Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 24, 1965, Image 13

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mn SfOt* To Offer . State UMyerslty is scheduled
• for August 17 to 19, 1965.
tree Snort Course — it _ ’ ,
This year the emphasis will
A# annual Horseman’s Short be upon feeding, breeding and
rtl ne of The Pennsylvania management of horses. Demon-
Valuable Farm Machinery,
livestock, Personal Property
At 10 A.M. Sharp
At R. D. #l, Wrightsville, Pa. (approx. 6 miles
tutth of Wrightsville), follow sale arrows off the Long
►vel Road. The undersigned having sold his farm will
lie sale the following:
Farmall tractor with cultivator and hoers, 1957
800 tractor with live power take-off and 3 point
•d 3-section lift type spring harrow, Ford 3-bottom
'ord tractor Model 601 Workmaster. The above 3
in A-l shape. New Idea manure spreader, Cardinal
, elevator with motor, 28 ft. Grove economy Con
lotor, Ford Saw Model 221, Ford Cultivators, Ford
cut rear mounted type Model 1459, Ford back end
scoop, Woods stalk cutter, disc, cultipacker, Mc
■bottom No. 209 trip bottom plow, irrigation system
No. 2 Carver pump, 400 ft. 3 inch irrigation pipe,
i irrigation pipe, 12 sprinklers, 12 risers, complete
ilings and 2-wheel trailer for hauling all in A-l
Chalmers 5 ft. cut Combine with clover seed at
ihn Deere 2-row corn planter with fertilizer attach-
At hook-up, Ontario 14 hoe disc drill, weeder, side
i, Myers tank-sprayer, 1-row tobacco planter, to
and shears, approx. 1500 tobacco lath, McDeering
taler,-Woods Bros. I-row Corn Picker, rubber tired
wheel wagon, Grove bin type wagon, spring har
t comb., potato digger pull type, roller. New Hoi
. usher Model 612, lot of chicken equip., dump rake,
;ker, range shelters, chicken coops, iron troughs, 500
. irrigation.pipe sprinkle type, tractor jack, Ford
;y, 20 ft. double belt, Iron Age 1-row potato plant
ader, 2 wheel trailer, Century weed sprayer, 10 x 28
tractor chains, hammermill, apple picking ladders,
apple crates, approx. 30 hot bed sash, approx. 1200
tea, pile of slate, log chain, furrow and shovel plows,
i she Her, lot of peach baskets, 4-hole hog feeder,
flame thrower, platform scales, 3 block and tackles,
\d corn sheller, approx. 12 to 14 ton ear corn, 3
chargers, several rolls elec; fence wire, barb wire,
liter, harness, grain fan, feed -chest, grain bags.
3 Hereford heifers with calves, 1 heifer due in July, these
le are 3 to 4 yrs. old. Stock cattle consisting of 7 Hereford
Fers and 5 Hereford steers weighing between 200 to 700
Bed, dresser, sm. desk, heatrola, meat grinder,
usage staffer, sm, tools, vise, computing scales, lot hose, table,
Id chairs, shovels, hoes, rakes, forks, antiques consisting of 2
7 sinks, kerosene lamp, player piano with approx. 60 rolls,
ayo light, highchair, No. 3 butter worker, dough tray, griddle,
ictrola, cupboard, butter churn, snitz drier, rope bed, sauer
irot cutter, cherry seeder, sideboard, sm. pump, cow bell,
aggy seat, copper kettle, butcher furnace and 3 iron kettles,
rd press, crocks, 2 stirrers, kettle ring, wooden tub, and many
ier articles too numerous to mention. Not responsible for
xldents on day of sale. Refreshments available. Personal Pro
wty and Antiques will be sold first. Terms: Cash
Inspection Saturday, May 1, 1 to 4 P.M.
ICOB A. GILBERT, Auctioneer
hone Red Lion 246-5056
ilbert and Frey, Clerks
itratlon will be given on selec
tion, worming, and loot care.
Outstanding horsemen, com
mercial representatives, and
educators from Penn State and
other universities, will instruct
in the program.
The fee for the course is
$l2 50 for Pennsylvanians and
$17.50 for non-Pennsylvania re
sidents. This includes the bar
Any individual 16 years of
age or older is eligible to en
roll for the course.
