Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 26, 1966, Image 9

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Agriculture pro
idelphia milkshed
ie New York mar
\ would increase
only 6 cents per
t, according to
tiong appeals to
Agriculture Or
ienran to retain
Delaware Valley
ting order h'ave
ly both of Penn-
Add Up Dairy Dollars ...
Our milk-making FLORIN DAIRY FEEDS make a big
difference in the size of your milk checks. They're scientifically
formulated, balanced and blended to provide the vitamins, min
erals, proteins your dairy cattle need to keep healthy . . . keep
giving more milk. To add up more dairy dollars, see us soon
for your feed needs.
jgoi!y Wolgemuth Bros., i«c*
sylvandft’ta Senators, it was
disclosed earlier this month.
Senator Hugh S'cott, Re
publican, told the Secretary
tWait hearings concluded last
November 2-d'th on the De
portment's proposal to aban
don the order in favor of
another form of marketing,
showed that 90 percent of
present dairy farmers and
under the order
wmnit it retained with amend
ments to render it m'ore en
Citing recommendations
m'ade by the dairymen to
a Cuxury you can aflbrd)
sitrengithen the order, Scott
recalled that President John
son, on March 8, 19G®, prom
ised that people would "Get
the observance of the law
and the enforcement of the
law If they Want it, Insist
on it, and participate in it.’’
"My constituent's, responsi
ble, law-abiding citizens who
.contribute sighiiflCantly to the
economy of our State,” the
.Senator wrote the Secretary,
“want enforcement, insist on
it and have demonstrlated a
.desire to participate in it
Inside, outside, yea’ll find the rich 1
quarried look of HOLLAND
STONE adds a touch of real ele
gance to your Building designs.
fj ne of the most economical build
ing materials today. Its unique
.\orsatility in size and shape lends
tji structural freedom to builders,
meeting new ideas, as well as cost
I roblems. Comes in a wide choice
t f naturally warm, distinctive
colors, plus Colonial white.
Ph. 633-1451
Farming, Saturday, February 26, 1966—9
“I .would appreciate word
as to whut is being done to
(give it to them so that here
(Will be no exeutae to termln
,a!te Order 4 or the handler
'pool, which has worked veil
for ns.”
Senator Joseph Clark, Dem
tocrat, toll# the .Secretary in
a letter that “it seems to me
that present Delaware Val
ley Order 4 producer inter
ests and desnes are para
'nvo U'li’t and shoulld be sup-
,potted ” ,
“Jit seems t,o me ” he add
ed, “that the systeip which
inhiladellphia producers ha\ e
developed under the Act fits
unto the geneial philosophy
ot our most reteent legisla
tion The handlei pool pio
vides them with the. same
i esults which Congress
thought was proper a« it
pas'sed the reteiit dairy leg
isl'at'ion.” ,
Tihe Delaware Valley Milk
Marketing older provides tor
a so-called handler pool ol a
(type in etle'ct iwi tlhe maike't
t'o i twenky-thlre© ye'ars.
Not aW local daily fami
ei*s agiee Ithat Older 4
thou I'd be i stained., ( o>ie
dam ina'n’s wife tuom the
eastern 'pait ot Lancastei
Count} contacted by tins xe
ipoi'tei s'aid “It is about
'time these inequities cease ’’
(She was speaking about the
>5 0 cents to $1 00 per ca\t
lesig they aie getting tor the
■milk tfrom then 2 9 cows Sei\ne
u«- •»> <♦> <♦>„ -auH
"Cages Are Our
Distributors of quality poultry and hog equipment.
We sell, service, guarantee installation.
Beacon Steel Cages, Hart Cup Watering Systems, Brock Feed
Bins and Grain Bins, Aeiovent Ventilation, Oakes Mechanical
Cage and Floor Feeders and Hog Equipment, Herrmatle Feed
Carts, Egg and Manure Handling Equipment.
Attention Dairymen and Poultrymen Now Distributing:
L. A. Products Pressure Washer For Cleaning, Sanitizing and
Compact and portable developes 500 lbs. pressure per *q.
inch. Ideal for dairies and poultry houses.
Protex-A-Cote: New polyethylene water proof coating. Guaran
teed 5 years, for any surface. Can be sprayed, brushed or rolled.
E. M. Herr Equipment, he.
“Pioneer of Laying Cages”
R. D. 1, Willow Street (Lancaster Co.) Pa.
shipped to the New York.
iNew Jerbey milk marketing
“During the 'month ot Jan
uary 44 .5 percent ot our
milk went lor the $3,415 class
111 pi'ice.’’ she 'said. “We do
'beheve that we aie t'oi.ed to
'absorb ‘some of their (order
4) 'ati'rplus as it llnd's Ms way
into our 'pool. It is only a
•guess how much less they
would get or how 'much more
we would receive il these two
•oidels were 'merged, but it
would e\en 'it np somewhat,
at least ’’
And so the woid's both for
and against the Delaware
Vu'iey Milk Maiketing order
continue But the onlv word's
ot any real significance must
now tome fiom the Secre
taiv of Agncultuie Officials
o l Ititei State say be has no
time limit His leport may
come next week, or it may
take si\ 'months But when
it 'd'oes, It is 'certain that
eieiy iL'a'm astei Count! dairy
U'aimei will be attected in.
one wa\ oi another
roTvro stocks up
Stocks of p'otatoes in the
hands ol state gioweis deal
eis and (hippeis Febmaiy 1
weie estimated at, 2,200 000
hundiedw eight, 1G peicent
nioie than on the same date
last ceai accoiding to the
PennsvUania Ciop Hepoiting
Cage Egg Producers!