The Case Of The Chicken Chicken ■Who's who In the “peck ing order” preoccupies lay ing hens so much that poultry ■dentists try hard to under stand this aspect of social life in the henhouse. For ex ample, previous evidence in dicates that a hen’s egg pro duction and length of life re late to how aggressively she pecks. Recently, poultry special ists at the ARS Poultry Gen etics Laboratory in Athens, Ga., restudied at close range the attitude of one chicken aaf* * iway ' v jfcfty |jC *£a.r V * ' 4 1 tT' - 1?’. [" 'T'% ji»S||fe I rSLS* • Freezers 17 cu. ft. and 23 cu. ft. chests ; 4- 350 Strasburg Pike , Tel. 397-5179 toward another to . clarify these specific points: 1 Do chicken strains vary in aggresstvehess?- >And does relative aggressiveness of a chicken strain change over a period of time? 2 Is aggressiveness re lated to size? Do birds rec ognize superiors as Individu als or as belonging to a superior strain? 3 Is aggressiveness link ed to egg quantity or qual ity? - Relationships between strains were given special consideration in planning the study. Poultry specialist R E. Cook of ARS and .T. C. Worn- $329 More 1965 CLEARANCE SPECIALS Ranges 30" and 40" and Dryers it. BRUBAKER L ONLY REFRIGERATOR With 1680 INTERIOR ARRANGEMENTS! NO DEFROSTING EVER IN REFRIGERATOR OR FREEZER Exclusive G-E half-width Adjusfa-Shelves! Auto-Fill Ice Service, for faster freezing of br- le*' IBi-Ts.6cu. ff. nek and L. D. Tlndell, both formerly of the Georgia Ag ricultural Experiment Station, studied pairs of hens in a special observation cage. They matched birds from four strains of White Leghorns and two strains of Rhode Island Reds, in three encounters. Although the tests took on some aspects of a tourna ment, none of the birds was injured. The first pairings were held when the birds were 20 weeks old, the second and third at 38 and 56 weeks. * hen earned points for aggres siveness if she outpeoked her opponent, it her pecks were uncontested, or if the EfIWfJW fif J 'EM! G*£ mucEi mu wfisim J IL m C $N OUT PRICES' Lancaster, Pa. Stras. 687-6002 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 15, 1966 other hen simply withdrew when she threatened. As soon as the researchers could Judge which hen dominated the oth er, they returned the birds to individual cages. The experiment clearly es tablished that there are su per strains in the chicken world. Each stock revealed a clear level of aggressive ness, which the scientists be lieve is earned genetically. In general, the relative ag gressiveness of a strain did not change with age Only in the last .rematch did the two least aggressive strains exchange standings. ton Giange nas invited to at tend a church service Fri da\ evening, January 28 at the Mount Hope Methodist Church -wheie eiangelist Jo seph Brookshire ot Lexing ton, K\ , will be conducting sive Scientists veie uncei- a " ee k ot semces Chickens apparently recog nize breeds and strains. Rhode Island Reds clearlj yielded to the much smaller White Leghorns, even though within strains the biggei bud was usually the more aggies- tain whethei lieed differences 01 mdnidual looks were mote impoitant for a chicken in recognizing a superior in the pecking oidei Tougher stiams weie the Home ’ The “ Llte History of better producers The lank Stephen hostei was told by ot stiams by egg pioduction au ' H Uibel Chester Todd w'as the some as stiam-stand- ■H Stanley Stauffer Jr. mg for henpeckmg, except in His Ralph Aimstrong one case On an induidual demonstiated the piesenta basis also, the most aggies- Hon ot the Amencan flag sue buds laid the most eggs The next meeting will bs held Januaij 24 Cold Weather? SHOE SKATES MEN'S AND LADIES' All Sizes Groff’s Hardware New Holland, Pa. Ph. 354-0851 LONG TERM FARM MORTGAGE Wagner woiked out for me' And I didn’t have to buy any stock 01 pay any appiaisal fees Aftei one yeai I can pay off as fast as I want . to liom cunent faun > ' w ' Sil Contact' Emory D. Wagner Quarryville, Pa. The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United States |\l COUNT!' GRANGES MEBT ~ Lancaster' County - " Pomona Grange #7l will hold their dinner meeting 'Saturday, January 15, 7 p.m, at Rhoada Spanish Restaurant, Quarry ville. Reservations should bo made through Miss Marie Murphy. There will be a me nvoriai service in charge ot Miss Murphy and the newly elected officers will be in stalled by Norman Maule and his team from Chester County. Pulton Grange #66 hel4 their regular meeting Janu ary 10 at Oakryn, Pa. Mas ter, Gyles H Brown conduct ed the business meeting. Pul- Lectm ei Mibs Aanea Spence, piebented a Stephen Fobter piogiam Gioup bing inf, “Old Folkb at Home’' and “.My Old Kentucky I sure like my earnings' Ph. 786-2131 FARM LOAN CORRESPONDENT for 11