The complete program, with
information concerning instruc
tors, housing and food service,
and an application blank, will
be available after May 20. To
secure the program, write to
the Director of Short Courses,
Room 211 Armsby Building,
The Pennsylvania State Univer
sity, University Park, Pennsyl
vania 16802.
Modern Cows Produce
Milk More Efficiently
The modern dairy cow is
putting “bossy” of yesterday
out of business. What has
happened is that improved
practices in feeding and
breeding enable 77 present
day cows to produce as much
milk as 100 cows did a num
ber of years ago.
'So despite the sharp decline
in the number of dairy herds
in Pennsylvania since 1950-51,
milk production per cow hias
risen by 1,900 pounds. These
trends were reported recent
ly iby William T. Butz, pro
fessor of agricultural econom
ics at The Pennsylvania State
Dr. Butz said milk produc
tion in Pennsylvania has in*
creased nearly 26 percent
since 1950-51 despite the fact
that one-third of the dairy
farms operating then are no
longer in (business And the
numiber of herds in the state
is still declining. By January
of this year the numiber of
dairy herds Was estimated at
28,000 from a figure of 33,000
herds in 1962-63
Sharpest increases in milk
production have odcurred he
tween 1956-57 and 1962-63, an
average increase for the state
of 1,280 pounds. Dr Butz says
this Was twice as high as the
increase for other recent
Milk 'production has in
creased most rapidly in the
Central and South Central
Districts of the State includ
ed in the Philadelphia milk
shed (In these districts, milk
pioductior. was neaily 45 per
cent greatei in 1962-63 than
in 1950-51 The Pittsburgh
tnilk ; hed legistered the small
est increase in pioduction,
less than 12 peicent, in the
List 14 years
a tcticun/ you can a/fbrd,
Inside, outside, you’ll find the rich
quarried look of HOLLAND
STONE adds a touch of real ele
gance to your building designs.
one of the most economical build
ing materials today. Its unique
versatility in size and shape lends
a structural freedom to builders,
meeting new ideas, as well as cost
problem*. Comes in a wide choice
of naturally warm, distinctive
colors, plus Colonial white.
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 24, 1965—13
pabiw wmiPN hbab for April 24: decided to help
H^TANn° FYCHANCp AR at the Heart HaVen Bazaar 011
April 27; and planned to bake
muuuini cookies for the U.S.O. enter-
At its recent meeting at the tainment on May 8.
home of Mrs. John Edwards, H was announced that Lan-
Ephrata Rl, the Society of caster County Homemakers’
Farm Women, Group No. 3, Da y would be held May 5 at
heard Miss Thorbjorg Gud- th e Meadow Hills Dining Hall,
mundstotter describe the mode Husbands of Group 3 members
of living in her cold and rugg- will be cntei tamed at dinner
ed homeland. Fishing is the a J* d bowling at Blue Ball on
main industry in Iceland, the May 7 at 6 30 p.m.
exchange student told the A gift of $3OO was given to
group in her slide-illustrated a member who is hospitalized
talk. Miss Gudmundstotter is with a broken back It was also
the guest of Mayor and Mrs announced that Group 15 had
Donald Weaver of Denver. extended an invitation to en-
In the business session of the Retreat
£w tin f women planned to R meeting' was sche-
S Anil T Un i y duled fol ' May 15 at the home.
m of Mrs - Irvin Burkholder, Pine
duled a bus trip to Winterthur street> E p hl . ata
ms! Ban
It’s really 2 washers
in 1 1 Because exclu
sive G-E Mini-Wash
gives you a 2-Ib.
washer- within- a
washer, perfect for
small loads, with your
huge-load regular
washer. 3 wash tem
peratures. 2 rinse
temperatures Swash
cycles. 2 wash and
spin speeds. WABS4Y
I -.1
$209. m»«*»
350 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster
R. D. 3, Litifz, Pa.
Phone; Lane. 397-5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-776 f
wasf Ban
in the refrigerator or
i huge, 147-lb„ zero
% degree freezer' Exclu-
tive G-E “Mobile Cold"
creates uniform celd
ness throughout. 4
shelves, including slide
out. Ice compartment
for extra-fast freezing l
iff*? «
\ _
2 Speeds
No Cash Needtd on
GECC Plan!
Mtm Wosh
in its 2 lb
basket within
the big wash