c—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 26, 1966 Reflections (From the files of Lancaster Farming) One Year Ago February, 1965 Penna. Tobacco Raisers Reject Quotas . . . Pennsylvania tobacco .grow ens again voted overwhelm ingly against marketing 'quo tes and price supports for Type 41 tobacco. The per cent against quotas was 87, with 2,900 county growers voting. * * Farmers Union Holds Banquet . . . At its first annual banquet meeting, 'hel'd at Rihoads Spanish Tavern, Quarrynlle, the Lancaster iConnty Farm ers Union hosted Dwyte Wil son, XFU Washington repre sentative. Wilson told the approxi mately 7i5 area farmers and guests a little about the his tory and philosophy of the Thirty-six 'Lancaster Coun- HPU. He expressed the hope >ty Future Farmers of Amer that legislation will be ma leceired the coveted Red passed in this* session of Con- Rose Farmer Degree this gress enabling the Secretary week. The award .is based on of Agriculture to buy com- achievement and demonstrat modities for foreign distnbu- ed leadership qu'ahty. LOADER §||J|i Both No “Fits” From This . . . “Why wait until you are ‘snowed in’ again before getting prepared with a SAUDER LOADER, SNOW BUCKET or BLADE? Remember!' Some of the ‘worst’ snow storms we’ve had in Lancaster County have come in MARCH.” SEE YOUR LOCAL FARM EQUIP. DEALER tion on the open market, in stead of being allowed to use only surplus products. “If we were able to meet our present overseas com mVtmein'ts, you people would be getting 25-40 cents more per hundredweight for your milk,” Wilson told the group. F & H Campaign Nears Peak . . . Volunteer workers serving in the Lancaster County Farm and Home Foundation campaign turned in an ad ditional slB,B'oo m pledges and cash gifts within the past week. This brought the total fund raised to-d'ate to $12d,20'0. The drive is mov ing steadily ahead, accord ing to campaign, officials. Red Rose Farmer Degrees To 36 Youths . . . Loader and Blade use the same Attaching Brackets. . . Wrenches required to change from one to the other. Many Makes and Models of wide Front Axle Tractors. Loader Accessories: TODAY During the pest growing season, 'the Agronomy end Extension. departments of Penn State University co operated in a study of sev eral experiment*! sugar beet plantings in the area. Analysi-s of the data showed that sugar beets 1e a crop that could be consid ered for Lancaster County. According to Dr. Albert S. Hunter, professor of soil technology, the value of beets as a cash crop has over-shadowed the important by-product possibilities that beets offer. The tops may- be fed as green chop, or ensiled for livestock feed, and the (beet pulp -is an important feed ingredient in dairy and beef cattle rations, Hunter said. Linear Programming Service The Penn State Extension Service has added a new elec tronic data processing serv ice. It will provide farmers and agricultural businesses with more accurate answers to their management prob lem's, and will aid in deci sions where a number of fac tors enter into consideration. It will help in solving com plex problems, or assist in choosing alternative systems that would be more feasible in the farming enterprise, the extension spokesman said. 1 ■ J& **■ Sngarbeeti Possible County Crop ... , . Now Available' . . . To This . . . N U T Mfg, by Five Years Ago February, 4861 County Agent Predicta Fewer Farm Viaits . . . According to M. M. Smith, the work of the county agent will become more and more that of a coordinator. The shift to suburban liv ing -by large numbers of peo ple will put pressures' on the county agent’s office to use more m'aas media for dissem ination of information. The demonstration method and the farm visit will giveaway, at least in part, to the use of press, radio, and televi sion to reach the public. Smith spoke to 300 farmers and their families at the an nual Extension Association banquet. He reassured them that the primary function of the County Agent’s office would continue to be getting CUSTOM SPRAYING HIGH PRESSURE WASHING and DISINFECTING in all types of poultry houses. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. Phone 392-7227 Blade Accessories: out InflorWatton. itoi ftermw* and homemakers. The association reelected Mlr», J. Everett Kretder of Quarryvilie to the executive committee, and added new members J. Richard Kreider, Manheim R 3; 'C. "Warren Leinlnger, Denver ,R 2; Leroy K. Andrews, Lancaster R 7; and Melvin R. Sloltzfus, Ronk's Rl. Poultry Assn. Reelects Myer . . . Mark Myer, Lam’peter, was elected to hie second, consec utive term as president of the Lancaster County Foul try Association at * recent meeting of the board of di rectors. Charles Warfel, Conestoga R 2, and Daniel K. Good, Columbia R 2, were returned to the offices of secretary and treasurer, respectively. Ben Burkholder, New Hoi. (Continued on Page 7) BLADE ' v V Side Plates NEW HOLLAND, PA. PHONE 354-8721