-ft flock feed ers, 15 5 t>t flock feeders. 10 8 tt Shenandoah feed-n -dnnks, 21 14 hole Dutch Made nests, 13 14 hole Big Dutchman nests, 1 Whirl away eg’g washer, 1 1-ton Big Dutchman Egg cooler. Wal ter B Giolf, Willow Stieet R#l, Rhone 393-0'536. For Sale New Holland 66 PTO baler, Ph 393-1833 For Sale Dutchman, Kit son automatic feeders, Dutch man nests, Jamesway track and carneis, hulk tuns, Eigg 0-.Matic giader, Phone 733- 6802 Pm (Sale 11 ji old regis teied 'palomino lioi&e Haiold B .Bleacher, Conestoga, Pa R D 2, Phone 572-575 S ANNUAL SPRING SALE GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 8 Borough limits Mt. Joy on the road leading to the Mt. Joy Cemetery. Cows, bulls, shoats. A lot of plumber and carpenter tools. A large lot of household goods and antiques, corn er cupboards, marble top tables, clocks, chairs, dishes, iron, tire and wood ware, iron kettles, a large lot of small items. A good lot for antique collectors, some very old. Auct. C. S. FRANK & SON Wanted: Cons, heifers, bulls and shoats. Phone 653*1621. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. Box 100/ Paradise, Pa. Special Spring Feeder Sales Friday, April 15-7 P.M. Friday, May 20 - 7 P.M. All Weights & Breeds Consign cattle early so they can be listed on future advertisements. Call area (717) - 442-4181 Kenneth E. Hershey, Mgr. REAL ESTATE For Sale—B6 acre farm In Indiana County. Ideal for beef. 55 acres tillable, barn, 8 room house with conveni ences and other buildings. Under $lO,OOO. Adjoining 87 acre farm also available tor purchase. Write or call Ivan. McGee, 610 Grandview Ave., Camtp Hill, Pk. Phone 717. 238-2397. For Sale: Dairy and beef-cat tie farms, country homes, and town properties in beautiful Bradford County, Pa. “Thi» is cattle country.” Harold P. French, RE Broker, Troy, Pa. 16947 CUSTOM HAULING OF ALL TYPES PHONE 397-8854 CATTLE SALES EVERY TUESMY For April 5 WE EXPECT SEVERAL LOTS OF GOOD CATTLE INCLUDING A LOT OF OUTSTANDING ANGUS STEERS. These will be excellent feed lot cattle. You are always welcome at the STAUNTON LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. C & O Flats Staunton, Va. 15
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