;•;11 »' r i •11 i>' i,( / 11", ’ \ r iitii ■ ,v.l ,iiiivf 2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 15, 1966 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review 14. 1000 CATTLE 2500 Slnugh tei steeis under 1250 lbs mi *s 11 > 25c Higher, weights uu'i 12 >0 lbs about steady. Tows steady to .10c Loner, Hulls 25-50 c Highei Feed ei steels stead\ to strong. Supply included 10 percent Slaughter steeis. 25 percent Cows and Hulls, with the Balance mostly Feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice < l l so-1250 lbs. 20 85- 27 S 5, tew S2S 00-28 3'5, Choice 1250-1400 lbs 2b 50- 277 5. High Good to Low r Choice 822 75-25.00, Few Low Standard $21.00-23 00-. COW'S Cutter and Util it\ 15 00-17 60, Few on Mon dav to $lB 00, Canner and Low Cutter $l3 50-15 00. BULLS Choice 950-1150 lb* $24 00-25 75, Good 32 - 25-2-1 '5O Utility and Com mercial ?2>l 00-23 0 0, Few 1500-1900 lbs $23 00-24 00. FEEDER STEERS—Choice 750-885 lbs $25.75-243 00, (Continued on Page 3) New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Sole Schedule Monday: Horse Sale 10:00 A.M. Tack Sale to Follow Horse Sale Monday: Hog Sale 11:30 A.M. Monday: Beef Cattle ... 2:00 P.M. Sale Order Bulls, Steers, Cows, Calves Wednesday: Sale of Dairy Cattle 12:30 P.M. Thursday: Sale of Beef Cattle 12:30 P.M. Sale Order Bulls, Steers, Cons, Calves JOHN H. GINGRICH, Mgr. Ph. New Holland 354-2194 Vintage Sales Stables, inc. PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows, Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold On Commission Sale every Tuesday 2 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager CELEBRATING OUR 76th ANNIVERSARY SALE $20,000. TO BE GIVEN IN DISCOUNTS & OVER ALLOWANCES ON John Deere New Hollond New Idea McCulloch Chain Saw Ariens Products A. B. C GROFF, INC. Phone: IS w Holland 354-8001 MARKET Auction Only •Ttmiiury 12, 10(10 (Xote All Wednesday sto Kyard sales are now auc- tion ) CATTLE 432 Slaughter steers under 1250 lbs. steady to 25'c Higher, weights over 1 2i5 0 lbs steady to weak. Cows steady to strong. Bulls steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 950-1250 lbs. 20.85- 27 85, Few 28 00-28 35, Choice 1250-1400 I'bs. 26.35- 27 75, High Good to Low Choice $26 50-27 00, Good 2)5 2)5-20 75, Standard to Low- Good 22 75-25 00. COWS Cutter and Util ity 15 00-17 60, Canner sjnd .Low-Cutter 13 50-$l5 00. BULLS Good 22.25- 24 75, Couple Choice 24 85- 25 10, Utility and Commerc-al $2l 50-23 50. CALVES Vealers ?1 00- 300 Higher. Choice 39.00- 44 50 Indttidual $4B 00, Good 36 i5O-39 50, Standard .$32 s'o-37 00, Utility $27 00- OContinued on Page IS) New Holland, Pa. fjfu r,' 'vnoq-"n m ••wc/hi. NEWS Vintage Auction January 11, 1966 CATTLE 554 Slaughter steers steady to 50c Higher. Cows mostly steady, although some weakness on Utility. Bulls 25-50 Lower. Supply included 35 percent Cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 950-1300 lbs. 26 85-28.- 25. High Choice and Prime 1050-1250 lbs. 28.00-28 85, Couple $2910, Choice 1300- 1400 lbs 26 35-27.60, High Good to Low Choice 26.00-2.00, with weights 1300 lb. and down mainly 26 50-27.00, Good $25 00- 26 50, Standard to Low Good 22 75-25 00. cows Utility 16 00-17.60, Cutter 15 00-16 85, Canner and Low Cutter 13 SC-15.00. BULLS Good $22.25-24.- 10, Couple Choice 25 60-26 00, Utility and Commercial 20 50- 22.75 FEEDER STEERS Part load Choice 1000 lbs. $26 50 CALVES 450 Vealers $l.