Weekly Poultry Report Eosfern Pennsylvania And New Jersey WEEKLY SUMMARY LIVE HEN'S Prices for light hens un change to Vio higher. Few small volume flocks sold at g. 8 i,4c. Demand good. Offer ings limited' in N.J. hut in creased slightly & adequate in Pa. section. Inquiry good on heavy hens. Offerings scant w*:h too few sales to report prices. Occasional Pot of 7cockerels, straight run, negotiated @2sc. Pric es paid at farms: Light Hens SVs-9 3 a, mostly 9-9% high of 20.2 cent’s on Tuesday and again on Thursday. The low point in the price range Was 17.2 cents, and that occurred on Monday. HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn and Bellaire DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, Stevens MILLPORT ROLLER MILLS R. D. 4, Lititz H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R. D. 1, Quarryville R. D. 2, Peach Bottom Delmarva No Report Available Oa Fri day’s Market • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) 25.75-27.25, Standard and Good 450-700 lbs. $2.1.25- 25.00. CALVES 325 Vealers strong to $2.00 Higher, with least advance on Choice. Choice vealers $38.50-40.00, few to $42.00, Good 34.50- 38.00, Standard 32.50-34.50, Utility 28.00-33.50, Cull 26.- 50-28.50, 70-90 lbs. 22.50- 26.50. COWS February 33, 1966 The sale was steady with 74 cows, 3 hulls, and 6 heif ers sold. Fresh Hols'telns, 275-420; Guernseys, I'so-I85; other breeds, 150-2215. Bulls, 140-2U5; heifers, 120-185. HORSES February 21, 1966 A slow to steady frefid prevailed as 298 head sold Riding horses, 110-440; driv ing ihhrses, HO-28'5; killers, 6-6% cents per lb. Mules in pairs, 250j5'50; singly, 130- 210, Pony mares, 20-70; geldings, l's-70. HOGS Febnuiry 21, 1966 Hogs averaged 'about' 75 cents lower with 694 head offered Retail, 29 25-30 50, wholesale (U S 1-3), 28 50- 29 2/5, heavyweights, 27 50- 28 50; sows, 23-25'50 The I's sh'oats offeied brought 16 5 0-24 each. CALVES February 21, 1966 One-hundred head sold steady; although none rated prime, Choice brought 35-39; Good and Low Choice, 30-3i5; Standard, 28-30; Common, 18-27. MOWS, CONDITIONS AND WINDROWS IN ONE LOW-COST OPERATION- revolutionary mar a AND USES New 816 Mower-Conditioner eliminates troublesome feeding reel... bolds crop for sure, dean cutting Simplified design, with the unique new IH flick-bar system, means fewer moving parts ... less to go wrong... less to fix. • One-trip operation saves time and money; re quires fewer machines, less fuel • Famous IH Balanced-Head mowing action • Efficient rubber and steel conditioning rolls • Lays down swath or windrow • Exclusive adjustable wheel for row crops • Available in 7 or 9-foot models • Smooth, super-quiet operation Come in and see this revolutionary tool International Harvester Cope & Weaver Co. Sales and Service NEW PROVIDENCE EPHRATA 733-2283 786-7351 C. B. Hoober INTERCOURSE 768-3501 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 26, 1986—3 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, February 21st to Friday, February 25th WHITE Ex. F6y. Hywts. Fey. Hywts. Fey. Med. No. 1 Med. Pullets Peewees BROWN Ex. Fey. Hywts, Fey. Hywts. Fey. Med. Pullets Peewees MIXED Fey. Hywts, Standards Checks TREND: Market firmer on large under lighter offerings of midwesterns; mediums are freely available, but rated steady. Copyright 1966 by Urner Barry Publications • Chicago (Continued from Page 2) steady to 50 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS Loadlots Prime 1150-1400 lbs 30 00-31 50, late 31 00-31 50 with 11 loads at 31 50 on Wednes day and load Prime 1190 lbs 31 75, highest since December 1962, High Choice and Prime 1100-1400 lbs 29 00-31 00, late 30 00-31 00, Choice 900-1400 lbs. 28 00-30 00, Bulk 28 50-29 50, several loads Choice 1400-1475 lbs. 28 50-29 50, Mixed Good and Choice 900-1300 lbs 27 DO -28 50, 25 00-27 25, Standard and Low Good 23 00-25 50. Kauffman Bros. MOUNTVILLE 285-9151 Tues. Mon. 4012 39 Va 36 28 43 41 40% 36 28 40-41 40 33 41 40 34 HESS SALE REPORTED Diller and Krerder, Auc tioneers, reported the follow ing prices at the Chester B. Hess Sale held Wednesday, Felnuaiv 23- Coin $39 75 a ton, hav $-43 5 0 a ton. In ternational generator, $655; IH foiage halt ester. $1080; ensilage wagon, $12,25, NH GS b'aler, $l2OO, IH bale ele vator, $53'5, hay crimper, sis 70, (heavy wheel disc, $5 o's; 'manure spieader, $470 IH 340 tiactor $1870; loader, s4’os, Farmall 400 ti actor $2300, Farmall 708 tractoi, $4870, 4 bottom IH plow, $570 An antique cop per kettle biougiht s2i6; din ner bells, $32 and §39; sleigh $BO Buyer of Oak, WALNUT, Poplar, ASH, etc. C. J. CHARLES LUMBER New Providence, Pa. Phone ST 6-3108 •kirkirk-k-kirkifkir-trkirk-k-klrkit i -rm- Efficiently From Cow The “Spntnick" MILK-PORT ER is the cleanest, most effi cient method tor transferring milk from cow to bulk cooler. • Manufactured from heavy gauge stainless steel. • Lid seals tightlj to keep milk germ free. • Passes through openings 39” and over. • Moves quiet and easily on rubber-tired, ball bearing \\ heels. • Does away with long, ex pensive pipe lines, milk pumps and releaser. • Two sizes. • Low-cost sanitizing. Inquire About Our Lease Plan Approved for City of Philadelphia Amos H. Butt B. D. 2, Quarryville, Penna. Wed. Thurs. 40Va 39 Va 36 28 40 Va 39Va 36 28 43 41 39Va 36 28 39 Va 36 28 41 40 34 Transfer Milk to Bulk Cooler 786-3897 Fri. 44 43 39% 36 28 43 36 41