!—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1966 L - Alfa - Tox for reliable weevil control Absolutely no residue in milk. Wholesale and retail Available now at P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN Ph. 307-3539 WE USE QUALITY PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON!!! Aerial Ladder Equipment Used To Paint Your Farm Buildings C. RALPH MILLER Spray-on and Brush-in Painter B. D. 4, Manheim, Pa Help Wanted We need young nien for this work. Call us! More Farmers Plant DeKalb than any Other Brand. P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smokefown, Pa. • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) SGO o'o-G4.00, 40-50 lbs. $40.. 00-40.00, 5 0-6 0 lbs. $35.'50- 40 00, fiO-B'3 lbs. $31.00- 34 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good 7 00-12 50 COWS March 30, 1966 A steady trend accompanied the sale of 173 cows, 1 bull and 2 heifers. Fresh Holsteins, 275-510; Guernseys, 150-280; other breeds, 150-290 Horses sold steady with 409 head changing hands Riding horses, 110-310, driving horses, 110-300. killeis, 8-BV2 cents per lb Mules, pairs, 350-940; sing ly, 140-300. Draft horses, pairs, 300-500, singly, 140-385 Pony maies, 20-80; geldings, 15-85. For Prices Contact 1 PLANT EARLY AND THICK. 2 APPLY MORE FERTILIZER. 3 CONTROL WEEDS. 4 CONTROL INSECTS. % “DEKALB" ii a Rojutarad Brand Nam* M 5 PLANT ALL DEKALB! HORSES March 28, 1966 Ph. 665-3388 Ph. 397-3539 • Lancaster Auction (Continued from Page 2) 10, Couple Choice 2i5.75- 2i5.8'5, Utility and Commer cial 23 25-25.50, Pew 1400- 1700 lbs 25 '5O-2G.23, FEEDER STEERS Mixed Good and Choice 000-1150 lbs, 27 00-28 00. CALVES 152 HOGS March 28, 1966 Hogs lost the slight gains- of last week as 875 head aver aged 25-75 cents lower Retail, 25 50-26 50; wholesale (US. 1- 3), 25-25.50; heavyweights, 24- 50-25.25. Sows, 19-22. No shoats were offered. CALVES March 28, 1966 The 131 head sold steady to $1 higher with Choice and Prime bringing 37 50-44 50, Good and Low Choice, 32 50- 37, Standard, 29 32, Common, 20 27 50. BANK HOURS: Main Office, Millersville and Manheim Twp. Branch: Mon. thru Thurs. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lititz Branch: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m, to 2 p.m.; Fri. 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All Drive In Windows and Walk Up Window Open Until 6 P.M. Monday through Friday except Manheim Twp. Branch open ’til 8 p.m. Fri. FREE PARKING at places listed below. Bring parking ticket to Bank for validation. Any Buhrman Parking Lot LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA “Serving Lancaster from Center Square since 1889" MILLERSVILLE BRANCH LITITZ SPRINGS BRANCH Broad and Main Sts., Litita MANHEIM TWP. BRANCH 1415 Lititz Pike, Lane. steady to $l.OO Higher. Choice 42.i50-45.50, Good 88.00-42.50, Standard 36.00- 39.50, Utility 31.'50-36.50, Cull 27.50-33.00 HOGS 187 gilts 75-100 Lower with 2-3 240-"2'70 lb. Barrows and gilts $2.00-3 00 Lowei. - BAR-ROWS AND GILTS ITS 1-2 195-210 lbs. 24 50- 25 00, US 1-3 200-230 lbs. 23 75-24 33, US 2-3 205-230 Vealers lbs 23 00-23 60, 235-245 lbs. 22 10-23 00. 248-270 lbs 20- 00-20.75. -SOWS US 1-3 383-470 lbs. 19 00-20'00, Three head 605-655 lbs 17-50-17 75. SHOEE'P 39 Sla-ughtei lambs steady. One Lot Choice and Prime 35 lb Spring Lambs $5l 00, Choice and Prime 45-65 lbs 40 00-46 00, One Lot Choice 77 lbs. $52 . 00 Five head Choice 105- 110 lb Wooled lambs $27 GO -28 00. Accept the f?e£puta k^cunxL of our FULL-SCALE SERVICE BANK! Meeting the costs of new parenthood is one of many purposes for which banks like ‘ours make low-cost persona! loans promptly, without red tape, and with re payment arranged in instalments from regular Income. If you can use credit for any sound personal reason, before you de cide on any plan, get details on ours! Grant Street Parking Lot 48 W. Grant S*. Kendlg Parking Lot 36 S. Queen St. Watt & Shaud Parking Garage Swan Parking Lot Vine & Queen Sts, Stoner Parking Lot Corner Vine Sc Queen St«. THE NATIONAL BANK Maximum Insurance $lO,OOO per depositor A Trustee for the Lane. Co. Foundation Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Barrows and Hager’s 302 N. George St. Whot Do You Heed? A Lancaster Formina Classified Ad Helps "YOU SAVE ON" Tobacco Muslin IN VARIOUS WIDTHS And Moth Balls for Insect Control Country Auction Sale'"" April 2, May 7, June { W. L. Zimmerman & Son INTERCOURSE, PA. Ph, Intercourse 768-3131