—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 26, 1965 18 • Jugging (Continued from rape 4) baker sells eggs. bacon, cot la ye cheese, candy, bakeiy foods, butter, ice cieam, and other food pioducls. His cus tomers aie regular, and he says he encounters only mild seasonal fluctuations. “The big pioblem" he told us. “is to ha\e enough milk at the light time, and yet not have too much ’’ He gets around this by pioducmg what he feels may be a shade moie than he will need, and then selling that which he can’t j etail to a suiplus outlet The Biubakeis ha\e thiee eluldien two boys and one gnl and the oldest boy just giaduated fiom Penn State. He is employed as a leseaich chemist In the future, Brubaker milk maiketing conditions plans to fuither mechanize ma y t> e something that moie his opeiation He wants to small dauymen should con acid jugg.ng equipment that S idei Now, to serve you better, we offer: A full line of and PURINA COME SEE OUR STORES We are anxious to show you our store I facilities and to tell you more about the products we offer. We want to know you. ; and we want you to know us. We want to tell you about valuable services we offer livestock and L. T. GEIB EST. will automatically fill jugs right from the holding tanks. The farm has a long his tory in the retail milk busi ness Brubaker’s dad stalled in 1905 by putting milk in glass bottles and delivering on a loute He sold out his letail business in 1922, but went back into it ten yeais latei That .business operated continuously until one yeai ago when the loute was sold to a milk fum and jugging took over completely. The faim contains about 65 acies in ciops corn, wheat, alfalfa, and bailey and 20 acies in pasture Biubaker has a man who operates the fai m and herd while he han dles the ictatl business This appeals to be a suc cessful. well-managed opeia tion and in light of piesent R. D. 2, MANHEIM Ph. 665-4137 MILTON BRUBAKER shown pourin l raw milk into his pasteurizing unit a; the first step in processing home-grown milk for his retail- “jugging” business a Spruce Villa Farm L. F. Phot< famous PURINA CHOWS HEALTH AIDS r poultry We look forward to the of serving you. We are research-proved, top quality products under the Checker*’ board label. Please pay us a visit.. * and Bske it SOON! West Willow Farmers Assn. WILLOW STREET, PA. Ph, 394-5019