< ;Jr| &-? x ™ ' J ' ‘ ;< .’lV' " ■ l ‘ prf \ ? ; : 1 : ~ |^m»*W -m^ 'SSiWwl^FPgW^^^S —ou a fine chance to buy fall production at reasonable prices. Since there are several other sales this month, this could be the bargain sale of the year. Be there on time. We will start promptly at 7:30. SALE MANAGED BY: PENNA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASS’N. P. O. BOX 458 CAMP HILL, PA. 17011 FEEDER PIC SALE Saturday, 2/z miles South of Bethel from US 22 and 6 miles North of Myerstown, Pa., along US 501. 175 to 200 40 to 60 lb. Choice Feeder Pigs Hampshire & Yorkshire Cross . All pigs are vaccinated for Cholera and Erysipelas, Castrated young. Wormed, Sprayed for Mange and Lice. All pigs were raised on this farm. No outside pigs will sell on this sale. These are all White Pigs, Also pigs will not have to be moved the day of Sale. These are some of the finer quality feeder pigs in the East. York County Guernsey Bull Summarized Sire Pioneer Point Majesty, a registered Guernsey bull owned by Dr. George T Pack, Wngbtsv.ille, Pa., has become a Summarized Sire, "according to The American Guernsey Cattle Club To attain this distinction, a bull must have at least 10 daughters 'with of ficial production records “Majesty” has 13 tested that have made 23 official production records. Their average production is 11,315 pounds of milk andl 527 pounds of fat, when 'Con verted to twice-daily milking, 305 day, mature equivalent basis “Majesty" also has bad 19 of his registered daughters classified with an average rat ing of 84 <5 percent. Moil Box Morket For Sale Purebred York shire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass champion ship blood lines. Willow Glen Farm, R. D. 1, Strasburg, Pa. Phone AC 717 786-2562. For Sale 5 yearling white geese. Wanted 1 PR corn picker. Ph. 383-1810. Wanted Good used 6” wide rubber endless belt, 50 to 75 ft long. Phone 653-0332, "I have some money fo invest' 7 September 25, Sole at 1:30 P.M. NORMAN M. MARTIN 1965