I Keep Records And v * £ u Actual Records Show PROFIT-POWER Of DeKalb Pullets Jonas Nissley knows the value of keeping accurate re cords also the value of keeping DEKALB Layers. 10,614 DEKALB 131 STARTED PULLETS 20 weeks elcf were housed on March 27, 1964. Theses DEKALB birds laid 238.1 eggs per pullet housed ort 3.00 pounds of feed per dozen eggs in 365 days. The birds had 1.2 square feet per bird on a port slat DeKalb York Hatchery YORK, PA. Soles & Service I*Srter B, Goed, Pfe. Area Cede 717-733-7K71 H*«r S. Gltek, Pi». Area Code 717-768-3962 \ A <*|v s~*lfr**'** A " ~r Jones L. Nissley, York Co., Pa., proudly displays his DeKalb Performance Record. These DEKALB Hatcheries are Ready to Serve You! You'll Keep DEKALB »V K DEKALB AGRICULTURAL ASSN., INC., DEKALB, ILLINOIS Commercial Producers & Distribuloxs of DeKalb Corn, Chix and Sorghum “DEKALB” is a Registered Brand Name. MeHtorn DeKalb Hatchery MT. JOY, PA. Soles & Service -Kenneth L. Koth, Ph. Are» Code 717-367-7194 > floor. Mortality was less than .7 of one percent per month. says: "The DeKalb pullet has demonstrated its ability to perform well under high density population] on our farm in York County, Pa." Yes IT PAYS TO KEEP DEKALB! t ** * W < 9f if >t • <| im , if 'I .* / v ** J % if i /« gm *» |i* ;| 11 * Jl f * i* I ir f f t I ' h I****- *** KKW I /I * ;