backed up by over 32 nationwide direct factory branches offering immediate service ... when you need it! New! LOW PROFILE & CONSTRUCTION . . , makes Big Dutchman the easiest feeder on the market to service Simple, modern, long, low, efficient design combined with rugged, durable, heavy gauge single unit construction ... making possible tomorrow’s feeder TODAY 1 Ultra-modern exterior design includes protective housing for motor and drive unit. Available in a complete range of sizes from the single line, 500 foot feeding circuit to the large 2,000 foot circuit using four lines . . . there’s a model to fit any poultry house or feed any number of birds Additional features include hammerloid, baked enamel finish that shuts out rust and pro tects against poultry house conditions. Heavy duty drive unit assures long life and positive drive. ! □ New, Advanced Design Poultry Feeder ' I am interested in automatic feeding for □ Broilers □ Layers • □ Turkeys I 1 raise Number | □ Please have Local Representative contact me, Name Address City NEW ADVANCED DESIGN INSIDE & OUT FOR EXACTING FEED CONTROL LONG LASTING DURABILITY TOP RATE EFFICIENCY LOW COST ECONOMY TROUBLE FREE PERFORMANCE birds each year. State * NEW! REMIXING INTAKE WHEEL . . . Eliminates feed pile-up and waste at re-entry point of hopper. Uneaten feed re-enters hopper, is mixed with fresh feed, and re-cir culated to flock. NEW! ADJUSTABLE FEED LEVEL CONTROL... Adjusts to proportion out exact amount of feed desired to fit your feeding program. Big Dutchman high tensile steel, patented chain easily moves exact level of feed in anti-waste trough to all the birds. Note: Cushiomzed ride of Q Student K' 4