—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3, 1965 14 4-H Club News LAMPETERSTRASBURG COOKS MEET by Carol Groff, reporter The Lampeter-'Slras'burg 4-11 Cooking " Club met at the home of Mrs. Robert Hess with 13 members present. They made pork and sauer kraut with dumplings, and spaghetti with meat sauce. A demonstration was given by Debbie Myers and Malist Grube on how to make Snick erdoodles. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Hess on Tuesday, July 6. At that time Doris Thomp son will tell members how to make yeast rolls. JOLLY STITCHERS CHOOSE QUEENS by Jeain Miller, reporter On June 28 the Jolly Stitch ers 4-H Club of Farmersville met at the home of Mrs. Clydeth Buch. Linda Dochter was chosen Junior Queen, and June Ann White, 'Senior Queen. Bbth girls will represent the Club on Thursday evening, July 8, at Penn Manor High School. iFrom June 21 to 24, June Ann White and Kaye Smith represented the Jolly Stitdh ers at the 4-H dub Congress at Penn State University. Their trip was discussed at the meeting. .Kaye Smith, the Club presi dent, appointed a fund rais ing committee consisting of Ruth Gockley, .Wanda Will wirth, and Mary Lou Sensenig. CONESTOGA VALLEY PICKS QUEENS by Nancy Kisser, reporter ■Doris D'aegen was chosen as candidate for senior 4-H Queen from the Conestoga Valley Sewing .Club at a re cent meeting. Mary Ellen Van Ormor was picked as alter nate Jumor Queen Candidate was Karen Ball A demonstration was given by Dons Daegen and Nancy Kisser on measurement for patterns, and a wo”k period followed the business meet ing. PEQUEA VALLEY CLUB by Carojl Ann Eby, reporter The third meeting of the Pequea 4-H Club was held on Monday, June 28, at the In tercourse Fire Hall. President Cynthia Bra'ckbill presided Jane Hoober gave a demon stration on how to sew on buttons. A work session fol lowed the business meeting. A change of activities for school children comes with summer. It might he a good idefa to rearrange a child’s room, giving as much floor space as possible for indoor play. Clear the study desk or table so he can use it for games or hobbies. Ph. 397-0035 Richard R. Forty Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of Poultry and Cage houses. Also equipped for oil spraying in Poultry houses. FARM WOMEN NO. 3 MEET The regular meeting of the Society of Farm Women, Group No. 3, was held at the home of Mrs. Abram Bollinger, 884 Pointvicw Avenue, Eph rata, on June 19. Mrs. Mary Jane Graybill and Mrs. Vera Smoker were intro duced and initiated into the Society. In the business session, a report of the June executive board meeting showed that $5 was given to the annual county migrant fund, and $4O to the county project the Lancas ter County Farm and Home Building Fund. An invitation was extend ed for the groups to tour the New Holland Machine Co. plant. The program committee PATZ Soles & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeder* Robert K. Rohrer QuarryviUe, R. D. 1 Hensel KI 8-2559 NEW e COMPACT) DESIGN- - HIGH POPULAR Nsglsis pull-type parallel bar • Mokes finest hoy | • Fluffy windrows FiIKC • Minimum leaf shattering fits dll * Cfean,,t rakfn ® • Convenient controls tractors * ° n,y 2 dal,y ,üb * p® |nf * Come in and see it Today Allen H. Matz, Inc. New Holland Denver for 1008 wu appointed with Mri. Harold Stuber as chair man. Alio the falr-cntingstand committee with Mrs. Irvin Burkholder as chairman. Reports of, the visit of 21 women to Group No. 15 at the Black Rock Retreat recently was given by Mrs. Rober.t Hol lingcr. The guest speaker for the afternoon wan Rev. Robert Davis, Pastor of Emanuel Lu theran Church at Brickerville. He discussed his recent trip to Finland and some of the other Scandinavian countries. Wedding pictures of recent brides were the highlight of the social hour. The next meeting will be the annual picnic to be held at Walters Park, Hopeland, on July is. • Farm Calendar (Continued from Page 1) sonic 'Home Farms, Eliza bethtown. 7 p.m Preliminary judg ing for 4-H Queen Contest 10 girls will be selected at that time; at Penn Manor High School. July 9 4-H Boots and Sad dles Club at Paul Sites farm, Manheun R 2. 1 p.m. 4-iH County dem onstrations day and public speaking contest at Penn Manor High 'School. SOS Your Cows Need Help Against FACE FLY HORN FLY HOUSE FLY STABLE FLY Come To Their Aid With FLY SPRAY AVAILABLE AT THESE DEALERS Organic Plant Food J. K. Stauffer & Son Lancaster Lawn F. M. Brown & Son P. L. Rohrer & Bro. Sinking Springs Smoketown Lone. Bone Fertilizer Co. Quarryville Miller Chemicol ond Fertilizer Corp. Box 25, Ephrata Ph. 733-6525 FREE! is ~ 1 J*Sm ' j [>~^l FREE—For letting your dealer figure your next farm roofing job, using cecoroll, the weather-sealed steel roofing and siding. No obligation. Offer ends October 30, 1965. CECOROLL IS THE COMPLETE WEATHERTIGHT COVER FOR YOUR BUILDING for roofing and siding MANUFACTURED BY THE CECO CORPORATION CECO MR. FARMER: Take this ad to your local lumber or building materials dealer. MR. DEALER: Check with us for your supply of rain gauges. GROCE DISTRIBUTORS, Selinsgrove, Pa. Electric Scissors Kit {Limit one kit per family) A Thor Electric Scissors Kit—S9.9s value—given FREE of extra cost with purchase of 20 or more rolls of ceoorou. for one specific building. Don’t wait.' See your dealer or write to Ceco. INC. Phone 374-8157 (717)