—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3, 1965 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review July 2, 1965 Cattle 3000 Slaughter steers 23, instances 50 high ci than last week’s close, cows steady to strong. Bulls mostly steady Feeder steeus fully steady Supply included an estimated 60 percent slaughter steers ncicent cows and hulls with baiance mainly feeder steeis. Slaughtei steers Choice 1200 27 00-27 50, Good 073-1300 lbs $27 35-29 25. 25 00-27 25, Standard to Low- Choice 1300-1450 Lb $27 00- Go c °, d 5 " 2 ® 00 . „ , 28 75, High-Choice and Prime n gh o^o (! H oc lf oe S c Individual 21 75 lb S2lOO-23 75 19 00. ’ Feeder Steei s Good and Cows Utility and -High- —___________________ Choice 725-900 lbs 24 25-2650. jieldmg Cuttei $l5 00-17 00. gilts mostly 50 lower Sows Calves 410 Vealers $lOO - $l7 00-17 50, Cutter steady to weak US 1-2 190- 300 lower Good and Choice $l4 10 15 50 Cannei $l3 25- 240 lb $25 75-26 50, US 1 200- 28 50 32 00, Individual 34 50, 14 50 Shell* Canner $ll 50- 240 lb $26 50-27 00, 1-3 190- Standaid 26 50-28 00, Utility 13 25 250 lb $25 00-25 75, 2-3 240- 23 50-26 50, Cull 18 50-23 50, Bulls Good and Choice 2 ?0 Ito $24 50-25 00 One lot 60-80 lbs Cull 15 50-18 00 $2O 75-23 00, few $23 00-24 00 I" 2 Utility and Commeuial $lB 75- $23 50 24 50 US 1-3 300- gl it s mostly 25 higher US 1-2 2100 lew 1400-1800 lbs $2125- 450 lb sows $lB 00-19 00 few 190-235 lbs 26 00-26 60, US 1, 22 30 Cuttei $l7 50-19 00 !* 2 f 9 00-19 50 2-3 450-600 lbs 190-215 lbs 26 75-27 25,' US 1-3 $l7 50-18 50 185-235 lbs 25 25-26 00. US 'Sheep 310 Spnng slaugh- 2-3 245-265 lbs 24 25-25 00 tei lambs weak to 50 lower Sheep 62 Not enough on and ewes steady Choice and sale to establish a maiket. Pume 60-90 lb Spnng Slaugh- Few Good and Choice 50 90 Ini 827 50 ’ 2850, Cllolce lb Spnng Slaughter Lambs $26 00-27 50, Good $23 00- $24 00-28 00 26 00 Cull to Choice shorn slaughtei ewes $5 00-10 00 (Continued on Page 3) Few Good and Choice 40-65 lb feedei lambs Sl6 00-18 50 Feeclei steets Foui load ing Choice 1075-1100 lb caning Good to low-Choice ■dnightei finish $27 25 Good an ! Choice 850-1000 lbs $24 DO -20 50 Standaid 600 900 lbs $2l 00-24 00 Calves 725 Vealeis closed the week $2 00 300 lowei Good and Choice closed at $2B 00-32 00 with an individu al at $34 00 aftei seveial Cho,ce hi ought $34 00-36 00 on Mondai Standaid $23 00- 27 00 Utility $2O 00-23 00 Cull $l6 00-20 00 60 80 lb $l4 GO -16 00 Hogs Bai i ows 1025 New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Sale Schedule Monday: Horse Sale 10.-oo A.M. Tack Sale to Follow Hoise Sale “ Monday: Hog Sale 11:30 A.M. Monday: Beef Cattle 2 ; qo p.M. Sale Order Bulls, Steei s, Cows, Calves Wednesday: Sale of Dairy Cattle 12:30 PJI. Thuisday: Sale of Beef Cattle 12:30 P.M. Sale Order Bulls, Steei s, Cows', Calves JOHN H. GINGRICH, Mgr. Ph. New Holland 354-2194 Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows, Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold On Commission I Sale every Tuesday 2 FM. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager MARKET NEWS REPORT Auction Only June 30, 1905 CATTLE 780 Slaughter steers weak to 50 lower, Cows 25-50 lower Bulls steady to weak Supply included 30 per cent Cows and Bulls Slaughter Steers Choice 975- 1300 lbs 27 35-28 75, Choice 1300 1450 lbs 27 00 28 75, High Choice and Piime 1050-1400 lbs 28 50-29 50, Couple 29 75, Mixed Good and Choice 1000- IDENTIFICATION You can identify the pon derosa pine tiee 'by its needles which glow in bundles of thiee and aie 5 to 10 inches long Then coloi is a dark and yellow-gieen New Holland, Pa. Vintage Auction June 29, 1965 Cattle 763; Slaughte steers 50c higher. Cows steady to strong. Bulls steady to 50c lower The 17 percent Cows included numerous 1400-1600 