ANGUS RESERVE CHAMPION shown by Mar vin Nissley of Mount Joy R 1 at the 50th State Farm Show this week. Nissley’s win represented the top mark for county 4-H beef showmen. L. F. Photo • Steer Show (Continued from Page 8) freshman at Donegal High School. Marvin is the 14-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer R. Nissley, Mount In - sweepstakes show- Joy Rl, and this was his m * nship contest > John Frey c . „„ . of Quarryville took third first Farm Show effort. p i ace behind winner Earl Lancaster County did forge Dehmey from Dauphin Cotm into the spotlight to take ty, and mnnemp Burnell the County Trio title, how- Doll of. York, - DeKALB Poultry Meeting LAFAYETTE FIRE HALL Lincoln Highway Blast, Lancaster THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1966 All Poultiymen Invited Joe Cloybough, DeKolb Poultry Management Consultant, will discuss New 3D Cage House and Hydraulic Manure removal, system. Management and Ventilation question and answer period. DeKalb York Hatchery YORK, PA. Soles & Service ever. Barry Longeneoker, Marvin Nissley, and Kathy Weaver teamed >up -with their respective Angus entries for the win. 7:30 P.M. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED Judging tho beef show was Robert A. Long, head of tho Animal Science Department at the University of Georgia. Frank Zimmerman, herds man at Mlllardcn Farms, and Dili Gray, herdsman at Penn State, judged tho showman ship competition. County results; SHORTHORN Light weight —l, Mary Lou Landis; 3, Donna Hess; 4, Ljnn Royer. Mediamwwight —3, John Welle. Lightweight —2, William Hollingei; 3, Harold Welk; 9, Hess. Medium weight —1, Mich ael Hosier, 5, Judy Drager; ti, James Ketteuns; S, John Letc \ ei Light Heiwj weight —2, Nancy Frey; S, Faye Bru bakei; 9, Lorraine Foney. Heavyweight —1, Harry Heir, 2, Kay Weaver; 5, Donald Nissley; 6, Dallas Wolgemuth; 11, Mary Ellen Kettering. Lightweight 12, Ken neth Hess; I>3, John Frey; 15, William Frey. Medhunwedght —1, Mar vin Nissley; 3, Kathy Weav er; 8, Barry Longenecker; 9, Robert Landis. Light HcsiSvyweijght —3, Edwin Hess; 4, Robert ©en ough; 5, Sharon Weaver; 14, Judy Flory. Heavyweight —2, Jay Hess; 3, Linda Ober; 4, Glenn Plickinger; 6, Larry Weaver. Melhorn DeKalb Hatchery MT. JOY, PA. Sales & Service HEREFORD AXGUS IJ The fiist aitifirtal Snow was produced in 1946 by Vin cent J. Schaefer of Schenec- SOOQ ta< * y > Y. If*"', V *• j- JliS - < I- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 15, 1966 SHOWMANSHIP HItEEI) EVENTS Shgrthoni —2, John Wolk. Reivlonl —1, Michael Hosier; 2, Larry Herr. Angus —i, John Frey. SHOWMANSHIP SWEEPSTAKES 3, John Frey. VO I NTV TRIOS 1, Lancaster (Unity Long otict ker .Martin Nissley, and Kathy Weater). • Holstein Show (Continued from Page 1) Aaed Cow —7, Uaj llar- bold Piodirce ot Dam —3, Rob oit IJ. Kaulliuan County Held caster 4-H CLASSES Intel mediate Calf Loiae Harbold Senror Yearling —3, Susan Ann Kaultnian; 4, Edwin E. Hess; 5, Jeffrey A. Peiter. County Group of Five 3, Lancaster. FFA CLASSES Intermediate Calf —2, Linford Weaver. Senior Yearling —2, Ray Riuhl. Judging the show was Or ton Ehy, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Morgan Ram Is Repeat Winner At Farm Show A yearling rain, Morgan 10, shown by Mrs. Milton K. Morgan of 1916 New Holland Pike, Lancaster, captured his second consecutive Farm Show championship Monday in Suffolk breed competition. Last year, as a young ram, he led the breed in the Farm Show event, and also finished first in his class at the Penn sylvania Livestock Exposi tion. Until last year, the ram title seemed to be the per manent possession of Mrs. Ford Uooper of Jefferson County. Now a new tradition seems to be under wav which hopefully will keep the title in