I For The Form Wife ambrosia dessert cup 2 ssas sr ™ reduce 'heat 2 tablespoons Ihoney nu Btonlmer 4 ito 5 minutes. 2 tablespoons Whopped dates 001. Combine drained rasp* or raisins (ernes, (peaches, dmined or- 3 maraschino cherries, she- I ’**‘|“ e< - e!S a 'nd skceu ibaniana; e d tir % of the cooled gQ'aze y. CPl p flaked' coconut lirough truit Spoon fruit imto j medium banana 'akett iple shell. Out orange Combine undrained' orange artabeeiS in Half; arrange pieces, honey, d'ales, maras -111 TOP ot 'pie. Spoon remain- phino Wherries 'and coconut. ixg l gnaze over fruit. Chill an p ee i i a nd ®kce banana; stir tour or longer. Serve with ii,e|h)‘ly into fruit mixture, tapped cream Stooon into dessert dishes or ” * »« u * Ready-Mixed CoiKfCtC For quick, easy placing For proper aggregates For long-lasting finish Transit Mixed on the way to the job. New Holland Concrete Products New Holland, P«. Ph. 354-2114 FINISH CATTLE with WAYNE BEEF BALANCER Hits economical blend of protein ingredients, including urea, helps finish cattlemen good quality roughage economically and efficiently. It does an excellent job of balancing farm grains to- builef meaty, top grade carcasses at minimum feed costs. Wayne Beef Balancer is available with or without stilbestrol, with or without qureomycin, or with a combination of both. Iyv-vw HEISBY FOWL’S FEED SERVICE. FARM SERVICE R. D. 1. Quanyyille A ReHatee B. D. X, Peach Bottwn t,»wa aou. ocnawe C. E. SAUDER & SONS DUTCHMAN FEED E. D. 1, East East MILLS, INC., K. D. 1, Stevens MOUNTVILLB FEED SE&VICE S. D. 2, Colombia: HEKSHEY BROS. ,-J Reinholcte‘ - - k * «>,, ' $ *- * ROBBER’S MILL WHITE OAK MILL r. d. 1, Kooks K'« D. 4, Manheim '; f MILLPORT ROLLER MILLS B. D. 4, Lititz GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown MILLERSVBUJE SUPPLY CO. MiUei'SvlHe H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Wltmer serve (from (glass serving l dish. 3 'to 4 servings. lit Vi 4 BERRY DELIGHT V/s cups graham icracker or vanilla iwlafer crumbs cup sifted 'confectioners’ sugar oup melted' fruiter or mar garine eggs, unlbeatten cup sugar 8-ounce package cream cfreese, softened teaspoon s'alt (cups fresh or frozen blue berries cup sugar tablespoons cornsiartcttv (teaspoon salt cup water teaspoon grated orange rind 2 % li (Mix together icrumlbs, con fectioners’ sugar and (butter; prelss in 'layer in an BxBx2- indh fcakiing pan. Beat eggs; add Vs tup sugar, icream cheese and sialit; blend to gether; pout over icrumb crust (B'ake m 375 degree -oven for 28 minutes; cool. Cover wVh 1 tup blueberries. JB ar J together Vz Cup sugar, (Continued on Page 6) Conestoga Emergency Fund Non-Profit Benefit Fund Established 1958 Pays Death Benefit - $1,000.00 Assessment per death $l.lO per subscriber. THIS NEW ENROLLMENT, the first since 1958, is limit ed to all persons in good health up to age 62. HOW TO ENROLL Send this ad with your name, address and age to CONESTOGA EMERGENCY FUND, R. D. #6, Box 320, Lancaster, Pa. 17603. Complete infor mation and applications cards will be sent to you. ACT TODAY DON’T LET YOUR FAMILY REGRET YOUR DELAY Your BEST BUY for increased profit in a Silage Feeding Program . . . Silage Balancer especially formulated by MASTER MIX ► 40% Protein (oil meals, meat, protein, urea) ► Vitamin l A’ patmifate (levels guaranteed on tag) ► Low-cost per unit of protein »» Palatable ► Minerals L i. Denlinger Co. Paradise Leroy M. Sensenig Hinkletown Ross H. Robrer & Sons Quarryville BOOK YOUR BEEF FEEDS NOW! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 25, 1965 For the Farm Wife and Family By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Ladies. Have You Heard? •.. Some Guidelines For Clothing Selection For Older Women Choosing the right clothes helps middle aged and older women achieve the special attractiveness that comes only with maturity. Some things to consider in clothing for these age groups include: . . Lightness in weight of fabric because it is less tiring to wear. Warmth of fabric because of reduced temperatures among older people. Flexibility in fabric and garment con struction to give comfort in movement. Finishes that add plus performance values to the fabrics. _ Colors that are fast to wear and to THOMAS methods of dare. pearance and personality. ABbo consider the esthetic BroHior-Fryers Preferred factors. Mature- and older peo- More broiler-fryers figured pie should wear shades that m meals of families in the Hatter the skin and hair tones, United States during 106 ft colors that enhance their sup- [ than during 1956. This is whfirt United States Department of Agriculture research workers found when .they asked home makers for their opinions on broiler-fryers, then, compared the findings twiirth a sitmEar study made in 1956. Of the homemlakers inter viewed in the 1964 study, al most two-thulrdis served broiler fryeirs at Mast once a week. In 1956, only half the home makers interviewed had 'served broiler fiyers this often. Homemakers in the Northeast and the *west favored the young o'* 1 cakens and these homemakers shewed the great est me ease un numbers serv ing ‘oioile’i ifiyeis one or more times a week MASTER ¥ O Hot water... plenty of it! With a Texaco Fuel Chief Water Heater! These handsome, glass-lined heaters are fully automatic and occupv a minimum of floor space. They produce hot water faster than it is normally used for shaving, bathing, dishwash ing, and laundering—and at a fraction of the cost of old fashioned water heaters. Come in and see them. We also carry the complete line of Texaco Fuel Chief furnaces, boilers, oil burners, and Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil the best your money can buy. (fuelChiefl loß.UE*n*e equipweut J We Give S&H Green Stamps Garber 09 Co. Distributor Texaco Fuel Chief Beating Oil 105 Fairview St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. €53-2021 11