Si . * w ■jl can not compete in inter- J SNOW RETREATS to one comer of the feedlot where it is regarded suspi-. state markets because tbeir ciously by this Hereford steer, - L. F. Photo initial costs are higher than . | their competitor's costs, lit k ” ' New from Hoffman ... v' f / LASTS LONGER Ifaymor is an unusually vigor ous variety that performs well under all types of soil PI where alfalfa is grown. Because of good disease resistance and hardiness, it lasts longer and provides better hay and pasturage. MATURES EARLIER Haymor— similar to Du Puits matures earlier than most other /“> alfalfas. In fact, Haymor is only (p'l i about two days later than Du Puits jk —3to 4 days earlier than most S'V J U.S. alfalfa types. a i ~ i SEEDS COUNTY * « ♦ * < / * « > < ' V V **■ * f * 'nr-' * MORE HAY Haymor means just what its name say: ... you get more hay. In 20 different comparison trials in northern states, Haymor outyiclded Vernal by an aver age of 4%—and in at least one case outproduced Vernal by 22%. In six of these trials where Ranger was also grown, Haymor averaged 12% more hay than Ranger. Haymor means more hay and more profit for you. SISTS DISEASE Haymor has resistance to bacterial wilt disease and has good toler ance to common leaf spot dis eases. This disease resistance is another big reason why you will want to put Haymor in your fields. \l I / A. H., HOFFMAN SEEDS,-INC., LANDISVILLE, PENNA. I '■v - Serving farmers with finest quality seeds since 1899 HAYMOR Alfalfa /»# r * ** 1 cr. FAST STARTS Haymor is noted for its excellent seedling vigor. It establishes fast to make a thick, healthy stand. Its extra vigor makes it easier to establish under more competitive conditions. WINTER HAI Haymor has good winter hi ... in the same class as R; This feature, plus its good vigor, makes it ideal for noi rotations and general hay ai pasture uses. HOLDS LEAVES LONGER Haymor holds its leaves extremely well. This ability to hold on to Us protein-packed leaves means it makes top quality hay or silage. j* J 3 u r MIXES WELL. Haymor is a top producer whether I \°u\ it’s planted alone or in combi- V C/ M Vfl 0 nation with other legumes and / /I \V grasses. Its disease-resistant ( / \ ]\ features make it ideal for use _ V V V, in hay and pasture mixtures. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 29, 1966—9 • Reflections (Continued from Page 8) om'mendutlon for all-alfa weevil control will be either Mala lb lon or Melhoxychlor. Mi. TICACHICKS NAM 1C HICKICKLKIN Herb Heber leln, teacher of vocational agriculture at Solanco High School, was named president of the Lancaster County Vo cational Agriculture Teach ers Association lor 1961. Other olliceis elected were: Marlin Henninger, vice presi dent; Robert Herr, secretaiy; Joseph McGahen, tieasurei'. 31 ILK DKA LICKS is KICK PRICK CI’T The Lancas ter County Mulk Dealers As sociation this week asked the Pennsylvania Milk Con trol Co in mission for a lower mlinrinum they must pay lor bottled mu Ik to be sold out of state. Local dealers contend they was pointed out that York County dealers last year weie granted a minimum re* cl ucll on sinnilar to the ono Lancaster de.ulers are asking. It was also observed that some ot the Voik dealers .tie compeliiois to Lane-as tir dcalcis in the interstate niai kct. Under a 11)16 Commission older, the pi ice ol Lancas ter County milk varies sea sonally Item 6a »er huii diodw eight to about $1 S 3 per hundred weight as llmd milk at larms. ROY It. HICKK HOVOKICO Hoy 15 Heir, Pennsylvan ia Poultiyin-an ol the Year m 19 39, was honoied by the Lancaster County Poultry Association heie Monday night. Herr, one of the loundeis of the Association, served as president lor 12 years. He has also served as president erf the Pennsyhama Poultry Federation. He has opeiated a poultiy farm in the county tor about 40 yeais. Ten Years Ago HOAR’S CHAMP STUCK, XKTS $163!) The giand champion Farm Show Steer, a 1075-pound Hereford shown by Hany Lee Hoar, 14, of Gap Rl, Mas knocked down to Hoivaid Johnson Restaurants The animal brought $1 52% a pound for a total ot U.-6-39 37 The 125 4-H baby beeies sold for an average of 29 56 cents per pound, bunging their own eis a total of 5>40,059 06. MORE SXOAV EXPECTED —More than Vis-inch of melt ed moisture lesulted trout last week's Farm Show opening ice storm. Snows this Monday night clogged seieial southern Lancaster County roads, foicing school closings Five-inches of snow (Continued on Page 13) INSURANCE TRACTOR GENERATOR with I MAXI-WATT ■wciiCT^fawK Provides dependable emergency elec* Inc power for lights, heat, refrigera tion, milk cooler, and water system. New WINCO 15 KW PTO with MAXI. WATT gives Extra Power, Performance! and Value! Belled tractor model and complete line of tractor and engini generators from 1500 <• 15,00(1 watts. (Inf. Duly) Send ceupen imp i»l»rmaU»n *r Cull It fXEE tlemimtra fiea L. H. BRUBAKER 350 Strasburg Pike, Lane., Pa. i Gentlemen: Pteaie tend me ii.II inform!. I don on the Wince line ot iund-by xca> , j eratori. { j AM**' j . . ..State . L. H. Brubaker 350 Stiasburg Pike, Lauc. Little, K. 1). 3 Ph. Lane. 307-5170