—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1966 20 # Dairy Day were last year. The reason for (Continued from Page 13) that reduction in stocks is the percent rise in the wholesale drastically reduced production price index. “Raw materials ” m "* c . in th * u * s - V* e are up more than this,” he in recent years - he _ dt i ed< said. Two of the three top m j! - . • u . milk-producing states showed Tending to hold prices down d p of 14 p * rcent) compar ing on the other hand are govern- Jan j 19 £ 5 wit ’ h Ja P nuar y ment storage stocks, the econo- IQRfi mist told the farmers. In 1966, these storage stocks will be He offered two primary even further reduced than they reasons for this national de- I sure like my LONG TERM FARM MO: Forrey worked out for m> 1 didn’t have to buy any stoi any appraisal fees. -After I can pay off as fast as to from current f; Contact 1 Charles H. Forrey REAL ESTATE 137 W. Main St., Leola £3^> The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United States HOCKS 0 098 FOR NORMAL £ f ° r Su| ««i DRIVING ■" INSTALLED FREE NO MONEY ' .. . . . down What will Hew Shocks do for you? Months To Pay * Maka *r»vJnf open a “dioice-charge” account * PravUa amaothtr. mar* camfartabl# H*% QUALITY RIDE HEAVY DUTY SHOCKS jay 0«0r1Q95 foriuto'T tnt £ lU BRAKE AND FRONT END SPECIAL! ,008 ■ Brakes adjusted! All ■ Front wheels aligned! rnn II a Front wheels balanced! rUK Your Convenient wiMEUßmat* B.F. GOODRICH STORE Cor. Prince ( Vine, Lane. 392-219 S earnings! FARM LOAN CORRESPONDENT * lrtcr«**« (lr« life r <*mcU will pay* the ecqp, In late 19G5. When this hap- which dairymen should give on «w>crnded. pens, dairymen will cull their some thought to are: Claae I Other program speakers fo herds heavily. This trend will Base Plan; Food For Peace: eluded Sldhey Barnard end continue In 1566. and Milk Product Promotion, J° B Taylor, both dairy set, ence extenslonmen; Stephen 2—Employment alternatives While the Class I Bast Spencer, extension dairy sp*, In industry. Many marginal Plan may not be any better cialist; all of Penn State Uat. fanners have left the farm than the marketing arrange- verslty. Also. John Gindc, for jobs in industry. H This menj now operating .In the and Rpbert Willson, sanitarl. is the best thing that could Philadelphia milkehed, It may ans with the Public Health ha'ppen to agriculture,” be considerably more advan- Service. Pierce said. "As industry tageous, than the kind of market that we might have —— contfnues to pull marginal farmers oft t'he farm, your own labor on your farm will be worth more.” Pierce also spelled out fac tors which could disrupt this upward trend in farm prices. “It we utilize our potential to push production up too fast, we could increase the rate at which milk products go into government storage; if industry alternatives shrink causing rises in unemploy ment: or. if inflationary pressure is lost, we will not be able to exrpect further BANK HOURS: Main Office, Millersville and Manheim Twp. Branch: Mon. thru Thurs. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lititz Branch: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Fri, 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All Drive In Windows and Walk Up Window Open Until 6 P.M. Monday through Friday except Manheim Twp. Branch open ’til 8 p.m. Fri. FREE PARKING at places listed below. Bring parking ticket to Bank for validation. Any Buhrman Panting Lot MILLERSVILLE BRANCH } LITITZ SPRINGS BRANCH Broad and Main Sts.. Lititst ' MANHEIM TWP. BRANCH 1415 Lititz Pike, Lane. . I .there in the future, Pierce vaccination now a com. sal