lbs High Yielding Utility. Slaughter Steers: Choice 950-1300 lbs 27 50-29 25, Choice 1400-1550 lbs 26.75-28.60, High Choice and Prime 1050-1350 lbs 28 50-29.60, Individual 29.85, Mixed Good and Choice 27.25-28.00, Good 950-1200 lbs. 25 50-27 50, Standard to Low Good 22.85-25.50. SPRAYING Service Dairy Barns Poultry Houses CARBOLA Disinfecting White Paint O Dries White • Disinfects Against Disease • 90% Less Cobwebs 8 to 10 Mo. Fly Spraying DISINFECT POULTRY HOUSES 6 Witmer Rd., R 4, Lane. Maynard Beitzel Phone 392-7227 AUCTION OR PRIVATE TREATY SELLING YOUR LIVESTOCK IS OUR BUSINESS So, why take chances. If you have a profit, protect it. Be sure, and consign your cattle, calves, hogs and sheep to the leading livestock firm on the Lancaster Market. Walter M. Dunlap & Sons LIVESTOCK BROKERS HR* CATTLE • CALVES * HOGS # SHEEP vf Union Stock Yards, Lancaster, Pa. Tel: 397-5136 Of course, we do perform other services, such as financing, order buying, and so forth, all of which makes us “The Complete Livestock Firm.” “THE OLD DEPENDABLE” SECOND TO NONE New Holland Auction July -1, 1965 Cattle 1163: Slaughter steers 50-51.00 lowei, cows fully steady, bulls 50-75 lower with high-yielding Utility and Com mercial over 1600 lb. as much as $1 50 lower. Supply includ ed 14 percent cows. Slaughter steers - Choice 1000-1300 lb. $27.00-28 75, High Choice and Prime $2B 25-29.10 with 5 head $29.25-20.60. Good $24.75-27.00, Standard to low Good $22.50-25.00, Utility $lB.OO- 22.50. Slaughter heifers Good 675- 900 lb $22.75-24.00. Cows: Utility and high yielding Cutter $l5 25-17.25, few $17.60-1810. Cutter $1425- 15.50, Canner $l3 00-14.00. Bulls. Good and Choice $2O 00-23 50, couple $23.75. Utility and Commercial $18.50- 20 50, several ,1600-2600 lb. $2O 60-2175 Cutter $17.00- 18 00 Feeder steers Good and Choice 600-900 lb $21.50- 25 25, Standard and Good 365- 500 lb $l5 10-20 50 Calves 418 Vealers slow, 2 00-3 00 lower Choice $2B 00- 32 00, individual $34 00, Good $27 00-28 50, Standai d $24,50- 27 50 Utility $2O 50-24 00, Cull Mainly $l7 50-20 50, with Cull 60-80 lb $l3 50-18 50 Sheep 30 Not enough of any one class for a market test Few Good 60-85 lb Spi mg Slaughter Lambs $2l 00- 25 00 " r CATTLE Receipts for*the four days 25,500 compared with n airv rnwi! 28,400 last week and 19,000 r iocs last year Twelve market sup- June i»bs ply 189,000 compaied with 187,- Cows sold steady at Wed- 900 last week and 186,200 a nesday s sale Receipts totaled year ago Slaughter steers and 104 cows, 2 bulls, and 7 heif- heifers to 25 lower, els Fiesh Holsteins brought (Continued on Page 3) Heed . . . HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN Buy Now and Save! More and more tanners are buying from ns for better value and all around satisfaction. Delivered any quantity Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 Esbenshade Turkey Farm Since 1890 PARADISE, PA. 250-S00; Guernseys, 150-365; other breeds, 150-250, Bulls sold for 180 and 225; heifers, 60-100. HORSES June 28, 1965 Saddle horses sold $lO-$2O per head lower this week, and killer sales were slow and low er. Receipts totaled 382 head. Riding horses brought 125- 300, driving horses, 12&200; killeis (including all mules), 5-5 Va cents per pound. Rony mares sold for 30-110, and geldings 20-110. HOGS June 28, 1965 Hog puces leveled off at Monday’s sale, averaging 50-75 cents lower on the 265 head offered Market hogs retailed for 26-27; wholesale (U.S. 1- 3), 25.50-26; heavyweights, 24.25-25 25 Sows sold for 17- 19.50, and theie were no shoats offered. CALVES June 28, 1965 Sales on the 90 head re ceived were steady, but Prime quality was absent. Choice brought 30-32; Good and Low Choice, 29-30; Standard, 27 50- 29, Common, 20 J 27. Chicago Cattle Weekly Review Compared to CATTLE