Weekly Poultry Report Eostern Pennsylvania And New Jersey WEEKLY SUMMARY LIVE HENS Prices on light hens ranged 8-9, mostly BVfe-9c in New Jersey, Ibut in Pennsylvania there were too few sales to report prices. Most quarters having difficulty in an effort to pick up and move prior commritttients following very had Snowstorm which has closed (many roads and farm lane*. However, road. condi tions improving and move ment *t live poultry increas ing. Trading oS heavy hens also limited. Prices paid at farms: Light and heavy hens, too few sales to report prices. Fogelsville ~ February 3, 1960 The Fogelsville Auction scheduled for Feb. 1, 1966 was cancelled because of ad verse weather conditions. Not a single coop of poultry was received. their herd is one of 12,169 on PFP -* ' they’re making $561 per cow... on an average of 16,986 lbs. of milk Charles and Linda Sherman, of Middletown, Rhode Island, are making this much money per cow by challenge feeding their herd according to Agway's Profit Feed ing Plan. And they are doing it with a herd that, -only two years ago, was already making $514 income over feed cost per cow per year. ’ Gains like this are hot un Eastern Shore ■* Exchange WEEKLY SUMMARY Broiler and fryer live pric es for the three-day market this week, Tuesday through Thursday (Monday snowed out), averaged 16.76 cents per 11)., losing more than 2 cents from last week's aver age. Sales for the period totaled 971,900 head, ah increase of more than head over last week's total. Delmarvo Pebnwy 4, IMI Delmarva broiler and fry er live prices increased ap proximately %-cent with good demand for heavy auction of ferings. Live supplies in bal ance with needs. Ready-to-cook movement very heavy as plants resume normal operations Farm, pickups remain difficult in instances. Delivered prices generally trending slightly higher wiEli per cow per year • Lancaster (Continued from Page 2) Mixed Good and Choice 300- 375 lbs. 27.60-27.75, Couple Loads Good 750-830 lbs. 25.- 00-25.50. CALVES 225 Vetlers strong to 31.00 Higher, with small supply Cull and Utility 32.00-3.00 Higher. Choice Yealers $45.00-47.00, Couple Individual High Choice and Prime 50.50-52.00. Good 40.- 00-44.00, Standard 36.C0-41.00, 41.00, Utility 33.00-36.00. HOGS 575 Barrows and gilts 75-100 Higher. Sows scarce. BARROW? AND GILTS US 1-2 190-240 lbs. 31.00- 31.50, US 1. 31.50-32.00, US 1-3 180-250 lbs. 30.00-31.00. Mainly 30 50-30.75. US 2-3 250-270 lbs. 29.50-30.00. several week Estimated slaughter for , , , . , , , , . Friday and Saturday, 1179,- TREND- Local supply short; demand only fair on lai'M 000 head, compared to 6G15,- 2°°d on smaller sizes 400 head last weekend. In the 24 hours preceding market ‘close on Friday, prices paid at farms on pur chase ot 1,201,700 head ranged 16 0-17 8 cents per lb common for the 12,169 dairy families managing their herds accoidmg to PFP recommen dations. You can do it, too. Challenge your cows. See for yourself how much more money they can make for you. We know of only one way to do this; enroll , in Agway's Profit Feeding Plan —n ow. Agway Inc. ■% DAIRY FEEDS & SERVICES I AsW3yj Fey. Hywts. ne*rt Standards Checks sales featured Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 5, 1966 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, January 31 to Friday, February 4 Mon. WHITE Ex. Fey. Hywts. 43 Fey. Hywts. 41 Vi Fey. Med. 38 No. 1 Med. 37 Pullets 34 Vi Peewees 30 Vi BROWN Ex. Fey. Hywts. 43 Fey. Hywts. 41 Vi Fey. Med. 38 Pullets 34Vi Peewees 30Vi MIXED 41-41% 43-43% 39 40-41 32% 33 Copyright 1966 by Urner Barry Publications FOOD DONATIONS 'Some 4.5 million needy persons in 4S states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the Trust Territory of the Pacific received U S Depart ment ot Agncultuie-donated food (between July 1 and Sep tember 30, 19 65. FORMULA FOR SUCCESS IN CALF RAISING Wirthmore Milk Mizer f !{F- • Its NEW high fat content (10%) means higher energy and faster growth smoother, healthier, glossy-looking calves. The high fat is obtained by em ploying a new high-fat, skimmed milk product. • New Vitamin A content (10,000 units) provides growth promoting benefits so important in early calf life. Mllk-Mizer’s new vitamin A unit level insures a wide margin of safety. WIRTHMORE TWIN MIX • 18% Protein Feed • New Flaked corn • Fully Fortified • High Portability • 50 ib. paper bags retains freshness HEISEY FARM PARADISE SUPPLY SERVICE _ .. _ , _ „ . Paradise Lawn and Bellaire 665-3121 367-2321 Wed. Tues. 45 43 Vi 41 40 43-43 Vi 40 39 35Vi 30Vi 36 Vi 31 Vi 45 43Vi 40 35Vi 30Vi 45 43 Vi 41 36 Vi 31V2 43% STATE OF BRIDGES Pennsylvania has long 'been known as the “State ot Bridges” many ot which, have been built m recent years to cioss mountain sti earns and livers At pres ent they total close to 5.0T10, including 299 coveied bridges. § 3 Fri. Thurs. 45 44 43 42 38Vi 32 Vi 45 44 43 38Vi 32 Vi 43 Vi 42 37 Vi 3lVi 43‘/a 40%-41 33