Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 26, 1966, Image 5

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    • New Holland
(Continued from Page 2)
tive market of the year as
3SI head sold. Riding horses,
315-725; driving horses, 115.
300; killers, 7%-8 cents per
lb. Draft horses, pairs, 300-
©5O: singly, 140-300. Mules,
pairs, 350-750;; singly, 140-
385. Pony mares and geld
ings, 20-85.
March 31, 1900
A steady to 25-cent high
er tiend accompanied the
sale ol 758 head Retail, 20-
27 wholesale tU S. 1-3),
25 25-26 25; heavyweights,
24 73-25 50; sows, 19 50-22.
March 21, 1006
Test your land now. f
It may be ready
for Super Q.
n "
1 If your acreage Is ready to use Super Q, this
Season could be your most profitable yet.
You should test your soil before choosing any ferti
lizer. But, because Super Q is much more than just
another fertilizer, it’s doubly important to find out if
your land can use it. Testing your soil now will tell
you whether Super Q’s advanced forms of NPK and
ijvital secondary elements can boost your yields and
profits at harvest. Test your soil now. We'll be glad
to help you.
What makes Super Q different? You d 0... if you'r©
& top farmer. You see, Super Q is made for superior
(farmers only—Growing Men who hit consistently
fiigh yields but want to go even higher. It’s designed
U or them. Designed for their crop, their soil, even
itheir climate.
Field Service Supervisor
Alliance of Independent Distributors
Lititz, Pennsylvania
Telephone: 626-6790
GrofFtown Road
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Telephone: 392-4963_
122 head sold steady with
Choice and Prime bringing
37-43; Good and Low Choice,
32-36.50, Standard, 28-31.50;
Common, 21-2 7.
• Lancaster
(Continued trom Page 2)
Higher. Choice 12 00-45 00,
Few at $46 00, Good 39 00-
42 00. Standard 34 00-39 00,
Utility 29 00-35'50, Cull
mainly 27 50-30 00, Pew
sales on Monday 70-90 lbs
at $22 00-27 00
HOGS 1025 Barrows
and gilts closed the week
steady to 25c Lowei; alter
sales being 25-50 Lower on
Monday Sow s steady
US 1-2 195-220 lbs. .$26 00-
26 305, US 1, 200J235 lbs. 26 -
50-27.00, US 1-3 195-250 lbs
25.35-25 85. US 2-3 240-270
lbs. 21 50-25 00.
SOWS US 1-3 30 0-500
lbs 20 00-21 00. US 2-3 150-
600 lbs. $l9 00-20 00.
SHEEP 340 Supidv in
cluded around 60 percent
Spring lambs with the bal
anre Mamlj Wooled slaugh
ter lambs Slaughter lambs
steady Choice and I’nme
Spnng lambs 10-70 lbs .37-
00-40 00, Mixed Choice and
Prime 80-90 lbs 32 00-3 500
Choice 80-9 0 lbs .31 2 5-12 2 5
Choice 80-100 lb Mooled
slaughtei lambs $2B 00-30 00
Couple lots Utility 50 lbs
17 '5O-18 O 0
- "
Super Q—sign of a Growing Man •
Super Q itself starts with soi? tests 00 <. thousands f
of soil tests...taken onlvfrom higniy productive land, 1
These soil tests, together witn local crop require*
ments and climate conditions, are all computer*
analyzed. The result is custom-made Super Q .«'
actually tailored to the soil, tne croo and the climate.'
And as conditions in this area cnange, Super Q will
change to fit them, a
You can forget numbers on the bag because Super
Q is formulated for this year's croo. Wet weather or
dry. In any well-managed fertilizer program, Super Q
insures a top dollar return on your investment, *
That’s why we guarantee Super 0 in writing t©
©ut-perform any other fertilizer in side by side field
A soil test could make aii the difference. Don’S
v/aste another season „•. time you found out iff
Super Q can help yo^,-
301 South Park Avenue. Quai ry\ illc, Peunsjhania
Telephone: "86-2547
r -
Allied Wanner was elect
ed president ot the Xoi th
em Holstein 4-H Club at a
reoi gainzational meeting on
Thnisda.i night.
Othei ofhcers elected at
the meeting in the John Xelf
School Xeltsiille. weie John
We’k \ue piesulent Aienll
Rojci ‘•ecietaiv, Xancv Ris
ser assistant secietaiv, Lor
ae Haibold, tieasmei Caiol
Hess and Annette Stanller
-ong leaders John Kuitz
and Alai> Ellen Ketlenng,
V %
i- a*
Smoketown, Pennsylvania
Telephone: 397-3539
Route 2, Lititz, Pennsylvania
Telephone: 665-4921
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 26, 1966
4-H Club News
game leadens; Mail Slander,
news leportci. and Wanner
dnd Welk, comity council
The next meeting will he
held April 28
• Urbanization
(Continued fiom Page 4)
jomis: 'ellows think the icst
of the noilhcast looks like
this jouve «ot ,i shock
in stoie What von lime heie
is piobahh iniKiue in all the
woild the editoi said
Tnnnioiis went on to point
out. how this paiadise could
become sniolhe'ied and de
stioyed in the \eais to come.
By XOSO. he pied'uted that
150 000 moie pans ot shoes
will bo walking on Lancas
tei County soil He teteiied
to the statement ot Amos
Funk conseitation distnct
chan man, which claims that
75 acies ol land aie lost to
asirtultuie 1 loi e\en 100
new people that come into
the county
“That means,’’ Timmons
said, “that one-itourth ot .ill
the agi icul'tuhal land in the
county in 1960 will be gone
by 1980 fourteen shoit
vears tiom now”
Assuming an average Lan
caster Countv taim is 7a
acres, he went on, theie will
be 1,500 les s taims heie by
In summary, the editor
listed some ot the disadxan
tages to the taimei tiom m
cieased uiibanization taxes
up, pollution pioblem s in
ci eased, an and stieam land
costs becoming piohibitne
toi laiiniiig and loss of
faim onented i epi esentation
on both state and local lei els.
‘But the incline is not all
bad,’ h e said “Moi e'people
also means moie ami
ties ioi laimeis in the toim
ot moie local maikets for
then piod'ucts Theie will be
more oppoi (unities foi vomit
who xvant to leave the tann
to work in the agribusiness
field Theie will be moie
general job oppoi tumties as
industiv incieases and moie
ihdiisfiy geneially means a
lighter tax load toi land
owners,’’ he said
Timmons tnged th e taim.
ers to tom and support the
organizations that leqnesent
ed then mteiests to work
with their local i©piesenta
tives to help shape develop
ment ot then aiea and to
eneouiage then township
planning authorities to woik
closely with the countv plan
ning commission to piotect
as much ot the countv's
Class I & II tai inland as
Associate countv agent Ar
nold G Lueck addiessed hnn
sell to th e voungei memheis
ol the taim eomimnntv autli
en.e, advising them to look
ahead 20-25 veais You ip
going to have to leant to
use yom heads moie than
your muscles ’ Lueck said.
He told the votings.ei s that
in this changing societv they
Mould ha\e to lely moie and
moie on skills to make a
In mg
‘The only way to impiote
\om skills is thioug'h educa
tion ' he added “Get all the
learning \ou can and de\el
op any special abilitt ion
may hate You hate to get
touiseltes stalled in this di
lection 01 ton tvill be out of
luck in a tetv tears Lueck
What Do You Need?
A Lancaster Farming
Classified Ad Helps