10—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1966 For' the f 'Tfjf Farm Wife and Family By Mrs. Richard C. Spence, Food Editor Elegant Eats For Blaster Easter is a time of joy. It’s a time for hunting hidden Easter baskets, planning spring club meetings, and feting brides at showers and parties. Whether you’re enter taining before or after Easter Sunday, you’re sure to find occasion for some festive des serts during April. This Chocolate Cream Butter Torte is truly a spectacular dessert. It’s basically a 2-egg cake you can bake in about half an hour. Slice ‘the baked layers in half cross wise, till between the layers and frost the top with creamy chocolate frosting. Crown the cake with slivered almonds or Brazil nuts for a party look. SPENCE CHOCOLATE CREAM BUTTER TORTE cwp (1 stick) butter IV* cups sugar eggs % teaspoon vanilla 2 cups sitted cake flour 2 teaspoons baking pow- der % teaspoon salt 1 cup milk Generously butter two 8- inch lound cake pans and dust with flour In a maxing bowl cream butter; gradual ly add sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, oje at a time. Add vanilla. Siift together flour, baking powder and salt; add to creamed; mixture alternately with milk, beginning and ending with dry ingredients. Divide evenly into pans. Bake in. preheated 3*50 de cree- oven nahnut.es. Opol in pans on wire racks 6, minutes. Turn out onto racks and cool completely. MORE HEAT! LESS OIL! .. .with Texaco’s new Jet Flame Booster installed on your present oil burner.' This new flame-control development mixes oil snd sir scientifically to form a compact flame that burns cleanly and completely. Tests in homes proved it can increase burner effi ciency by as much as 42%. Giva us a call. 'We’ll an alyze your burner’s per formance and tell you irbat the Texaco Jet Flame Booster can do for your home, big or small. No obligation, of course. IfuelcSrief) We Give S&H Green Stamps Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil 105 Fairview St. t MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-2021 Frost with Chocolate Frost •n’ Fill* CHOCOLATE - FROST ’V PILL V 2 cup sugar 1/2 cup legular all-purpose flour i/ s teaspoon salt squaie s (2 oz ) un- sweetened 'chocolate, cut up 2 oups milk ✓ 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup (2 sticks) butter 1 -cup confectioners sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Slivered Brazil nuts or almonds In a heavy 1-quart sauce pan mix together sugar, ffour, salt and chocolate; gradually add milk. Cook over medium beat, stirring ponstantly until thickened. Cook 2 additional minutes Stir a small amount of hot mixture into eggs; return all to saucepan Cook 1 min ute longer. (Do not boil.) Renfove from heat. Press a WHY HORSE AROUND? GET A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN FULTON—BANK OF LANOAtTER fCNH MOMK* MtIOVEMt AVENUE « EMT«ETEUHM • MWl'nUl i£V- MUON NMI IMP* (MM* C*mM t 'Saars{ circle of waxed paper ov<\ surftt're of filling to preve.it drying ns it cools. Chill. In a mixing bowl cream butter until light and fluffy: blend In confectioners sugar and rvanllla. Beating constantly, add chocolate mixture, a small amount at a time, beating just until blended. Split each layer in half crosswise. Spread frosting between each la'*er and on top and sides of cake. Gar nish with slivered nuts. Makes 3 cups. NOTE: Cake frosted with Chocolate Frost ’n’ Fill should be refrigerated until ready ’to serve. Easter time is . the time ■for eggs and ‘for appropriate egg and bunny designs. Use your imagination to create ■Easter eBBs in a nest from Chocolate Fleck Meringue Shells. Fill the shells with ’miniature balls of vari-col ored ice creams made with a melon ball scoop for an Easter basket look. CHOCOLATE FLECK MERINGUE SHELLS •1 egg whites (% cup), at room temperature 14 teaspoon cieam of tar tar 1 cup sugar 1 square (1 oz ) semi sweet chocolate, grated medium coarse In small mixing bowl beat I^supeT| Self Service B SHOES I 2750 Columbia Ave. B Lancaster B Lane. Co,’* Largest ■ Shoe Store ■ All Ist Quality B Super Low Price* ■ > ..... whites until trothy.'Add vream of tartar and beat un til soft penk 8 form. Continue beating at medium speed While sprinkling sugar, a ta blespoon at a time, over egg whites (should take about 4 minutes). Continue beating art high speed, at least 6 minutes mors until meringue is very stiff and glossy. Gently fold ’ln 'chocolate. Cover a baking sheet with brown paper or foil; draw ten 3% inch circles on pa per. Using a spoon or pastry tube shape meringue shells with circles. In preheated 250 degree oven bake 1 hour. Cool; carefully remove from paper. To serve: fill with s'coop of ice cream, or sev eral tiny scoops made with ■a melon ball scoop and top with a sundae sauce. Makes 10 shells. MOTE; 2 tablespoons mul- ti-colored de'corettes may be Planning to buy a new T ractor See Farm Credit first for Money If you’ve been putting off buying a new tractor because you lack “tractor money”, It’s time to see Farm Credit. You save money with a Farm Credit loan because you piy only simple interest andonlyfpr the actual time you use thr money; And 'your 1 repayment-** fitted to ; incem#, CaltFarm Credit now. , - PLAN AHEAD! Cali us now and insure prompt service this Spring Get the MOST for your DOLLAR from DRY NITROGEN Materials t Top dress early for-maximum returns WHEAT -45 lbs. _ Nitser . am BARLEY 30 lbs. PASTURES —lOO lbs. - Nit - P er acre ORGANIC GroJKtown Road, Near Waterworks Lancaster - substituted for grated choc* late. * This dellcloug recipe H p re , pared the day before * i<i r * quires no baking. I’KCAX CRUMB T.\ftTs Tart sheila; IV* cups graham craM ter crumbs %' CUIP butter or softened ' Vi cup sugar Pecan FUUng: 1 cup sugar IV4 'cups hot water V, cup butter or map’anni 'melted ’ 2 taiblespoons all-pu-pose flour 1 tablespoon cornsta’ph M> teaspoon salt 2 egg yolks, slighth heat, en % cup halved, shelled p e . cans, cut crosswi.e 1 teaspoon tamlla ->vtiact (Continued on Page 11) Call Us Now- Phone 39 ; 2-4963 PLANT FOOD CO. h o’ans CANS leuter
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