Lancaster County. Mrs. Morgan also showed a young lam which finished second in his class, but for the balance of the classes her entries placed second and thud, uith one fouith place ribbon m the young ewe class. Crouse Takes Four Ribbons In Hay Show Galen Ciouse, Stevens HI, won Lancaster County’s only nbhons in the hay show on Sunday. Ciouse, winner of the Southeastern Pennsylvania hay show championship at Hershey last summer took first-place ribbons in both later cutting alfalfa, and sum mer annual grass categories with heat-ciured entries He also won a second and third place nbbon for his heat cured glass and fleld-cuied summei annual grass entries, respectively. The show’s top title went to Rolling Rook Fauns of Ligomer, Westmoreland Coun ty, for its late cutting tim othy-and-other-grass exhibit. Crouse, a dairyman, cures about 40 acies of altalfa and mixed hay early using a sys tem of ducts m a con\erted tobacco shed using artificial heat. Only Lane. Beef Breed Entry Is Reserve Champ HAimisnuriCr Thomas (' Daiiuhoi t\ , Kirkwood Kl, unl\ Lancaster C'oiiiilian w .tlx entiles in the ileielonl Ilitod iih C.itlle, Wediiesclaj, at the Pomns\ h.l llla Kami Show won tlie icscne 5.1 and tli.uu* liioii lull losctte Daii-bei t>, who had the Ileictoid hull champion at the I'Mil show, aNo collect ed th leo hist pla t unis and Inc seconds in nulamg dur ing (lie thud day of the Kami Show, llis pn/e money totaled $l l Ba. The leseice gland cham pion hull, D 1) \laior Colo lado 5, a spung hull calf, was bom last Alai oh 4. The homelned bull was sired by S. F, Colorado S-Sl, out of Silver Modesty. 'Daugherty, who has been, breeding Herefords since 19'56, said this was the first time the bull calf was en teied in any show. 1, Lan- The calf is out of Full Sister to the entry which was chosen as the 1961 chanvpion. The sire was from Sundown, Farms, Gaithersburg, the dam was ihomebred. The grand champion bull was an entry by Klips Here tords, of Montgomery Coun ty. Klips also had the grand champion female and the le serve grand champion female, Daugherty won first places in spring bull Calf summer j eaihng heifer, and. pair o-f cahes competition. His second place awards included a two-year-old bull; two bulls bred and owned by exhibitor, spring -yearling heifer, junior heiter calf; and get of sire classes. The judge Was M D Lac ey, of Cornell University, Ithaca, X. Y. Soleil Farms, Inc , Potts town R. 2, piled up seven championships in the Angus division of beef bleeding cat tle at the State Fann Show.' The Chester County faint won the jumoi champion, bull, lesetve junior ichaimpion bul’l, senior 'champion bull, xeseive grand champion bull, senior champion female, and icsene junior champion fe male, a herdsman tor Soleil, had an entty that won fh© lesene hull calf champion ship Lancaster County did not show in the Angus division because ot a hand injury to the owner ot the only coun- ty entnes Fied Fiey, of Twin Oak Farms, ?Quani i ille R 2, suf teied a seveie light hand injuiy when a lope attached to a power takeoff looped the hand and slammed Fiey against the machinery. He had legisteied entnes for the late junior yeailmg and seuioi yearling 'bull classes. • Farm Calendar (Continued from Page 1) Interested peisons adnsed to contact Aaion Z Stau£* ler at Epluata R 1 tor more details. 7 30 pm, DeKalb Poul try Meeting at Latajeite Pne Hall, Lincoln High way East, Lancaster. All poulti v men united 7 30 pm, Raulinsville aiea Adult Pannier Class at Ra\\ lins\ ille Elementary Sch Speaker, James Metz ler, PP&L, subiect, “Auto mating the farm t\ith elec tncity.” ‘ — 7 30 pm , Bphrata Adult Fanner Class at Ephrata High Sch. Sub ject, “Income Taxes sample larm pioblem.” 9
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