Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 27, 1965, Image 5

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Below is the story you saw in Progressive Farmer
describing the revolutionary fertilizer. Super Q. i
Super Q Corn Starter is made exclusively by Miller ChernicaP& Fertilizer Corp.
In this advertisement, farm editor John Strohm"
can satisfy some of the farmersall the time—
but, still, that onefamer infve is mighty.hard to.please!
op farmers forced us to develop Super Q
**Lct’s face it: Most fertilizer companies had just not kept
up with the breakneck pace of today’s top farmer—the one
farmer in five. He was demanding something no one could
give him: a fertilizer made for him. His crop. His area. His
methods. His goals. He’s the fellow who forced us to de
velop Super Q.®”
Dr. Ray Starostka, a quiet man with a burning desire
to see farmers break through present yield barriers, was
tellingme the,fascinating story behind Super a
select group of manufacturers pooled their resources...
how they hired the best brains to develop a plant food so
superior it Is guaranteed to make top farmers more profit...
how it has outyielded all other fertilizers on corn, barley,
potatoes, cotton and tobacco.
Top farmers wanted, needed, and could afford the best
that_scientific .know-how could devise —of this, Ray was
convinced. And so be accepted what he calls a “dream
assignment” toJiead up a task force of scientists, techni
cians, and, engineers.
“We were told to forget cost-per-ton,” be said. “Instead,
concentrate on. value to the farmer. Nothing like that had
ever happened in the fertilizer business.”
Out of months of painstaking work—hundreds of tests,
extensive fieldwork in many communities—came Super Q,
a fertilizer that, made history last year. It gave thousands
of farmers significantly higher yields and larger profits—
this despite the drought!
The reasons for Super Q.’s success boil down to three
1. Super Q, uses the forms', of nutrients that are best for the plant.
Not what’s cheapest, fastest or easiest for the manufacturer.
2. Super Q, is custom-made. There’s a different formula for
each crop, each area. It’s sold only to the “one farmer in
five” who’s going after record yields.
3. Super Qis as up-to-date as jour calendar. Super Q, formulas
Dutchman Mills, Inc. J. K. Stauffer & Son John L. Zug & Son
i wt iR. D. 1, Stevc»s, -Pa. Lawn and Bellaire Richland, Pa.
change quickly, change automatically every time new re
search, new engineering or changing moisture conditions
dictate a revision.
Did you know that one 10-10-10 formulation can pro
duce 25 bushels more corn per acre than another 10-10-10?
It’s so! Same numbers, true enough—but the nutrients are
as different to the corn plant as hamburger and so>bean
cakes to you and me.
That’s why numbers on your fertilizer bag tell \ou only
half the story. You can see how many units of N, P and K
you’re buying, but not what form. Super Q, uses only the
best —fioryoyr specific conditions, (Example: Super Q, for corn
In Michigan is quite different from Super Q, for corn
in Ohio.)
I hear some bittersweet comments from manufacturers
that Super Q, is not easy to make. It frequently slows down
plant production. It is more exacting to -formulate. One
plant had to install $65,000 worth of new equipment.
So, Super Qdoes cost more per ton. But the higher priced
fertilizer can be the cheapest, and vice versa* I have just
compiled aT national study of farm records (1965—Ford
Profit Planner): Average managers with 85-bushel corn
yields had production costs of 83j£ per bushel and profits
of $2O an acre. Top managers with’l2o-bushel, yields, due
in part to $lO an acre more invested in fertilizer and lime,
had total production costs of only 70{5 a bushel aqd $37
an acre profit.
And no question that Super Q, is the very best of all.
When a top farmer buys Super Q,, he can
rest assured he is hiring the best brains of
the agronomist, the weatherman, the soils
expert, the chemist and the engineer. Best
by just one yardstick: profit.
Next Month, Report No. 3:
w «Don’t Reel Bad If They Turn You Down”