- 00-2 00 Higher. Choice' 37 50- 42 00, Individual $43 50. Good 35 00-38 00, Standard $3lOO - 00, Utility $26 50-30 00, Cull 95-115 lbs. 23.50-26.50, 70-90 lbs $2lOO-24 00. HOGS 92 Barrows and gilts mostly steady. US 1-2 195- 250 lbs. 30.00-30.35, Four head US 1, 215-225 lb $31.00-32.00, Few US 1-3 200-220 lbs. 29 75- 29 85. SHEEP 30 Wooled-Lambs fully steady Choice 70-90 lbs. 30 00-32.00, Good 26.50-30 50. HOGS January 8, 1966 The 159 head offered sold steady with lightweights bring ing 24 25-29 25; 180-200 lbs, 26-31 60; 200-220 lbs , 28 50-3 - -35, 220-240 lbs, 28-30.85; 240 lbs and up, 29.60-30 50. Sows, 19 50-25 25. Buyer of Oak, WALNUT, Poplar, ASH, etc. C. J. CHARLES LUMBER New Providence, Pa. Phone ST 6-3108 PATZ Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo (Jnloaders • Cattle Feeden Robert K.Rohrer Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel KI 8-2559 Big News In 1966 A NEW ond COMPLETE auction service will be available through WALTER M. DUNLAP AND SONS LANCASTER UNION STOCK YARDS TEL. 397-5136 EACH WEDNESDAY AT 11 A,M. veal calves; sheep and hogs WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION This new and broader service is another evidence of the DUNLAP POLICY “to offer the best in livestock marketing to both producer and buyer.” When you consign to DUNLAP, you consign with confidence. REPORT New Holland Auction •Ttiiiiuwy 18, 1960 CATTLE 811 Slaugh ter steers strong to 25c High er, some sales on weights over 13(M) lbs. and Good to Low Choice 50c Higher. Cows steady to weak, Instances 2'sc Lower. Bulls 25-50 Lower. Feeder steers fully steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice 9's'o-1200 lbs. 28.00-28 75, Choice 1000-1300 lbs. $27 00-28 00, 1300-1450 lbs. 26 50-27.25, Good 25 3'5- 27.25. Standard to Low Good 21 50-25 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 850-10'5-0 lbs. $24.50- 26 00, Good 21'50-24.50. COWS Cutter and Util ity 14.75-17 60, few Over $l7 00, Canner and Low Cutter $13‘50-15.00. BULLS Choice 25 00- 26 10, Couple $26 3i5-2>6 85, Good $2 3.2 5-24.75, Utility and Commercial 21 3‘5-23 60. FEEDER STEERS Good and Choice 625-1025 lbs 24.- 10-26 2<5. CALVES 286 Vealers Active, $2 00-3 00 Higher. Choice 40 00-45 00, Few $45 - 00-48 00, Good 37.50-40 00, YOU'VE GOT TO HAVE A SYSTEM <5 0 JAMESWAY POWER CHORIN® BIG J SYSTEM DISTRIBUTES, UNLOADS with 1 BASIC UNIT Distributes evenly from wall in. Gives you up to 20% more silo capacity. Easily unloads uneven frozen silage. Works for you in-any season. Lowest cost combination on the market. Converts from unloader to power-driven distributor In, minutes. Just remove unloader chute, attach Fill-O-Matlc distributor board, raise to top of silo, and you’re ready to fill. Power Circle Drive rotates board at constant speed. Stop in for low prices. |] M. E. SNAVELY [5 South Cedar Street Ph. 626-8144 Lititz, Penna. If&tt r Standard $33 50-37.50, Util ity 26.50-32 00, Cull 95-115 lbs. $24.50-27.50, 70-90 lbs. $20.00-25.00. COWS Cutter and Util ity 14.75-17.60. few Over $17.00, Canner and Low Cut ter $l3 50-15.00. (Continued on Pane 101 Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Receipts 27,200 compared with 19,600 last week and 33,600 a year ago. Twelve 'market supply 202,700 com pared with 166,700 last week and 232,900 a year ago. Slaugh ter steers steady to 50 lower, decline mostly on weights over 'll5O lbs heifers steady to 25 higher. Cows and Bulls 50-1.00 lower. In the carlot dressed beef trade, steer beef 1.00-2.50 higher, heifer beef 1.00-2.00 higher. Cow beef 50-2 00 low er. -SLAUGHTER STEERS Loadlots Prime 1135-1400 lbs. 27.50-27 75, mostly 27.50 late, on Monday two loads Prime (Continued on Page 18)
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