4Mtfiis/MiMbr that Half* You Forget About BREAKDOWNS! (Got Hawk Blit’s Full Year Guarantee, too!J ...GETA SIDEKICK! MANURES m. SPREADER You’re probably paying for a Side Kick now—in repairs, downtime, aggravation. With no aprons, boaters-, gear box or rackets, you can sec why the Side Kick is covered by Hawk Bill’s full year guaran tee! Only two moving parts to lubricate—the rotor and power unit. For real ruggedness, there's Uni body construction of welded % inch copper-bearing steel, protected by rust-preventive primer and enamel finish. Copper-bearing steel lasts twice as long in manure acids as galvanized black steel. You can’t go wrong with a Side Kick. HAWK BILT VINTON, lOWA FORMULATED FOR PROFIT AGWAY HOG FEED LINE-UP FORMULATED FOR PROFIT These seven Agway swine feeds represent the foremost know ledge of swine requirements. They have been formulated to provide maximum economy while at the same time providing every nutritional need of the hog at the stage of development where the particular feed should be fed. Vitamins and other supplements have been added as required for good health and fast gains as well as top market finish. Special attention is being given to amino acid balance and mineral and vitamin fortification. For details of formulation and for specific suggestions as to mixing or feeding with other grains, see your Agway man. Agway K, & KERSHEY & SON, IIK, P. O. BOX 30 Manheim. Pa. Ph. 665-2271 Agway Squealer (all pelleted) 18% 2 u j% 2 % Baby pigs to 50 lbs Agway Pig Starter 18 iVs 25 lbs. to 50 lbs Agway Sow and Pig Feed 16 3 14 3 5 36 2 Agway Hog Feed Agway 36% Sow and Pig Supplement Agway 40% Hog Grower 40 V/s Supplement Agway Hog Finisher Supplement Garden Spot Unit, Inc. (Former Farm Bureau and Eastern States Stores) Lancaster 394-0541 or 394-3755 New Holland 354-2126 "Anyone May Buy From Agway" SAMPLE COPIES FREE Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly service. We‘ll be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LANCASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and ad dresses below (You’ll be doing both them and us a favor!) Street Address & R. D City Street Address & R. D. City (You are not limited to two names. Use separate sheet for additional names.) Your Name Address □ CHECK here if you prefer to send a. Year’s (52 issues ) GIFT subscription for $2 each to your friends listed above. If so $ enclosed, or □ Bill me later. (Each will receive a colorful gift announcement card.) Please mail this form to: LANCASTER FARMING CIRCULATION DEPT. P. O. BOX 266 LITITZ, PENNA. Protein Fat Fiber 5Vz 6 Mix or free-choice with grains for sows, and pigs to 75 lbs, 6 Mix or free-choice with grains for hogs 75 lbs. to market 125 lbs. to market 40 1 oVz Quarryville 786-2126 or Honey Brook 215-273-3213 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 15, 1966 State State Agway Use Nurse sows & pigs 50-75 lbs, Hogs 75 lbs. to market. 786-2147 • Turkeys (Continued from Page 1) The reserve grand cham pion, a 33'/i pound Tom <-k -hiblted by Harry i^umjxiri *«i, .AlounUille. sold lor .>l7.m a pound The hu>t*r was .1 ('. Siunely and Sons, Inc., Lan dis Mlle The U\o hlids were .1 ac tioned oh 1)> Om.u Landis, .Mdiilieim, .is a le.iturc of ilia Pennsyhanl.i Poultry Fedci atum banquet in the J’ciui Hams Hotel L.nnp.ntei non the title in both I'HiO and 10G1 lie took 13 nbbons, including two blues, in the Ine-cl.isb competition Wednesdaj. Count} Results Hoaaj toms —1, Hairy Lainpaiter, (iesei\e chain- pion) Lightweight toms —2, 3, 5, Han> Lainpai tei. Hea.ij lions—2, 5, C, Har r\ Lampartei, Medium weight lions —1, 2,3, Hanj Lampaiter Lightweight hens —4, 3, 7, Hany Lamipaitei. Vicki Shank Repeats Farm Show Egg Win HARRISBURG Fust pnze for white eggs m 4-H competition was won by Vicki Shank, Elizabethtown Rl, Lancaster County, at tile s'Oth State Faun Show. But Vicki didn’t stop theie, she went on to win the sec ond, third and fourth places in the 4-11 white eggs class. She was also last }eai s Fanu Show winner in 4-H egg competition. In the 4-H biow T n eggs contest Delbeit Hauck, Heg ms, Schuylkill Countv, took both fiist and second pnze. Delbert also had the top scoie, 97, ot single dozen brown eggs in the whole show Eggs aie sooted on um toimitv ot weight, coioi, shape shell te\tiue, corcli tiou and inteilol qualitj. Provides dependable emergency elec-i Iric power for lights, heat, refngera tion, milk cooler, and water system. New WINCO 15 KW PTO with MAXI WATT gives Extra Power, Performance, and Value! Belted tractor mode! and complete line of tractor and engine generators from 1500 to 15,000 watts. (Int. Duty) Send coupon fee information Oi* Call far FREE demonstratiea L. H. BRUBAKER 350 Strasburg Pike, Lane., Pa. ; Gentlemen: Kerne teai me full informa- I eralor" *"* " mco J** *auid‘by jen ! Nam.. j j Add _ .State j L. H. Brubaker 350 Stiasbmg Pike, L.mc Litit/, K. 1). 3 Pit. Lane. 397-3179 7
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