I —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24, 1965 6 "A Wffp v « v * HERE’S WHY; • ENERGY INTAKE MUST BE CON- STANT at .4 therms-per pound of milk for efficient production • RAPIDLY GROWING PASTURES are high in water content and may supply inadequate nutrients even though cows eat enough to be full. FOR ASSISTANCE IN 9 PROGRAMMING « PLANNING • MANAGEMENT Make an appointment with our Dairy Specialist, or call us direct at • HOT WEATHER cuts down nutrients from pasture because pasture quality deteriorates rapidly and cows won't graze in the hot sun. • "HARVESTING" PASTURE increases cow's needs for energy. Increase may be as much as 40% compared to bam feeding. Lancaster 392-2145 & BUSHONG !ohrerstown, Pa. T SERVICE ANYWHERE • ...Green Pastures Dairy Pellets r --aac*S"" |